suppressMessages({ suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(CSHstats) library(survival) library(ggplot2) library(mvtnorm) # library(curatedTCGAData) }) })
to control the behavior of random number generationOur concept of probability is that of "long run relative frequency".
We'll work with several models of random events to make this more concrete.
We'll take for granted that sample(x, size=length(x), replace=FALSE)
in R
achieves a goal of "shuffling" elements of x
. Thus we assume that,
if x
is a vector in R, and
s1 = sample(x, size=length(x), replace=FALSE) s2 = sample(x, size=length(x), replace=FALSE)
then no aspect of the ordering of elements in
can be used to predict anything about the ordering of elements of s2
In other words, sample(x, size, replace=FALSE)
is taken as a primitive operation
that permutes the elements of x
in a "random" way.
set.seed(5432) # initialize, for reproducibility, the random number generator sample(1:5, replace=FALSE) # permute (1,2,3,4,5) sample(1:5, replace=FALSE) # a new, unpredictable, permutation
1: Why is the second permutation produced above termed "unpredictable"?
2: Predict the outcome of sample(1:5, replace=FALSE)
, run just
after the one shown above.
Our card deck is a vector with 52 elements. Unicode characters encode the "suits".
If you have not already installed CSHstats (or did so a long time ago) use
BiocManager::install("vjcitn/CSHstats") # install.packages("BiocManager") if necessary
to get access to the software needed to do the computations in this document.
library(CSHstats) d = build_deck() d unique(suits(d)) unique(faces(d)) table(suits(d), faces(d))
A fair deck has one card for each combination of "face" and "suit".
3: Write the code that produces a new deck that is fair except that it has two copies of the ten of hearts. Verify that your new deck has this property.
A reproducible shuffling event can be programmed as follows:
set.seed(1234) # any numeric seed will do but you need to record it shuffle_deck = function(d) sample(d, size=length(d), replace=FALSE) head(d) # top 6 cards head(shuffle_deck(d))
set.seed(4141) top_draw = function(d) shuffle_deck(d)[1] top_draw(d) top_draw(d)
4: What is the top card in the next shuffle?
5: Write code to get the third card.
6: What is the probability that the top draw of a shuffled fair deck is a heart?
Here's a simple way of estimating the probability that the top draw of a shuffled fair deck is a heart, construed as long run frequency.
We'll simulate 100 shuffles and save the results of testing the suit of the top card.
heart_sign = function() "\U2661" # unicode U2661, prepend backslash heart_sign() res = rep(NA, 100) for (i in 1:100) { res[i] = (suits(top_draw(d)) == heart_sign()) # TRUE if top card is a heart } head(res) ### relative frequency of the event "suit of top card is 'heart'" sum(res)/length(res)
A more concise approach with R is:
mean(replicate( 100, suits(top_draw(d)) == heart_sign()) )
7: How do we interpret the difference between the two probability estimates given here?
Let's intensify our investigation with an aim of understanding the uncertainty of estimation.
We'll define a variable that gives the size of our "experiment": we are shuffling
100 times and we'll refer to this as the sample size, SSIZE
SSIZE = 100
We will study the estimation procedure by replicating the experiment N_REPLICATION
set.seed(10101) # initialize, for reproducibility, the random number generator doubsim = replicate(N_REPLICATION, mean(replicate( SSIZE, suits(top_draw(d)) == heart_sign()) ) )
hist(doubsim, xlim=c(0,1))
8: How can we make the estimate of the probability of the event "suit of top card is 'heart'" more precise?
Answer: increase SSIZE
SSIZE = 500 set.seed(101012) doubsim2 = replicate(N_REPLICATION, mean(replicate( SSIZE, suits(top_draw(d)) == heart_sign()) ) )
hist(doubsim2, xlim=c(0,1))
With an increased "sample size", we have reduced variation in our experiment-to-experiment estimates of the probability of heart as suit of top card.
Intuitively, the probability of drawing a heart from a well-shuffled fair deck is 1/4. If we repeat the shuffling and drawing one hundred times, we expect around 25 draws to reveal a heart.
Formal probability models enable us to reason systematically about what we mean by around in our description of our expectation. With these models we can also create accurate predictions of likely outcomes in more complex events.
It is useful to define the sample space for a probability model, which is the set of all possible outcomes of the random process being modeled. For our top-card-drawn example, the sample space is the set of suits, because we disregard the face value. For the fair deck, each point in the sample space has probability $1/4$. Events of interest are "top card is a heart" and "top card is not a heart". The probabilities of these events are derivable from the probabilities of the constituent outcomes.
