# invalidate cache when the tufte version changes
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, cache.extra = packageVersion('tufte'))
options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)


The YES for CURE program has a long history of engaging undergraduate and high school students in cancer research activities, mostly in wet-lab applications (@Michel2021).

In 2021, with support from Chan-Zuckerberg Essential Open Source Software^[Bioconductor: Sustaining a Worldwide Community of Genome Data Scientists, EOSS D&I], we began work on a series of presentations related to cancer data science. In the summer of 2022, 11 undergraduate students joined a five-session program.

This brochure addresses our approaches to


We used the poster in Figure 1 to attract the attention of students in the program. The concept map at the top is produced using, following suggestions originating in the Carpentries project.

Recruitment poster by Brittany Michel and Vincent Carey.

Curriculum authoring

We used R markdown to author chapters in four groups:

The chapters are lodged as vignettes in the R package YESCDS, currently managed at

A Makefile in inst/scripts of the package arranges the translation of R markdown to ipynb for Jupyter notebook-based exploration, using the AnVILPublish package of Martin Morgan (@Morgan2022).

The YESCDS package is also published as a Github pages site, using pkgdown. See Figure 2.

Pkgdown site for YESCDS, see

Deployment with Galaxy

Figure 3 shows the entry point to the system based on a Galaxy deployment in the NSF ACCESS Jetstream2 academic cloud. Each chapter can spawn an interactive tool in a private VM for each student.

Face page of

Forthcoming enhancements

Technical underpinnings

Helm charts and actions will be discussed during the showcase.


This work supported in part by NHGRI U24 HG004059 (Bioconductor) and U24 HG010263 (AnVIL), CZI EOSS D&I, and NSF ACCESS BIR190004.

vjcitn/YESCDS documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 1:18 p.m.