#' @title Filter Samples Ids from Taxmap Objects
#' @description This function provides a flexible way to filter unwanted samples from the
#' \emph{"otu_abundance"} and \emph{"sample_data"} observations of a MicrobiomeR formatted object.
#' @param obj A Taxmap object.
#' @param .f_transform A function used for transforming the data. Default: NULL
#' @param .f_filter A function used for summarising the data like 'sum' or 'mean'. Default: NULL
#' @param .f_condition A function that takes the summarised data and applied a condition like x > 10000. Default: NULL
#' @param validated This parameter provides a way to override validation steps. Use carefully. Default: FALSE
#' @param ... An optional list of parameters to use in the .f_filter function specified
#' @return Returns a Taxmap object with samples that pass the filters.
#' @details Get the samples to keep by using purr and the user supplied transform and filter + condition formulas.
#' The purr package allows the use of anonymous functions as described in the link below:
#' \url{https://jennybc.github.io/purrr-tutorial/ls03_map-function-syntax.html#anonymous_function,_formula}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # Use the sample_id_filter early on in your analysis
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' library(metacoder)
#' library(taxa)
#' # Convert Phyloseq object to Taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phyloseq_silva_2, format = "raw_format")
#' # Remove Archaea from the Taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_taxa(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' taxon_names == "Archaea",
#' subtaxa = TRUE,
#' invert = TRUE)
#' # Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, subtaxa = TRUE)
#' # Low Sample Filter - Remove the low samples
#' metacoder_obj <- sample_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' .f_filter = ~sum(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.>= 20, validated = TRUE)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Basic Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname sample_id_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{transformer}}
#' \code{\link[taxa]{get_dataset}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{select_all}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{select}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{filter}}
#' \code{\link[purrr]{map}}, \code{\link[purrr]{keep}}
#' @importFrom taxa get_dataset
#' @importFrom dplyr select_if select filter
#' @importFrom purrr map keep
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon red
sample_id_filter <- function(obj, .f_transform = NULL, .f_filter = NULL, .f_condition = NULL, validated = FALSE, ...) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
# Make sure the required functions are provided.
if (!is.null(.f_filter) && !is.null(.f_condition)) {
# Validate and get otu_abundance data
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("raw_format", "basic_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = min)
abund_data <- taxa::get_dataset(obj = mo_clone, data = "otu_abundance")
# Get the sample data columns to work with
if (is.null(.f_transform)) { # Get raw sample data
sample_cols <- abund_data %>% dplyr::select_if(is.numeric)
} else { # Get transfmormed sample data
sample_cols <- transformer(.data = abund_data, func = .f_transform) %>% dplyr::select_if(is.numeric)
# Get the samples to keep by using purr and the user supplied filter and condition formulas
samples_to_keep <- purrr::map(sample_cols, .f_filter, list(...)) %>% # Apply a summary function like 'sum' or 'mean'
purrr::map(.f_condition) %>% # Apply a function to the sample data that does some comparison (f(x)x>10000)
purrr::keep(~ . == TRUE) %>%
names() # Determine which samples to keep
# Update the otu_abundance and sample_data in the Taxmap object by removing samples
other_vars <- abund_data %>% dplyr::select_if(function(x) is.numeric(x) == FALSE) %>% colnames() #%>% purrr::discard(~.=="taxon_id")
mo_clone$data$otu_abundance <- dplyr::select(abund_data, c(other_vars, samples_to_keep))
mo_clone$data$sample_data <- mo_clone$data$sample_data %>% dplyr::filter(sample_id %in% samples_to_keep)
} else {
stop(glue::glue(crayon::red("You have to supply a filter formula ", crayon::bold("AND")," a condition formula.")))
#' @title Filter Taxon Ids from Taxmap Objects
#' @description This function provides a flexible way to filter unwanted taxon_ids from the taxmap object and from the
#' observations of a MicrobiomeR formatted object.
#' @inheritParams sample_id_filter
#' @return Returns a Taxmap object with taxon_ids that pass the filters.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details Get the taxon_ids to keep by using purr and the user supplied transform and filter + condition formulas.
