#' correctBatchEffect
#' @aliases correctBatchEffect
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcBatchEffects}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcSummary}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcScore}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{clearBEgenes}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{imputeMissingData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{replaceOutsideValues}}
#' @title Correct a batch effect in DNA methylation data
#' @description This method combines most functions of the
#' \code{\link{BEclear-package}} to one. The method performs the whole process
#' of searching for batch effects and automatically correct them for a matrix
#' of beta values stemming from DNA methylation data.
#' @details The function performs the whole process of searching for batch
#' effects and automatically correct them for a matrix of beta values stemming
#' from DNA methylation data. Thereby, the function is running most of the
#' functions from the \code{\link{BEclear-package}} in a logical order.\cr
#' First, median comparison values are calculated by the
#' \code{\link{calcBatchEffects}} function, followed by the calculation of p-values
#' also by the \code{\link{calcBatchEffects}} function. With the results from the median
#' comparison and p-value calculation, a summary data frame is build using the
#' \code{\link{calcSummary}} function, and a scoring table is established by
#' the \code{\link{calcScore}} function. Now, found entries from the summary are
#' set to NA in the input matrix using the \code{\link{clearBEgenes}} function,
#' then the \code{\link{imputeMissingData}} function is used to predict the
#' missing values and at the end, predicted entries outside the
#' boundaries (values lower than 0 or greater than 1) are corrected using the
#' \code{\link{replaceOutsideValues}} function.
#' @references \insertRef{Akulenko2016}{BEclear}
#' @references \insertRef{Koren2009}{BEclear}
#' @references \insertRef{Candes2009}{BEclear}
#' @param data any matrix filled with beta values, column names have to be
#' sample_ids corresponding to the ids listed in "samples", row names have to
#' be gene names.
#' @param samples data frame with two columns, the first column has to contain
#' the sample numbers, the second column has to contain the corresponding batch
#' number. Colnames have to be named as "sample_id" and "batch_id".
#' @param adjusted should the p-values be adjusted or not, see "method" for
#' available adjustment methods.
#' @param method adjustment method for p-value adjustment, default
#' method is "false discovery rate adjustment", for other available methods see
#' the description of the used standard R package \code{\link{p.adjust}}. See
#' \code{\link{calcBatchEffects}} for more information.
#' @param mediansTreshold the threshold above or equal median values are regarded
#' as batch effected, when the criteria for p-values is also met.
#' @param pvaluesTreshold the threshold below or equal p-values are regarded as
#' batch effected, when the criteria for medians is also met.
#' @param rowBlockSize the number of rows that is used in a block if the
#' function is run in parallel mode and/or not on the whole matrix. Set this,
#' and the "colBlockSize" parameter to 0 if you want to run the function on the
#' whole input matrix. See \code{\link{imputeMissingData}} and especially the
#' details section of See \code{\link{imputeMissingData}} for more information
#' about this feature.
#' @param colBlockSize the number of columns that is used in a block if the
#' function is run in parallel mode and/or not on the whole matrix. Set this,
#' and the "rowBlockSize" parameter to 0 if you want to run the function on the
#' whole input matrix. See \code{\link{imputeMissingData}} and especially the
#' details section of See \code{\link{imputeMissingData}} for more information
#' about this feature.
#' @param epochs the number of iterations used in the gradient descent algorithm
#' to predict the missing entries in the data matrix. See
#' \code{\link{imputeMissingData}} for more information.
#' @param lambda constant that controls the extent of regularization during the
#' gradient descent
#' @param gamma constant that controls the extent of the shift of parameters
#' during the gradient descent
#' @param r length of the second dimension of variable matrices R and L
#' @param outputFormat you can choose if the finally returned data matrix should
#' be saved as an .RData file or as a tab-delimited .txt file in the specified
#' directory. Allowed values are "RData" and "txt".
#' See \code{\link{imputeMissingData}}
#' for more information.
#' @param dir set the path to a directory the predicted matrix should be stored.
