The following is an example of using the Vitessce widget to visualize a reference and mapped query dataset, with mapping performed by Seurat v4 and scripts from Azimuth.
First, install the R dependencies:
install.packages("Seurat") install.packages("devtools") install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("glmGamPoi") devtools::install_github("satijalab/azimuth") devtools::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk")
Download the dataset and map the query to the reference:
library(vitessceR) library(Seurat) library(Azimuth) source("") library(Matrix) # Download query dataset url <- "" data_dir <- file.path("data", "azimuth") h5_file <- file.path(data_dir, "pbmc_10k_v3_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5") dir.create(data_dir, showWarnings = FALSE) if(!file.exists(h5_file)) { download.file(url, destfile = h5_file) } # Download the reference # Change the file path based on where the reference is located on your system. reference <- LoadReference(path = "", seconds = 30L) # Load the query object for mapping # Change the file path based on where the query file is located on your system. query <- LoadFileInput(path = h5_file) # Calculate nCount_RNA and nFeature_RNA if the query does not # contain them already if (!all(c("nCount_RNA", "nFeature_RNA") %in% c(colnames(x = query[[]])))) { calcn <- = Seurat:::CalcN(object = query)) colnames(x = calcn) <- paste( colnames(x = calcn), "RNA", sep = '_' ) query <- AddMetaData( object = query, metadata = calcn ) rm(calcn) } # Calculate percent mitochondrial genes if the query contains genes # matching the regular expression "^MT-" if (any(grepl(pattern = '^MT-', x = rownames(x = query)))) { query <- PercentageFeatureSet( object = query, pattern = '^MT-', = '', assay = "RNA" ) } # Filter cells based on the thresholds for nCount_RNA and nFeature_RNA # you set in the app cells.use <- query[["nCount_RNA", drop = TRUE]] <= 79534 & query[["nCount_RNA", drop = TRUE]] >= 501 & query[["nFeature_RNA", drop = TRUE]] <= 7211 & query[["nFeature_RNA", drop = TRUE]] >= 54 # If the query contains mitochondrial genes, filter cells based on the # thresholds for you set in the app if ("" %in% c(colnames(x = query[[]]))) { cells.use <- cells.use & (query[["", drop = TRUE]] <= 97 & query[["", drop = TRUE]] >= 0) } # Remove filtered cells from the query query <- query[, cells.use] # Preprocess with SCTransform query <- SCTransform( object = query, assay = "RNA", = "refAssay", residual.features = rownames(x = reference$map), reference.SCT.model = reference$map[["refAssay"]]@SCTModel.list$refmodel, method = 'glmGamPoi', ncells = 2000, n_genes = 2000, do.correct.umi = FALSE, do.scale = FALSE, = TRUE ) # Find anchors between query and reference anchors <- FindTransferAnchors( reference = reference$map, query = query, k.filter = NA, reference.neighbors = "refdr.annoy.neighbors", reference.assay = "refAssay", query.assay = "refAssay", reference.reduction = "refDR", normalization.method = "SCT", features = intersect(rownames(x = reference$map), VariableFeatures(object = query)), dims = 1:50, n.trees = 20, mapping.score.k = 100 ) # Transfer cell type labels and impute protein expression # # Transferred labels are in metadata columns named "predicted.*" # The maximum prediction score is in a metadata column named "predicted.*.score" # The prediction scores for each class are in an assay named "prediction.score.*" # The imputed assay is named "impADT" if computed refdata <- lapply(X = "celltype.l2", function(x) { reference$map[[x, drop = TRUE]] }) names(x = refdata) <- "celltype.l2" if (TRUE) { refdata[["impADT"]] <- GetAssayData( object = reference$map[['ADT']], slot = 'data' ) } query <- TransferData( reference = reference$map, query = query, dims = 1:50, anchorset = anchors, refdata = refdata, n.trees = 20, store.weights = TRUE ) # Calculate the embeddings of the query data on the reference SPCA query <- IntegrateEmbeddings( anchorset = anchors, reference = reference$map, query = query, reductions = "pcaproject", reuse.weights.matrix = TRUE ) # Calculate the query neighbors in the reference # with respect to the integrated embeddings query[["query_ref.nn"]] <- FindNeighbors( object = Embeddings(reference$map[["refDR"]])[, 1:50], query = Embeddings(query[["integrated_dr"]]), return.neighbor = TRUE, l2.norm = TRUE, n.trees = 20 ) # The reference used in the app is downsampled compared to the reference on which # the UMAP model was computed. This step, using the helper function NNTransform, # corrects the Neighbors to account for the downsampling. query <- NNTransform( object = query, = reference$map[[]] ) # Project the query to the reference UMAP. query[["umap.proj"]] <- RunUMAP( object = query[["query_ref.nn"]], reduction.model = reference$map[["refUMAP"]], reduction.key = 'UMAP_' ) # Calculate mapping score and add to metadata query <- AddMetaData( object = query, metadata = MappingScore(anchors = anchors), = "mapping.score" ) ref_obj <- reference$plot qry_obj <- query # Trick SeuratDisk into saving the UMAP even though it is not based on an internal assay ref_obj@reductions$refUMAP@assay.used <- "RNA" #### Use Vitessce for visualization #### ref_adata_path <- file.path(data_dir, "ref.h5ad.zarr") qry_adata_path <- file.path(data_dir, "qry.h5ad.zarr") vitessceAnalysisR::seurat_to_anndata_zarr(ref_obj, ref_adata_path, assay = Seurat::DefaultAssay(ref_obj)) vitessceAnalysisR::seurat_to_anndata_zarr(qry_obj, qry_adata_path, assay = Seurat::DefaultAssay(qry_obj)) # Create Vitessce view config vc <- VitessceConfig$new(schema_version = "1.0.16", name = "Azimuth") ref_dataset <- vc$add_dataset("Reference")$add_object( AnnDataWrapper$new( adata_path = ref_adata_path, obs_embedding_paths = c("obsm/X_refUMAP"), obs_embedding_names = c("UMAP"), obs_set_paths = c("obs/celltype.l2") ) ) qry_dataset <- vc$add_dataset("Query")$add_object( AnnDataWrapper$new( adata_path = qry_adata_path, obs_embedding_paths = c("obsm/X_umap.proj"), obs_embedding_names = c("UMAP"), obs_set_paths = c("obs/predicted.celltype.l2"), obs_set_names = c("celltype.l2"), obs_set_score_paths = c("obs/predicted.celltype.l2.score") ) ) ref_plot <- vc$add_view(ref_dataset, Component$SCATTERPLOT, mapping = "UMAP") qry_plot <- vc$add_view(qry_dataset, Component$SCATTERPLOT, mapping = "UMAP") cell_sets <- vc$add_view(ref_dataset, Component$OBS_SETS) cell_sets_2 <- vc$add_view(qry_dataset, Component$OBS_SETS) vc$link_views( c(ref_plot, qry_plot), c(CoordinationType$EMBEDDING_ZOOM, CoordinationType$EMBEDDING_TARGET_X, CoordinationType$EMBEDDING_TARGET_Y), c_values = c(1, 0, 0) ) vc$layout(hconcat(vconcat(ref_plot, qry_plot), vconcat(cell_sets, cell_sets_2))) # Render the Vitessce widget vc$widget(theme = "light")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.