#' The purr package allows the use of anonymous functions as described in the link below:
#' \url{https://jennybc.github.io/purrr-tutorial/ls03_map-function-syntax.html#anonymous_function,_formula}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' library(metacoder)
#' library(taxa)
#' # Convert Phyloseq object to Taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phyloseq_obj, format = "raw_format")
#' # Remove Archaea from the Taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_taxa(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' taxon_names == "Archaea",
#' subtaxa = TRUE,
#' invert = TRUE)
#' # Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, subtaxa = TRUE)
#' # Low taxa filter - Remove the low taxon_ids
#' metacoder_obj <- taxon_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' .f_filter = ~sum(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.>= 2000, validated = TRUE)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Basic Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname taxon_id_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{transposer}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{transformer}}
#' \code{\link[taxa]{get_dataset}}, \code{\link[taxa]{filter_taxa}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{select_all}}
#' \code{\link[purrr]{map}}, \code{\link[purrr]{keep}}
#' @importFrom taxa get_dataset filter_taxa
#' @importFrom dplyr select_if
#' @importFrom purrr map keep
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon red
taxon_id_filter <- function(obj, .f_transform = NULL, .f_filter = NULL, .f_condition = NULL, validated = FALSE, ...) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
# Make sure the required functions are provided.
if (!is.null(.f_filter) && !is.null(.f_condition)) {
# Validate and get taxa_abundance data
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("basic_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = max)
abund_data <- taxa::get_dataset(obj = mo_clone, data = "taxa_abundance")
# Get the taxon_id data columns to work with
if (is.null(.f_transform)) { # Get raw sample data
taxon_id_cols <- transposer(abund_data, ids = "taxon_id", header_name = "samples", preserved_categories = FALSE) %>%
} else { # Get transfmormed sample data
taxon_id_cols <- transformer(.data = abund_data, func = .f_transform) %>%
transposer(ids = "taxon_id", header_name = "samples", preserved_categories = FALSE) %>%
# Get the samples to keep by using purr and the user supplied filter and condition formulas
# The purr package allows the use of anonymous functions as described in the link below:
# https://jennybc.github.io/purrr-tutorial/ls03_map-function-syntax.html#anonymous_function,_formula
taxon_ids_to_keep <- purrr::map(taxon_id_cols, .f_filter, ...) %>% # Apply a summary function like 'sum' or 'mean'
purrr::map(.f_condition) %>% # Apply a function to the sample data that does some comparison (f(x)x>10000)
purrr::keep(~ . == TRUE) %>%
names() # Determine which samples to keep
# Update the observation data tables and the taxmap object
mo_clone <- taxa::filter_taxa(mo_clone, taxon_ids %in% taxon_ids_to_keep, reassign_obs = FALSE)
} else {
stop(glue::glue(crayon::red("You have to supply a filter formula ", crayon::bold("AND")," a condition formula.")))
#' @title Filter OTU Ids from Taxmap Objects
#' @description This function provides a flexible way to filter unwanted otu_ids from the taxmap object and from the
#' observations of a MicrobiomeR formatted object.
#' @inheritParams sample_id_filter
#' @return Returns a taxmap object with otu_ids that pass the filters.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details Get the otu_ids to keep by using purr and the user supplied transform and filter + condition formulas.
#' The purr package allows the use of anonymous functions as described in the link below:
#' \url{https://jennybc.github.io/purrr-tutorial/ls03_map-function-syntax.html#anonymous_function,_formula}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # Below is the code for the otu_prevelence_filter function.
#' # It's a good example of how to use the otu_id_filter function.
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' otu_proportion_filter <- function(obj, otu_percentage = 0.00005, validated = FALSE) {
#' mo_clone <- obj$clone()
#' mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone,
#' valid_formats = c("raw_format", "basic_format"),
#' force_format = TRUE,
#' validated = validated,
#' min_or_max = min)
#' # Filter OTU ids
#' mo_clone <- otu_id_filter(obj = mo_clone,
#' .f_transform = ~./sum(.),
#' .f_filter = ~mean(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.> otu_percentage)
#' return(mo_clone)
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Basic Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname otu_id_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{transposer}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{transformer}}
#' \code{\link[taxa]{get_dataset}}, \code{\link[taxa]{filter_taxa}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{select_all}}
#' \code{\link[purrr]{map}}, \code{\link[purrr]{keep}}
#' @importFrom taxa get_dataset filter_taxa
#' @importFrom dplyr select_if
#' @importFrom purrr map keep
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon red
otu_id_filter <- function(obj, .f_transform = NULL, .f_filter = NULL, .f_condition = NULL, validated = FALSE, ...) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
