Man pages for vjcitn/CSHstats
discussions and exercises on classical statistics for CSHL 2022

accexMultiAssayExperiment instance for ACC
build_deckmake a deck of cards with 52 elements and unicode symbols for...
c50meaningless integers
c5000read depth for 5000 positions on pasilla chr4, from...
de_resultstopTable excerpt for SRP045638, see vGene
doubsimsimulated draws of top card from a shuffled deck of cards
doubsim2simulated draws of top card from a shuffled deck of cards
doubsim3simulated draws of top card from a shuffled deck of cards
egr1_exRNASeq2GeneNorm measures for EGR1 from TCGA ACC samples
facesget faces of a collection of cards
fos_exRNASeq2GeneNorm measures for FOS from TCGA ACC samples
full_housetest for full house
gtex_exc_chr20_b38data.frame with GTEx lung eQTL data and metadata, a selection...
is_flushtest for flush
modmodel matrix for SRP045638, see vGene
nonlindata data frame with y and x in a sigmoidal relationship (with...
one_pairtest for one pair
queryCHCAuse a snapshot of CuratedQueryAtlasR through duckdb
suitsget suits of a collection of cards
two_pairstest for two pairs
vGenevGene result for a recount dataset, SRP045638
yy1_exRNASeq2GeneNorm measures for YY1 from TCGA ACC samples
vjcitn/CSHstats documentation built on Jan. 9, 2025, 8:37 p.m.