#' simple function to display HTML map of MA
#' @importFrom leaflet leaflet addTiles setView
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) mass_map()
#' @export
mass_map = function() {
rr <- tags$div(
HTML('<h4>Made with YESCDS::mass_map()</h4>')
leaflet() |> addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") |>
setView(-71.78, 42.05, zoom = 8.5) |> addControl(rr, position = "topleft", className="map-title")
#' simple function to display HTML map of US
#' @param provider character(1) passed to `leaflet::addProviderTiles`, defaults to
#' `"CartoDB.Positron"`
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) mass_map()
#' @export
us_map = function(provider="CartoDB.Positron")
leaflet() |> addTiles() |>
addProviderTiles ( provider=provider ) |> setView(-93.9, 39.0, zoom = 4)
#' map cancer rates for selected sites to MA counties
#' @importFrom htmltools HTML
#' @param site character(1) defaults to "breast", can also take value "prostate"
#' @examples
#' mass_cancer_map()
#' @export
mass_cancer_map = function(site = "breast") {
data("us_county_geo", package="YESCDS")
rate.tab = MA_cancer_rate_table(site=site)
lj = dplyr::left_join(mutate(rate.tab, county=County), # mutate: obtain new variable name
dplyr::filter(us_county_geo, state=="MA"), by="county") # merge rates and geography
lj$lng = sapply(lj$geometry, "[", 1) # "geometry" is a special structure
lj$lat = sapply(lj$geometry, "[", 2) # need to peel apart latitude and longitude
lj$aarat = lj$Age.Adjusted.Rate # shorter name
content = paste(lj$Cancer.Type[1], lj$county, lj$aarat, sep="<br/>") # multiline labels take some work
content = lapply( content, htmltools::HTML )
mass_map() |>
leaflet::addLabelOnlyMarkers(lat=lj$lat, lng=lj$lng,
label = content, labelOptions=labelOptions(noHide=TRUE))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.