# Make sure the required functions are provided.
if (!is.null(.f_filter) && !is.null(.f_condition)) {
# Validate and get taxa_abundance data
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("raw_format", "basic_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = min)
fmt <- which_format(mo_clone)
abund_data <- taxa::get_dataset(obj = mo_clone, data = "otu_abundance")
# Get the taxon_id data columns to work with
if (is.null(.f_transform)) { # Get raw sample data
otu_id_cols <- transposer(abund_data, ids = "otu_id", header_name = "samples", preserved_categories = FALSE) %>%
} else { # Get transfmormed sample data
otu_id_cols <- transformer(.data = abund_data, func = .f_transform) %>%
transposer(ids = "otu_id", header_name = "samples", preserved_categories = FALSE) %>%
# Get the samples to keep by using purr and the user supplied filter and condition formulas
otu_ids_to_keep <- purrr::map(otu_id_cols, .f_filter, ...) %>% # Apply a summary function like 'sum' or 'mean'
purrr::map(.f_condition) %>% # Apply a function to the sample data that does some comparison (f(x)x>10000)
purrr::keep(~ . == TRUE) %>%
names() # Determine which samples to keep
# Get an updated vector of the observation tables to filter
otu_table_list <- pkg.private$format_table_list$otu_tables
otu_table_list <- otu_table_list[otu_table_list %in% names(mo_clone$data)]
# Update the observation data tables and the taxmap object
mo_clone <- taxa::filter_obs(mo_clone, otu_table_list, otu_id %in% otu_ids_to_keep, drop_taxa = TRUE)
} else {
stop(glue::glue(crayon::red("You have to supply a filter formula ", crayon::bold("AND")," a condition formula.")))
#' @title Agglomerate taxmap Objects
#' @description A function similar to the \code{\link[phyloseq:tax_glom]{phyloseq::tax_glom}} function,
#' that assembles abundance data at a specified rank. This removes subtaxa and reassigns the
#' values at the specified rank.
#' @param obj A Taxmap object.
#' @param rank The rank that will be agglomerated to.
#' @param validated This parameter provides a way to override validation steps. Use carefully. Default: FALSE
#' @return A taxmap object that has been agglomerated at the specified rank.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details This function helps analyzing taxonomic data at intermediate ranks by agglomerating the observation data
#' and the taxmap object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # This example uses data that are no longer available in the MicrobiomeR package,
#' # however, they can be easily generated with \code{\link{MicrobiomeR}{as_basic_format}}.
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' basic_silva <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(MicrobiomeR::raw_silva_2, "basic_format")
#' phylum_obj <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = basic_silva, rank = "Phylum")
#' class_obj <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = basic_silva, rank = "Class")
#' order_obj <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = basic_silva, rank = "Order")
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Advanced Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname agglomerate_taxmap
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[taxa]{filter_taxa}}
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}
#' @importFrom taxa filter_taxa taxon_ranks
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon silver
agglomerate_taxmap <- function(obj, rank, validated = FALSE) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("raw_format", "basic_format", "analyzed_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = min)
# Agglomerate
mo_clone <- taxa::filter_taxa(mo_clone, taxon_ranks == rank,
supertaxa = TRUE, reassign_obs = FALSE
message(glue::glue(crayon::silver("Agglomerated to {rank}.")))
#' @title OTU Proportion Filter
#' @description This function filters OTU values from the observation data and the taxmap object
#' based on a minimum proportional mean across samples per OTU.
#' @param obj A Taxmap object.
#' @param otu_percentage The minimum percentage used to compare against the proportional OTU mean. Default: 5e-05
#' @param validated This parameter provides a way to override validation steps. Use carefully. Default: FALSE
#' @return Returns a taxmap object that contains otu_ids that have passed the above filter.
#' @details This type of filtering is used to remove OTUs that do not have a specified mean proportion.