A series of independent dichotomous events (true or false, zero or one, heart or non-heart) can be modeled using a probability mass function for the binomial distribution. There are two parameters, $p$ and $n$, where $p$ is the (unobservable) probability of the event (say "suit of top card is 'heart'") and $n$ is the number of independent trials in which the random dichotomy is observed. In $n$ "trials", if the event has probability $p$, the probability of seeing the event $x$ times is $$ Pr(X = x; n, p) = {\binom{n}{x}} p^x(1-p)^{n-x} $$ where have written $X$ to denote the random quantity and $x$ to denote its realization.
So for a single draw, with $X$ the count of hearts seen in the draw, we have $$ Pr(X=0; 1, 1/4) = 1-1/4 = 3/4 $$ $$ Pr(X=1; 1, 1/4) = 1/4 $$
9: Modify the production of doubsim2
so that the $x$-axis for the
histogram has units "number of times the top card is a heart".
set.seed(43212) doubsim3 = replicate(N_REPLICATION, sum(replicate( SSIZE, suits(top_draw(d)) == heart_sign()) ) )
hist(doubsim3, xlim=c(.15*500,.35*500), xlab="count of draws with heart as suit of top card")
The formula given above tells us how frequently we will observe a given count. The
R function dbinom
can compute the probability, which we multiply by the number
of realizations to get the height of the histogram.
hist(doubsim3, xlim=c(.15*500,.35*500), xlab="count of draws with heart as suit of top card", ylim=c(0,115)) points(80:160, 2500*dbinom(80:160, 500, 13/52), pch=19, cex=.5) legend(78, 110, pch=19, legend="scaled dbinom(x, 500, .25)", bty="n", cex=.85)
Notice that the histogram, by virtue of its binning of the counts, does not seem to reflect the shape of the theoretical frequency function given by the dots. This can be remedied by increasing the number of replicates used.
There is considerable research regarding the design of histogram displays.
See ?nclass.Sturges
for references. One unpleasant feature of the
display for doubsim2 is that it seems to imply an asymmetric distribution.
Another is the way it "cuts off" at the extremes.
10: Write a couple of sentences carefully distinguishing the displays of doubsim2 and doubsim3 above. Explain the choice of the heuristic name "doubsim".
Recall the layout of the fair deck:
table(suits(d), faces(d))
We will make a copy of one card and remove one:
bd = d bd[18] = bd[3] table(suits(bd), faces(bd))
11: What is the probability that the top card drawn after
a shuffle of bd
is a heart?
12: What is the probability that the top card drawn after
a shuffle of bd
is a club?
Thus far we have focused on the dichotomy: top draw is heart or not. We can consider all the possible suits as a 4-valued response.
Let's simulate the process of drawing the top card after shuffling, and tabulate the suits observed.
set.seed(4321) table( tops <- replicate(500, suits(top_draw(bd))) )
13: What would you expect for the counts for suits in the table above if the deck were fair?
We adopted the binomial model for the number of top draws with suit "heart" in a fixed number of shuffles:
$$ Pr(X = x; n, p) = {\binom{n}{x}} p^x(1-p)^{n-x} $$
With the fair deck, we have $p= 1/4$. A generalization to a vector of responses is the multinomial model. We can use this for the (ordered) vector of counts of top draws yielding different suits. For this problem we have parameters $N$ (number of trials), $k$ (number of categories), and $p_1, \ldots, p_k$, the category-specific probabilities. The realizations are denoted $x_1, \ldots, x_k$ and we have $\sum_i x_i = N$.
Now the probability model is defined in terms of random vectors and vectors of probabilities:
$$ Pr(X_1 = x_1, \ldots, X_k = x_k) = \frac{n!}{x_1! \cdots x_k!} p_1^{x_1} \cdots p_k^{x_k} $$
This provides a more elegant way of producing frequency distributions
of the suit of the top draw. Here we introduce pseudorandom number
generation from the multinomial model, using rmultinom
NREP = 10000 SSIZE = 500 mnmat = rmultinom(NREP, SSIZE, rep(.25,4)) rownames(mnmat) = c("\U2661", "\U2662", "\U2663", "\U2664") mnmat[,1] # one draw apply(mnmat,1,mean)
Notice that we did not use the deck d
in producing this matrix
of counts. Previously we applied sample()
to the 52-vector of
cards. Now we use the model to develop the data
of interest.
14: Modify the call to rmultinom
to obtain distributions of
top card suits for the biased deck bd
Hint: Change the part of the call involving rep()
Outcomes taking the form of integer counts arise in many appications. As an example, a quarry floor is divided into squares about one meter on the side. 30 squares were searched for a fossil and the number of specimens per square is recorded. No square had 5 or more specimens. (Example from Probability Models and Applications, I. Olkin, L. Gleser, C. Derman, ch 6.3.)
