knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)
Many times a context specific network is needed to explain the experimental data. One can start with a known literature based network interactions or regulons obtained from other data or methods. A regulon is typically a TF and its targets possibly with a weight metric. Such regulons may obtained from activity calculation methods like SCENIC etc. or from other datasets like ChIP seq or ATAC seq.
# Laoding data from a known database. # network <- readRDS("database.rds") # Here network is Source,Target two column dataframe. # If the network is in form of a list listNetwork <- readRDS("database.rds") # like hDB_v2 network <- data.frame(Source = rep(names(lapply(listNetwork, function(x)names(x))), times = unlist(lapply(listNetwork, function(x)length(x)))), Target = unlist(hDB_v2)) # From SCENIC results # regs <- read_json("regulon.json", simplify = T) # network <- data.frame(Source = character(), Target = character()) # for(src in seq_along(regs)){ # targets <- unlist(regs[src]) # networkTmp <- data.frame(Source = rep(names(regs)[src],length(targets)), Target = targets) # network <- rbind(network, networkTmp) # }
# Core transcription factors around which to built the network. Only the # TFs which are regulator or target of these coreTfs in the database # will be included in the network. coreTf <- readRDS(("coreTf.rds")) network <- network[union(which(network$Source %in% coreTf), which(network$Source %in% coreTf)),]
expData <- readRDS("expData.rds") networkGenes <- union(network$Source,network$Target) expData <- t(expData[networkGenes,]) actCor <- cor(expData, method = "s") type <- integer(length = length(network$Source)) for(int in seq_along(network$Source)){ type[int] <- actCor[as.character(network$Source[int]), as.character(network$Target[int])] } # Correlation network$Cor <- type # Assign interaction sign based on correlation type[type>0] <- 1 type[type<=0] <- 2 network$Type <- type
Function to calculate mutual information.
library(infotheo) #' @param data expression matrix. Genes in rows and samples/cells in columns #' @param nbins number of bins #' @value A mutual information matrix calculateMI <- function(data = actMat, nbins=16){ data <- t(data) nGenes <- dim(data)[2] miMat <- matrix(0,nrow = nGenes,ncol = nGenes) geneNames <- colnames(data) rownames(miMat) <- geneNames colnames(miMat) <- geneNames data <- infotheo::discretize(data) #i=1 for(i in 1:(nGenes-1)) { for(j in (i+1):(nGenes)) { gene1 <- geneNames[i] gene2 <- geneNames[j] miMat[gene1, gene2] <- infotheo::mutinformation(data[,gene1], data[,gene2], method = "mm") miMat[gene2, gene1] <- miMat[gene1, gene2] } } return(miMat) }
Add mutual information to the network. This method is efficient for dense networks. If the network is sparse, one should calcualte MI for individual interactions instead of all pairs.
actMi <- calculateMI(data = expData, nbins=8) mi <- integer(length = length(network$Source)) for(int in seq_along(network$Source)){ mi[int] <- actMi[as.character(network$Source[int]), as.character(network$Target[int])] } network$Mi <- mi
# function to remove two nodes connected to each other only removeNodePairs <- function(tmpNetwork){ srcGenes <- unique(tmpNetwork$Source) for(i in seq_along(srcGenes)){ src <- tmpNetwork$Source[which(tmpNetwork$Source == srcGenes[i])] tgtGenes <- tmpNetwork$Target[which(tmpNetwork$Target == srcGenes[i])] if((length(tgtGenes)==1) & (length(src)==1) ){ if((tgtGenes==src)){ print(tgtGenes) tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[-(which(tmpNetwork$Source == tgtGenes)),] tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[-(which(tmpNetwork$Target == tgtGenes)),] } } } return(tmpNetwork) }
library(sRACIPE) library(stringr) library(roxygen2) #' @param tmpNetwork A network containing the TF, target and the metric. #' The metric can be mutual information. It should also have a metric to #' identify the sign of the interaction, for example, correlation. #' In this case the network can have same interaction with different #' mutual information and/or sign metric as the interaction can come from #' different sources. #' @param coreTf List of factors whose nearest neighbors are to be included in #' the network. Use all tfs as coreTfs if no core tf is to be used. #' @param posMi Cutoff for positive mutual information #' @param negMi Cutoff for negative mutual information #' @param name generic name for dataset #' @param simulate whether to simulate the networks using sRACIPE #' @param allowAllSameSign wether to simulate networks with interactions of #' one type only #' @param minCoreTFs minimum number of coreTFs that should be in the network #' for it to be included in simulations #' @param minPosInt minimum number of excitatory interactions that should be in the network #' for it to be included in simulations. #' @param minNegInt minimum number of inhibitory interactions that should be in the network #' for it to be included in simulations. #' #' createNetworkMiValue <- function(tmpNetwork=network,coreTf = NULL, name = "A549", simulate = TRUE, allowAllSameSign = TRUE, minCoreTFs = 