#' This function must be used conservatively, hence why the default otu_percentage is so low.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # Use the otu_proportions filter early on in your analysis
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' library(metacoder)
#' library(taxa)
#' # Convert Phyloseq object to taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phyloseq_obj, format = "raw_format")
#' # Remove Archaea from the Taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_taxa(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' taxon_names == "Archaea",
#' subtaxa = TRUE,
#' invert = TRUE)
#' # Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, subtaxa = TRUE)
#' # Low Sample Filter - Remove the low samples
#' metacoder_obj <- sample_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' .f_filter = ~sum(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.>= 20, validated = TRUE)
#' # Master Threshold Filter - Add the otu_proportions table and then filter OTUs based on min %
#' metacoder_obj <- otu_proportion_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' otu_percentage = 0.00001
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Advanced Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname otu_proportion_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}},\code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{otu_id_filter}}
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon green
otu_proportion_filter <- function(obj, otu_percentage = 0.00005, validated = FALSE) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("raw_format", "basic_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = min)
mo_clone <- otu_id_filter(obj = mo_clone, .f_transform = ~./sum(.), .f_filter = ~mean(.), .f_condition = ~.> otu_percentage)
message(crayon::green(glue::glue("Filtering OTUs with less than ", crayon::bgWhite("{otu_percentage*100}%"), " across samples.")))
#' @title OTU Prevalence Filter
#' @description This function filters observations by their prevalence across samples.
#' @param obj A Taxmap object.
#' @param minimum_abundance The minimum abundance needed per observation per sample. Default: 5
#' @param rel_sample_percentage The percentage of samples per observation that meet the minimum abundance. Default: 0.5
#' @param validated This parameter provides a way to override validation steps. Use carefully. Default: FALSE
#' @return Returns a taxmap object that contains taxon_ids that have passed the above filter.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details The otu_prevalence_filter filters taxon_ids that do not appear more than a certain amount of times (minimum abundance) in a certain percentage of
#' samples (rel_sample_percentage). The \href{http://web.stanford.edu/class/bios221/MicrobiomeWorkflowII.html#filtering}{phyloseq workflow} calls for a minimum abundance of 5 across %50 of the samples.
#' This filtering method is considered unsupervised, because it solely relies on the data in this experiment (OTU ids).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' library(metacoder)
#' library(taxa)
#' # Convert Phyloseq object to taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phyloseq_obj, format = "raw_format")
#' # Remove Archaea from the taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_taxa(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' taxon_names == "Archaea",
#' subtaxa = TRUE,
#' invert = TRUE)
#' # Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, subtaxa = TRUE)
#' # Low Sample Filter - Remove the low samples
#' metacoder_obj <- sample_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' .f_filter = ~sum(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.>= 20, validated = TRUE)
#' # Master Threshold Filter - Add the otu_proportions table and then filter OTUs based on min %
#' metacoder_obj <- otu_proportion_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' otu_percentage = 0.00001
#' )
#' # OTU prevalence filter
#' metacoder_obj <- otu_prevalence_filter(obj = metacoder_obj, validated = TRUE)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Advanced Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname otu_prevalence_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}
#' \code{\link[metacoder]{calc_prop_samples}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{filter}}
#' \code{\link[taxa]{filter_taxa}}
#' @importFrom metacoder calc_prop_samples
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom taxa filter_taxa
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon green bgWhite
otu_prevalence_filter <- function(obj, minimum_abundance = 5, rel_sample_percentage = 0.5,
validated = FALSE) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("basic_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = min)
# Calculate the ids that need to be removed
ids_to_remove <- metacoder::calc_prop_samples(mo_clone, "taxa_abundance", more_than = minimum_abundance) %>% # Calculate sample proportions per taxa with min abundance
dplyr::filter(n_samples < rel_sample_percentage) # Filter samples with less than the relative sample percentage
# Prevalence Filtering
mo_clone <- taxa::filter_taxa(mo_clone, !taxon_ids %in% ids_to_remove$taxon_id, reassign_obs = FALSE)
message(crayon::green(glue::glue("Filtering OTUs with an abundance less than ", crayon::bgWhite({minimum_abundance}),
" in a certain percentage of samples ", crayon::bgWhite("({rel_sample_percentage}%)"), ".")))
#' @title Taxonomic Prevalence Filter (Metacoder)
#' @description This function filters observations at a specific rank by their prevalence across samples.