The table below includes nspec
, the number of specimens in
a square, freq
, the number of squares having the corresponding
number of specimens, and pred
, a predicted number of specimens
based on the Poisson model with mean parameter 0.73 specimens
per square.
foss = data.frame(nspec=0:4, freq=c(16,9,3,1,1), pred=round(30*dpois(0:4, 0.73), 2)) foss
To derive the quantities pred
, we used dpois
for the counts per square,
with mean parameter set at 0.73. To derive this, we use
sum(foss$nspec * foss$freq)/30
to obtain the average number of fossils per square. The Poisson model with mean $\lambda$ is $$ Pr(X = k; \lambda) = \frac{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^k}{k!} $$
15: Use the formula above to explain the prediction of 14.46 squares with zero fossils.
The binomial and multinomial models discussed above have finite discrete sample spaces. The sample space for the Poisson model is the set of non-negative integers. The mass function arises from the fact that $e^\lambda = \sum \lambda^k/k!$, the sum taken over all non-negative integers.
The mass function is $$ p(x; \theta, \mu) = \frac{\Gamma(\theta + x)}{\Gamma(\theta)y!} \frac{\mu^y \theta^\theta}{(\mu + \theta)^{\theta + y}} $$
This will be useful for later material.
The sample mean for the vector $x = (x_1, \ldots, x_n)$ is defined as $\bar{x} = n^{-1}\sum_i x_i$. The (unbiased estimator of the) sample variance is $(n-1)^{-1}\sum_i (x_i - \bar{x})^2$.
We will sometimes refer to mean and variance in the context of probability models rather than samples. The mean for a continuous distribution is defined as
For a discrete distribution with probability mass function $p$ the mean is
$$ E(x) = \sum x p(x), $$ The sum here is taken over the sample space for the associated model.
Writing $\mu$ for the mean value of the distribution under study, the variance of a discrete distribution is $$ V(x) = \sum (x-\mu)^2 p(x) dx. $$
The models we've considered thus far are for discrete responses -- the sample space is either finite or countably infinite.
For continuous responses, the sample space is uncountably infinite. The sample space may be an interval of the real line, or the whole real line. We will discuss how to define probabilities for subsets of the sample space.
For concreteness, we will use RNA-seq data derived
from The Cancer Genome Atlas. We'll focus on r {data(yy1_ex); length(yy1_ex)}
values of normalized RSEM-based estimates of
expression of YY1 in adrenocortical carcinoma.
accex = curatedTCGAData("ACC", "RNASeq2GeneNorm",version="2.0.1",
accex accrna = experiments(accex)[[1]] yy1_ex = assay(accrna["YY1",]) class(yy1_ex)
data(yy1_ex) head(yy1_ex)
We will refer to this as a vector of "real valued" outcomes.
We'll use capital letters to denote random variables. The formal definition of "random variable" is given in textbooks; we will use the term informally to refer to quantities we regard as random.
The function $F(x) = \mbox{Pr}(X < x)$ is called the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the random variable $X$. For the YY1 measures, we can produce a visualization of the associated CDF:
plot(ecdf(yy1_ex)) abline(h=.8, lty=2) arrows(1583, .8, 1583, 0, lty=2)
The quantiles of a distribution are given by the inverse of the CDF. The quantile function takes a number $p$ between 0 and 1 and returns the number $F^{-1}(p)$.
The graph above shows that the 0.80 quantile of the distribution of our YY1 vector is about 1584.
16: Show that the proportion of YY1 observations exceeding 1584 is approximately 20%.
The histogram is a tunable display of the relative frequencies of values in a vector.
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(4,3,1,1)) hist(yy1_ex, xlim=c(400, 2600)) hist(yy1_ex, breaks=20, xlim=c(400, 2600))
The probability density function for a continuous random variable $X$ satisfies
$$ \int_a^b f(x) dx = \mbox{Pr}(a < X < b) $$
We can estimate the density function for a sample in various ways. Here is a simple illustration:
plot(dd <- density(yy1_ex))
It is of some interest to use approxfun
and numerical
integration with the density estimate given above,
to estimate the probability that YY1
expression lies in a given interval.
dfun = approxfun(dd$x, dd$y) integrate(dfun, 1000, 1500) # density-based mean(yy1_ex >=1000 & yy1_ex <= 1500) # empirical
Is this acceptable? Could changing the bandwidth for the density estimator produce better results? Is there a potential overfitting problem?
We'll use simulation to illustrate the shapes of
various distributions. R makes this very simple with
a family of functions whose names begin with r
The density function is $f(x) = 1$ if $x \in [0,1]$ and 0 otherwise.
hist(runif(10000, 0, 1), prob=TRUE)
17: Use code like that above to obtain the value of the density of a random variable with uniform density on the interval [0, 2].
