The following is a full example of usage of the widget with a Giotto object.
First, install the R dependencies:
install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RubD/Giotto") devtools::install_github("vitessce/vitessceAnalysisR")
Download and preprocess the Giotto object (adapted from this tutorial):
(replace python_path
library(Giotto) save_dir <- file.path("data", "giotto", "save_dir") dir.create(save_dir, showWarnings = FALSE) instrs <- createGiottoInstructions( save_plot = TRUE, show_plot = FALSE, save_dir = save_dir, python_path = "~/software/miniconda3/envs/vitessce-r-env/bin/python" ) getSpatialDataset(dataset = "seqfish_SS_cortex", directory = save_dir, method = "wget") expr_path <- file.path(save_dir, "cortex_svz_expression.txt") loc_path <- file.path(save_dir, "cortex_svz_centroids_coord.txt") meta_path <- file.path(save_dir, "cortex_svz_centroids_annot.txt") # First, merge location and additional metadata. SS_locations = data.table::fread(loc_path) cortex_fields = data.table::fread(meta_path) SS_loc_annot =, cortex_fields, by = 'ID') SS_loc_annot[, ID := factor(ID, levels = paste0('cell_',1:913))] data.table::setorder(SS_loc_annot, ID) # Create file with offset information. my_offset_file = data.table::data.table(field = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), x_offset = c(0, 1654.97, 1750.75, 1674.35, 675.5, 2048, 675), y_offset = c(0, 0, 0, 0, -1438.02, -1438.02, 0)) # Create a stitch file. stitch_file = stitchFieldCoordinates( location_file = SS_loc_annot, offset_file = my_offset_file, cumulate_offset_x = T, cumulate_offset_y = F, field_col = 'FOV', reverse_final_x = F, reverse_final_y = T ) stitch_file = stitch_file[,.(ID, X_final, Y_final)] my_offset_file = my_offset_file[,.(field, x_offset_final, y_offset_final)] # Create Giotto object SS_seqfish <- createGiottoObject( raw_exprs = expr_path, spatial_locs = stitch_file, offset_file = my_offset_file, instructions = instrs ) # Filtering, normalization SS_seqfish = addCellMetadata( SS_seqfish, new_metadata = cortex_fields, by_column = T, column_cell_ID = 'ID' ) cell_metadata = pDataDT(SS_seqfish) cortex_cell_ids = cell_metadata[FOV %in% 0:4]$cell_ID SS_seqfish = subsetGiotto( SS_seqfish, cell_ids = cortex_cell_ids ) SS_seqfish <- filterGiotto( gobject = SS_seqfish, expression_threshold = 1, gene_det_in_min_cells = 10, min_det_genes_per_cell = 10, expression_values = c('raw'), verbose = T ) # Normalize SS_seqfish <- normalizeGiotto( gobject = SS_seqfish, scalefactor = 6000, verbose = T ) # Add gene & cell statistics SS_seqfish <- addStatistics(gobject = SS_seqfish) # Adjust expression matrix for technical or known variables SS_seqfish <- adjustGiottoMatrix( gobject = SS_seqfish, expression_values = c('normalized'), batch_columns = NULL, covariate_columns = c('nr_genes', 'total_expr'), return_gobject = TRUE, update_slot = c('custom') ) SS_seqfish <- calculateHVG( gobject = SS_seqfish, method = 'cov_loess', difference_in_cov = 0.1, save_param = list(save_name = '3_a_HVGplot', base_height = 5, base_width = 5) ) # Select genes based on HVG and gene statistics, both found in gene metadata gene_metadata = fDataDT(SS_seqfish) featgenes = gene_metadata[hvg == 'yes' & perc_cells > 4 & mean_expr_det > 0.5]$gene_ID # Run PCA SS_seqfish <- runPCA(gobject = SS_seqfish, genes_to_use = featgenes, scale_unit = F, center = T) SS_seqfish <- runtSNE(SS_seqfish, dimensions_to_use = 1:15)
Set up the Vitessce widget:
library(vitessceR) library(vitessceAnalysisR) adata_path <- file.path("data", "giotto_seqfish.h5ad.zarr") vitessceAnalysisR::giotto_to_anndata_zarr(SS_seqfish, adata_path) w <- AnnDataWrapper$new( adata_path = adata_path, obs_set_paths = c("obs/cell_types"), obs_set_names = c("Cell Types"), obs_embedding_paths = c("obsm/pca", "obsm/tsne"), obs_embedding_names = c("PCA", "t-SNE") ) vc <- VitessceConfig$new(schema_version = "1.0.16", name = "My config") dataset <- vc$add_dataset("My dataset")$add_object(w) spatial <- vc$add_view(dataset, Component$SPATIAL) scatterplot_tsne <- vc$add_view(dataset, Component$SCATTERPLOT, mapping = "t-SNE") cell_sets <- vc$add_view(dataset, Component$OBS_SETS) status <- vc$add_view(dataset, Component$STATUS) desc <- vc$add_view(dataset, Component$DESCRIPTION) desc <- desc$set_props(description = "Visualization of a Giotto object.") vc$layout( hconcat( vconcat( spatial, scatterplot_tsne ), vconcat( cell_sets, hconcat(desc, status) ) ) ) # Render the Vitessce widget vc$widget(theme = "light")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.