#' @param obj A Taxmap object.
#' @param rank The rank being analyzed for prevalence across samples.
#' @param minimum_abundance The minimum abundance needed per observation per sample. Default: 5
#' @param rel_sample_percentage The percentage of samples per observation that meet the minimum abundance. Default: 0.5
#' @param validated This parameter provides a way to override validation steps. Use carefully. Default: FALSE
#' @return Returns a taxmap object that contains taxon_ids that have passed the above filter.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details The taxa_prevalence_filter filters taxon_ids that do not appear more than a certain amount of times (minimum abundance) in a certain percentage of
#' samples (rel_sample_percentage) at the specified agglomerated rank (rank). The \href{http://web.stanford.edu/class/bios221/MicrobiomeWorkflowII.html#filtering}{phyloseq workflow} calls for a minimum abundance of 5 across %50 of the samples.
#' This method is considered supervised, because the filtering is done based on taxonomic annotation (taxon_ids), which is assigned based on a reference database (SILVA or GreenGenes).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' library(metacoder)
#' library(taxa)
#' # Convert Phyloseq object to taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phyloseq_obj, format = "raw_format")
#' # Remove Archaea from the taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_taxa(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' taxon_names == "Archaea",
#' subtaxa = TRUE,
#' invert = TRUE)
#' # Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, subtaxa = TRUE)
#' # Low Sample Filter - Remove the low samples
#' metacoder_obj <- sample_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' .f_filter = ~sum(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.>= 20, validated = TRUE)
#' # Master Threshold Filter - Add the otu_proportions table and then filter OTUs based on min %
#' metacoder_obj <- otu_proportion_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' otu_percentage = 0.00001
#' )
#' # Taxa Prevalence Filter
#' # The default minimum abundance is 5 and the sample percentage is 0.5 (5%).
#' # Phylum
#' metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' rank = "Phylum"
#' )
#' # Class
#' metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' rank = "Class",
#' validated = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Advanced Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname taxa_prevalence_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}
#' \code{\link[metacoder]{calc_prop_samples}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{filter}}
#' \code{\link[taxa]{filter_taxa}}
#' @importFrom metacoder calc_prop_samples
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom taxa filter_taxa
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon green bgWhite
taxa_prevalence_filter <- function(obj, rank, minimum_abundance = 5, rel_sample_percentage = 0.5,
validated = FALSE) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, force_format = TRUE, validated = validated,
min_or_max = min, valid_formats = c("basic_format"))
# Calculate the ids that need to be removed based on taxonomic rank
ids_to_remove <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = mo_clone, rank = rank, validated = TRUE) %>% # Agglomeration
metacoder::calc_prop_samples("taxa_abundance", more_than = minimum_abundance) %>% # Calculate sample proportions per taxa with min abundance
dplyr::filter(n_samples < rel_sample_percentage) # Filter samples with less than the relative sample percentage
# Taxonomic Prevalence Filtering
mo_clone <- taxa::filter_taxa(mo_clone, !taxon_ids %in% ids_to_remove$taxon_id, reassign_obs = FALSE)
message(crayon::green(glue::glue("Filtering OTUs at the ", crayon::bgWhite({rank}), " level with an abundance less than ", crayon::bgWhite({minimum_abundance}),
" in a certain percentage of samples ", crayon::bgWhite("({rel_sample_percentage}%)"), ".")))
#' @title Coefficient of Variation Filter
#' @description This function filters OTUs that have a variance higher than the
#' specified CoV.
#' @param obj A Taxmap object.
#' @param coefficient_of_variation The maximum CoV that an OTU can have.
