The need to identify groups of similar observations arises in many contexts -- ultimately in the service of clarifying sources of variability, building power for statistical comparisons.
Hierarchical clustering of N multivariate observations is conducted by starting with N clusters and proceeding from M clusters to M-1 (M=N, ..., 2) clusters by merging the two members separated by the least of all pairwise distances.
We'll examine data distributed with a 2021 Genome Biology paper from the Gabor Marth lab.
28 tumors were sampled and sequenced in a rapid autopsy procedure. Copy number variation was assessed using FACETS.
The tissues from which tumors were taken are Br (Breast), Bo (Bone), Bn (Brain), Ln (Lung), Lv (Liver), Pa (Pancreas), Ly (Lymph nodes), Kd (Kidney)
The (vertical) ordering of tissues is chosen to exemplify certain similarities.
For example the block of blue on chr10 is seen for only three samples. This is an indication of a deletion.
This code is lightly modified from a script distributed at
suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(csamaDist) library(bioDist) library(cluster) }) data(cnv_log_R) data = cnv_log_R samples = c('Ln7','Ln9','Ln1','BrM','BrP', 'Ln11','Ly2','Ln3', 'Bo3','Ln10','Bo1','Ln8','Lv3','Ln5','Bo2','Bn2','Bn1','Bn3','Bn4','Ln2', 'Ly1','Ln6', 'Kd1','Ln4','Lv4','Lv2','Lv1','Pa1') rownames(data) = samples d = dist(data, method="euclidean") fit = hclust(d, method="average") # the following line changes the order of the samples to produce the Fig.S3B but doesn't change the phylogenetic relationship fit$order = c(1,4,2,5,3,13,10,20,16,11,12,15,9,17,19,14,18,21,22,7,6,8,25,27,26,28,23,24) plot(fit)
cd = cor.dist(cnv_log_R) # from bioDist ed = dist(cnv_log_R) plot(as.numeric(ed), as.numeric(cd), xlab="All pairwise Euclidean distances", ylab="All pairwise correlation distances")
For a given correlation distance value, there can be wide variation in euclidean distance, and vice versa.
Open question: What distance metric is most relevant for biological interpretation of CNV?
We'll have a look at the first 100Mb on chr1.
plot(cnv_log_R["Ly1",1:100],pch=19, main="chr1, first 100Mb", ylab="FACETS CNV log R", xlab="chr1") points(cnv_log_R["Ln1",1:100], col="red",pch=19) legend(60, -.5, pch=19, col=c("black", "red"), legend=c("Ly1", "Ln1")) #cor(cnv_log_R["Ly1", 1:100], cnv_log_R["Ln1", 1:100]) edist = function(x,y) sqrt(sum((x-y)^2)) edist(cnv_log_R["Ly1", 1:100], cnv_log_R["Ln1", 1:100]) plot(jitter(cnv_log_R["Ly1", 1:100]), cnv_log_R["Ln1", 1:100], xlab="Ly1", ylab="Ln1") abline(0,1)
fit2 = hclust(cd, method="ward.D2") plot(fit2) abline(h=.3, lty=2)
From ?silhouette with the cluster library:
For each observation i, the _silhouette width_ s(i) is defined as follows: Put a(i) = average dissimilarity between i and all other points of the cluster to which i belongs (if i is the _only_ observation in its cluster, s(i) := 0 without further calculations). For all _other_ clusters C, put d(i,C) = average dissimilarity of i to all observations of C. The smallest of these d(i,C) is b(i) := \min_C d(i,C), and can be seen as the dissimilarity between i and its "neighbor" cluster, i.e., the nearest one to which it does _not_ belong. Finally, s(i) := ( b(i) - a(i) ) / max( a(i), b(i) ). 'silhouette.default()' is now based on C code donated by Romain Francois (the R version being still available as 'cluster:::silhouette.default.R'). Observations with a large s(i) (almost 1) are very well clustered, a small s(i) (around 0) means that the observation lies between two clusters, and observations with a negative s(i) are probably placed in the wrong cluster.
ct1 = cutree(fit2, h=.3) c2 = cnv_log_R rownames(c2) = paste(rownames(c2), as.numeric(ct1)) sil = silhouette(ct1, cd) plot(sil)
1: install bioDist and vjcitn/csamaDist. Use the code:
library(csamaDist) data(cnv_log_R) hc1 = hclust(dist(cnv_log_R[1:8,])) hc2 = hclust(bioDist::cor.dist(cnv_log_R[1:8,]), method="ward.D2") opar = par(no.readonly=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4,3,1,1)) plot(hc1, main="Euc, complete") plot(hc2, main="1-Cor, Ward's D2") par(opar)
Comment on the qualitative differences between the clusterings.
2: Here is how to produce a report on silhouette measurement for the second clustering.
assn = cutree(hc2, h=.25) plot(silhouette( assn, bioDist::cor.dist(cnv_log_R[1:8,])))
Produce a three-cluster partition from hc1
and obtain
the silhouette display.
Add the following code to your website.
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