The Gaussian distribution is also called "normal". Its shape and position on the real line are determined by its mean and variance. Symbolically, the model is often written $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$, and the density function is $f(x) = 1/\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2} \exp{(x-\mu)^2/2 \sigma^2}$.
hist(rnorm(10000, 0, 1), prob=TRUE) lines(seq(-4,4,len=100), dnorm(seq(-4,4,len=100)))
The exponential model (not to be confused with exponential family models) is defined for random variables with positive values. An example is survival times. We'll use a dataset from the survival package to illustrate.
library(survival) # use myeloma records from Mayo clinic, remove censored times md = myeloma$futime[myeloma$death==1 & myeloma$entry == 0] hist(md, breaks=20, prob=TRUE, ylim=c(0,.001)) mean(md) ss = seq(0,8000,.1) lines(ss, dexp(ss, rate=1/mean(md)))
The density function for the exponential model is $f(x) = \lambda e ^ {-\lambda x}$. In this formulation, $\lambda$ is referred to as the rate parameter. The mean of the distribution is then $1/\lambda$.
18: How close is the median of the exponential model with rate 1/1045 to the sample median of the myeloma survival times? How does this relate to the interpretation of the plot above?
For continuous distributions, the mean value is $$ E(x) = \int x f(x) dx. $$ Writing $\mu$ for the mean value of the distribution under study, the variance of a continuous distribution is $$ V(x) = \int (x-\mu)^2 f(x) dx. $$
We've seen that the use of univariate probability models has many facets. The concept of joint distribution of multiple random quantities is central to reasoning about interactions among components of complicated processes.
In the following example, we have obtained normalized expression measures for EGR1 and FOS in adrenocortical carcinoma tumors studied in TCGA. We'll use built-in bivariate density estimation to show the relationship between expression of these two transcription factors in ACC.
data(fos_ex) data(egr1_ex) bivdf = data.frame(fos_ex, egr1_ex) library(ggplot2) ggplot(bivdf, aes(x=log(fos_ex), y=log(egr1_ex))) + geom_point() + geom_density_2d()
We'll focus on the case of continuous bivariate response denoted $(X,Y)$. The joint cumulative distribution function (cdf) is $$ F(x,y) = Pr(X < x, Y < y) $$ So, for log FOS and log EGR1, we can evaluate $F(7,7)$ as follows:
mean(log(fos_ex)<7 & log(egr1_ex)<7)
We will call this the empirical estimate of $F(7,7)$.
The covariance between two random variables is $Cov(X,Y) = EXY - (EX)(EY)$; the covariance matrix is symmetric, has the variances on the diagonal, and the covariance off the diagonal.
var(log(fos_ex)) # univariate covmat = var(cbind(log(fos_ex), log(egr1_ex))) # matrix covmat
Given estimates of the bivariate mean and covariance, we can use the multivariate normal cumulative density function to produce contours of the distribution that will have elliptical shapes, as opposed to the wiggly contours we saw above.
bmean = c(mean(log(fos_ex)), mean(log(egr1_ex))) library(mvtnorm) xgrid = seq(3,10,.05) ygrid = seq(3,10,.05) ngrid = length(xgrid) nd = matrix(NA, ngrid, ngrid) for (i in 1:ngrid) { # inefficient! for (j in 1:ngrid) { nd[i,j] = dmvnorm(c(xgrid[i],ygrid[j]), bmean, covmat) } } contour(xgrid, ygrid, nd, ylab="log EGR1", xlab="log FOS") points(log(fos_ex), log(egr1_ex), col="gray", pch=19)
The estimate of $F(7,7)$ using this model is
pmvnorm(upper=c(7,7), mean=bmean, sigma=covmat)
We'll call this the model-based estimate of $F(7,7)$.
19: Obtain empirical and model-based estimates of $F(6,5)$ for (log FOS, log EGR1).
The "tilted contour ellipses" shown just above indicate that knowledge of the value of log FOS tells us about variation in values of log EGR1. If log FOS is 6, the value of log EGR1 is much more likely to be around 6 than it is to be around 9. We use the concept of conditional distribution to address this concept, and denote this conditional distribution function $F(x|y)$, with the vertical bar denoting conditioning. Specifically, $F(x|Y=y)$ = Pr($X<x$) given that $Y = y$.
Probabilistic independence of two random quantities can be formulated as the condition that $F(x|y) = F(x)$: knowledge of the value of $Y$ provides no information on the distribution of $X$.
The correlation coefficient for two random quantities is the ratio of their covariance to the square root of the product of their variances.
20: Use the elements of covmat computed above to produce an estimate of the correlation between log FOS and log EGR1, and compare to cor() in R for (log FOS, log EGR1).
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