#' @param validated This parameter provides a way to override validation steps. Use carefully. Default: FALSE
#' @return Returns a taxmap object that contains otu_ids that have passed the above filter.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details This function helps remove OTUs that have an unusually high variance using the coefficient
#' of variation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' # Use the cov_filter towards the end of your analysis
#' library(MicrobiomeR)
#' library(metacoder)
#' library(taxa)
#' # Convert Phyloseq object to taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phyloseq_obj, format = "raw_format")
#' # Remove Archaea from the taxmap object
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_taxa(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' taxon_names == "Archaea",
#' subtaxa = TRUE,
#' invert = TRUE)
#' # Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
#' metacoder_obj <- filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, subtaxa = TRUE)
#' # Low Sample Filter - Remove the low samples
#' metacoder_obj <- sample_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' .f_filter = ~sum(.),
#' .f_condition = ~.>= 20, validated = TRUE)
#' # Master Threshold Filter - Add the otu_proportions table and then filter OTUs based on min %
#' metacoder_obj <- otu_proportion_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' otu_percentage = 0.00001
#' )
#' # Taxa Prevalence Filter
#' # The default minimum abundance is 5 and the sample percentage is 0.5 (5%).
#' # Phylum
#' metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' rank = "Phylum"
#' )
#' # Class
#' metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(
#' obj = metacoder_obj,
#' rank = "Class",
#' validated = TRUE
#' )
#' # OTU prevalence filter
#' metacoder_obj <- otu_prevalence_filter(obj = metacoder_obj, validated = TRUE)
#' # Coefficient of Variation Filter - Filter OTUs based on the coefficient of variation
#' metacoder_obj <- cov_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
#' coefficient_of_variation = 3,
#' validated = TRUE)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Advanced Metacoder Filters
#' @rdname cov_filter
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{validate_MicrobiomeR_format}}, \code{\link[MicrobiomeR]{otu_id_filter}}
#' \code{\link[dplyr:summarise_all]{summarise_if}}
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise_if
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom crayon green bgWhite
cov_filter <- function(obj, coefficient_of_variation, validated = FALSE) {
mo_clone <- obj$clone()
mo_clone <- validate_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = mo_clone, valid_formats = c("raw_format", "basic_format"),
force_format = TRUE, validated = validated, min_or_max = min)
# Standardize abundances to the median sequencing depth
total <- mo_clone$data$otu_abundance %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, sum) %>%
as.numeric() %>%
standf <- function(x, t = total) round(t * (x / sum(x)))
# Filter OTUs that don't pass the maximum coefficient of variation.
mo_clone <- otu_id_filter(obj = mo_clone, .f_transform = standf, .f_filter = ~sd(.)/mean(.), .f_condition = ~.<coefficient_of_variation)
message(crayon::green(glue::glue("Filtering OTUs that have a coefficient of variation that is more than ", crayon::bgWhite({coefficient_of_variation}), ".")))
#' @title Metacoder Comparison Function #1
#' @description A comparison function for metacoder::compare_groups "func" parameter.
#' @param abund_1 A character vector of abundances.
#' @param abund_2 A character vector of abundances.
#' @return A list of statistical results used to compare groups.
#' @pretty_print TRUE
#' @details This function is used by metacoder::compare_groups in order to compare
#' every combination of treatment groups.
#' @export
#' @family Data Manipulators
#' @rdname metacoder_comp_func_1
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[diptest]{dip.test}}
#' \code{\link[modes]{bimodality_coefficient}}
#' @importFrom diptest dip.test
#' @importFrom modes bimodality_coefficient
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test median
metacoder_comp_func_1 <- function(abund_1, abund_2) {
log_med_ratio <- log2(median(abund_1) / median(abund_2))
if (is.nan(log_med_ratio)) {
log_med_ratio <- 0
if (is.infinite(log_med_ratio)) {
log_med_ratio <- 0
log_mean_ratio <- log2(mean(abund_1) / mean(abund_2))
if (is.nan(log_mean_ratio)) {
log_mean_ratio <- 0
if (is.infinite(log_mean_ratio)) {
log_mean_ratio <- 0
log2_median_ratio = log_med_ratio,
log2_mean_ratio = log_mean_ratio,
median_diff = median(abund_1) - median(abund_2),
mean_diff = mean(abund_1) - mean(abund_2),
mean_treat1 = mean(abund_1),
mean_treat2 = mean(abund_2),
wilcox_p_value = wilcox.test(abund_1, abund_2)$p.value,
hartigan_dip_treat1 = diptest::dip.test(abund_1)$p.value,
hartigan_dip_treat2 = diptest::dip.test(abund_2)$p.value,
bimodality_coeff_treat1 = modes::bimodality_coefficient(abund_1),
bimodality_coeff_treat2 = modes::bimodality_coefficient(abund_2)
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