#' The current working directory is defined as default parameter.
#' @param BPPARAM An instance of the
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}} that determines how to
#' parallelisation of the functions will be evaluated.
#' @export correctBatchEffect
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import futile.logger
#' @import data.table
#' @usage correctBatchEffect(data, samples, adjusted=TRUE, method="fdr",
#' mediansTreshold = 0.05, pvaluesTreshold = 0.01, rowBlockSize=60,
#' colBlockSize=60, epochs=50, lambda = 1, gamma = 0.01, r = 10,
#' outputFormat="", dir=getwd(), BPPARAM=SerialParam())
#' @return A list containing the following fields (for detailed information look
#' at the documentations of the corresponding functions):
#' \describe{
#' \item{medians}{A data.frame containing all median comparison values
#' corresponding to the input matrix.}
#' \item{pvalues}{A data.frame containing all p-values corresponding to the
#' input matrix.}
#' \item{summary}{The summarized results of the median comparison and p-value
#' calculation.}
#' \item{score.table}{A data.frame containing the number of found genes and a
#' BEscore for every batch.}
#' \item{cleared.data}{the input matrix with all values defined in the summary
#' set to NA.}
#' \item{predicted.data}{the input matrix after all previously NA values have
#' been predicted.}
#' \item{corrected.predicted.data}{the predicted matrix after the correction for
#' predicted values outside the boundaries.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Shortly running example. For a more realistic example that takes
#' ## some more time, run the same procedure with the full BEclearData
#' ## dataset.
#' ## Whole procedure that has to be done to use this function.
#' ## Correct the example data for a batch effect
#' data(BEclearData)
#' ex.data <- ex.data[31:90, 7:26]
#' ex.samples <- ex.samples[7:26, ]
#' # Note that row- and block sizes are just set to 10 to get a short runtime.
#' # To use these parameters, either use the default values or please note the
#' # description in the details section of \code{\link{imputeMissingData}}
#' result <- correctBatchEffect(
#' data = ex.data, samples = ex.samples,
#' adjusted = TRUE, method = "fdr", rowBlockSize = 10, colBlockSize = 10,
#' epochs = 50, outputFormat = "RData", dir = getwd()
#' )
#' # Unlist variables
#' medians <- result$medians
#' pvals <- result$pvals
#' summary <- result$summary
#' score <- result$score.table
#' cleared <- result$clearedData
#' predicted <- result$predictedData
#' corrected <- result$correctedPredictedData
correctBatchEffect <- function(data, samples, adjusted = TRUE, method = "fdr",
mediansTreshold = 0.05, pvaluesTreshold = 0.01,
rowBlockSize = 60, colBlockSize = 60,
epochs = 50, lambda = 1, gamma = 0.01, r = 10,
outputFormat = "", dir = getwd(),
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
tmp<-preprocessBEclear(data, samples)
data <- tmp$data
samples <- tmp$samples
uniqueIDsToSamples <- tmp$uniqueIDsToSamples
batcheffects <- calcBatchEffects(
data = data, samples = samples, adjusted = adjusted,
method = method, BPPARAM = BPPARAM
med <- batcheffects$med
pval <- batcheffects$pval
sum <- calcSummary(med, pval)
if (is.null(sum)) {
flog.info("There were no batch effects detected")
score <- NULL
cleared <- data
} else {
score <- calcScore(data, samples, sum)
cleared <- clearBEgenes(data, samples, sum)
predicted <-
data = cleared, rowBlockSize = rowBlockSize,
colBlockSize = colBlockSize, epochs = epochs,
lambda = lambda, gamma = gamma, r = r,
outputFormat = outputFormat, dir = dir, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
corrected <- replaceOutsideValues(predicted)
medians = med, pvals = pval, summary = sum,
scoreTable = score, clearedData = cleared,
predictedData = predicted, correctedPredictedData =
corrected, uniqueIDsToSamples = uniqueIDsToSamples
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