
Defines functions event_freqs

Documented in event_freqs

#' provide a concise table of events by host
#' @param af ArtifSet instance
#' @param simplify_columns logical(1) if FALSE, no simplification
#' @examples
#' af = make_demo_ArtifSet()
#' event_freqs(af, simplify_columns=FALSE)  # a package can generate events in multiple phases, so counts are not of 'packages'
#' @export
event_freqs = function(af, simplify_columns=TRUE) {
 ho = slot(af, "hostnames")
 hm = names(ho)
 names(hm) = ho
 hostmap = hm
 tt = tabulate_states(af)
 si = which(tt$state == "skipped")
 tt[si,]$state = paste(tt[si,]$phase, tt[si,]$state, sep=":")
 ttt =  table(tt$host, tt$state)
 ttt = ttt[names(hostmap),]   # in case of multiple related hosts like introducing palomino3
 if (!simplify_columns) return(ttt)
 simplify.tab = function (x, hostmap) 
    nr = nrow(x)
    dat = matrix(as.integer(x), nrow = nr)
    ans = data.frame(dat)
    colnames(ans) = colnames(x)
    rownames(ans) = hostmap[rownames(x)]
    ans = cbind(host=hostmap[rownames(x)], ans)
    rownames(ans) = NULL
# maybe use a TRY here?
 simplify.tab(ttt, hostmap=hostmap) |> dplyr::select(-c(OK, `buildbin:skipped`)) |>
    dplyr::mutate(skipchk=`checksrc:skipped`) |>
    dplyr::select(host, ERROR, WARNINGS, skipchk, TIMEOUT)
vjcitn/bbsBuildArtifacts documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:30 a.m.