library = function(...) { # QUIET DOWN MESSAGES ON PACKAGE LOADING libstats = function(inisess, newsess) { inibase = inisess$basePkgs # unchanging? inioth = names(inisess$otherPkgs) newbase = newsess$basePkgs newoth = names(newsess$otherPkgs) iniatt = length(unique(c(inibase,inioth))) newatt = length(unique(c(newbase,newoth))) addatt = newatt-iniatt inilo = names(inisess$loadedOnly) newlo = names(newsess$loadedOnly) addlo = length(setdiff(newlo, inilo)) c(addatt=addatt, addlo=addlo) } inisess = sessionInfo() suppressPackageStartupMessages({ libdata = base::library(...) newsess = sessionInfo() lstats = libstats(inisess=inisess, newsess=newsess) message(sprintf("%d/%d packages newly attached/loaded, see sessionInfo() for details.", lstats["addatt"], lstats["addlo"])) invisible(NULL) }) } # END OF LIB REWRITE library(BiocRnaHap) library(DT) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(geuvPack)
This package is devoted to systematically organizing results from applications of phaser (@Castel2016) to RNA-seq runs.
This table illustrates basic output of phaser. We get a small number of records with proposed haplotypes composed of 2-5 SNPs.
# library(BiocRnaHap) # library(DT) # library(geuvPack) # library(dplyr) # library(ggplot2) subto4 = subset(NA06986_rnahaps, variants >=2 & variants <= 5) subto4 = subto4[order(subto4$reads_total, decreasing=TRUE),] datatable(subto4[1:100,])
We sorted the table rows by 'reads_total' after limiting for rows with 3-4 variants. Note that this vignette reports just a slice of the table so restricted.
We will obtain a view of 1000 genomes SNP calls and examine
distributions of identified 'compound heterozygotes'.
We picked a group of three SNP that have 373 total reads.
will use the Ensembl REST API to get SNP
locations on GRCh38, and by default will lift over to
myv = c("rs2227312", "rs2227313", "rs4870") lk1 = look1kg(myv) class(lk1) glk = geno(lk1) glk[,1:6]
Of interest is the collection of 3-SNP configurations.
table(glk$GT[1,], glk$GT[2,], glk$GT[3,])
geneToCheck = "RCAN3" # 'close' to SNPs glkg = glk$GT if (!exists("geuFPKM")) data(geuFPKM) mm = geuFPKM[, intersect(colnames(glkg), colnames(geuFPKM))] mm elem = apply(glkg,2,paste, collapse=":") gind = grep("RCAN3", rowData(geuFPKM)$gene_name) quant = as.numeric(log(assay(mm[gind,])+1)) newdf = data.frame(quant=quant, hap=elem[colnames(mm)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE) squant = split(quant, elem[colnames(mm)]) mor = sapply(squant, median) hc = newdf %>% select(hap) %>% group_by(hap) %>% summarise(n=n()) okh = hc[hc$n > 2, 1] newdf = newdf[newdf$hap %in% okh$hap,] gg = ggplot(newdf, aes(x=factor(hap), y=quant, colour=factor(hap))) + geom_boxplot() + geom_point() + ggtitle("RCAN expression") + xlab(paste0(myv, collapse=", ")) gg
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