0, minPosInt=2,minNegInt=1, addIntPos = 10, addIntNeg = 10){ networkList <- list() networkNames <- c() if(is.null(coreTf)) coreTf <- union(tmpNetwork$Source,tmpNetwork$Target) tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[union(which(tmpNetwork$Source %in% coreTf), which(tmpNetwork$Source %in% coreTf)),] posInt <- minPosInt tmpNetworkPos <- tmpNetwork[order(tmpNetwork$Mi, decreasing = TRUE),] tmpNetworkPos <- tmpNetworkPos[tmpNetworkPos$Cor>=0,] tmpNetworkNeg <- tmpNetwork[order(tmpNetwork$Mi, decreasing = TRUE),] tmpNetworkNeg <- tmpNetworkNeg[tmpNetworkNeg$Cor < 0,] tmpNetwork2 <- tmpNetwork while(posInt<length(tmpNetworkPos$Mi)){ posMi <- tmpNetworkPos$Mi[posInt] # print(posMi) negInt <- minNegInt while(negInt<length(tmpNetworkNeg$Mi)){ validNetwork <- TRUE negMi <- tmpNetworkNeg$Mi[negInt] # print(negMi) tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork2 # sort the network based on mutual information tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[order(tmpNetwork$Mi, decreasing = TRUE),] # remove any duplicate interactions tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[!duplicated(tmpNetwork[c("Source","Target","Type")]),] # Select the positive network posNetwork <- tmpNetwork[tmpNetwork$Cor >0,] posNetwork <- posNetwork[which(posNetwork$Mi >= posMi),] # print(dim(posNetwork)) # Select the negative network negNetwork <- tmpNetwork[tmpNetwork$Cor < 0,] negNetwork <- negNetwork[which(negNetwork$Mi >= negMi),] # print(dim(negNetwork)) # Exit if there are either no positive or negative interaction. # Can be removed if all positive or all negative networks are ok if(!allowAllSameSign){ if(dim(posNetwork)[1] == 0 | dim(negNetwork)[1] == 0) return() } # Combine the network tmpNetwork <- rbind(posNetwork,negNetwork) # print("check if there are any duplicate interactions with same or conflicting sign") # print(sum(duplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target")]))) # print(" check if there are any duplicate interactions with same sign") # print(sum(duplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target","Type")]))) # Remove duplicate interactions tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[!duplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target","Type")]),] # print("Check if any conflicting interaction is there") # print(tmpNetwork[duplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target")]),]) # print(tmpNetwork[duplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target")], fromLast = TRUE),]) # Remove conflicting interactions delRows <- anyDuplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target")]) delRows <- c(delRows, anyDuplicated(tmpNetwork[,c("Source","Target")], fromLast = TRUE)) delRows <- delRows[delRows>0] if(length(delRows>0)){ tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[-delRows,]} # Remove signaling interactions # Uncomment for iterative removal # interactionRemoved = length(tmpNetwork$Source) # while(interactionRemoved>0) { tmpVar = length(tmpNetwork$Source) tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[(which(tmpNetwork$Source %in% tmpNetwork$Target )),] # print(dim(tmpNetwork)) # if targets only nodes are also to be removed. # tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[which(tmpNetwork$Target %in% tmpNetwork$Source),] # interactionRemoved = tmpVar - length(tmpNetwork$Source) } tmpNetwork <- tmpNetwork[!duplicated(tmpNetwork),] # print(dim(tmpNetwork)) # tmpNetwork <- removeNodePairs(tmpNetwork) # print("Number of interactions") # print(length(tmpNetwork$Source)) networkTfs <- union(tmpNetwork$Source,tmpNetwork$Target) # print("Core Tfs included in the network") # print(networkTfs[which(networkTfs %in% coreTfGenes)]) if(length(networkTfs) < minCoreTFs) validNetwork = FALSE # print(dim(tmpNetwork)) if(length(which(tmpNetwork$Type ==2)) <minNegInt) validNetwork = FALSE if(length(which(tmpNetwork$Type ==1)) <minPosInt) validNetwork = FALSE require(igraph) circuit <- tmpNetwork[,c("Source", "Target", "Type")] g <- graph_from_data_frame(circuit, directed = TRUE, vertices = NULL) if(!igraph::is_connected(g)) validNetwork = FALSE print(validNetwork) if(validNetwork){ netName <- paste0(name,"_",posMi,"_",negMi) print(netName) # print(circuit) networkList[[netName]] <- circuit } validNetwork = TRUE negInt <- negInt+addIntNeg # print("negInt") # print(negInt) } posInt <- posInt+addIntPos # print(posInt) } return(networkList) }
# Example # Create a demo tmpNetwok tmpNetwork <- data.frame(Source = sample(LETTERS, 100, replace = TRUE), Target = sample(LETTERS, 100, replace = TRUE), Mi = runif(100), Cor = runif(100,-1,1)) tmpNetwork$Type <- 1 tmpNetwork$Type[tmpNetwork$Cor <0] <- 2 networkList <- createNetworkMiValue(tmpNetwork = tmpNetwork, name="net") simulatedNetwork <- networkList simulatedNetwork <- lapply(tmp, function(x) { require(sRACIPE) return(sracipeSimulate(circuit = tmpNetwork[,c("Source", "Target", "Type")], plotToFile = TRUE, numModels = 20, plots = FALSE, stepper = "RK4", integrateStepSize = 0.05)) }) saveRDS(simulatedNetwork, "simulatedNetworks.RDS")
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