library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE) library(TraRe)
## BiocStyle::markdown()
To fully understand how TraRe works, we will go through each tool it contains:
We consider important to use a real dataset for a proper understanding of TraRe's results, therefore, along with every step description and explanation, we will be working with a subset of the Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) clinical trial dataset containing 1.2k genes ($\approx$ 200 TFs or driver genes) and 121 samples from metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients that were never treated with androgen receptor signalling inhibitors (ARSI) Abiraterone or Enzalutamide. A subset of these patients present a clinical phenotype of response that we categorized in a binary variable (Responder or Non-responder). Thus, for the phenotype dependent rewiring test, we will be focusing on only on this subset of patients.
Original expression and clinical data ($\approx$ 19300 genes) can be found in the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) with accession code phs000915.v2.p2 and the cBioPortal (RRID:SCR_014555) Public Datahub. Gene description data was downloaded from Data used in this vignette is located at TraRe's package directory and the following GitHub repository (
The main workflow to follow is:
Run TraRe's inference method with the trare_preprocessing
and LINKER_run
functions on the gene expression matrix ($genes \times samples$), to generate the modules governing the transcriptomic activity of all samples. A module represents one or several related biological functions. This step is performed repeatedly within a bootstraping process that takes in each run a designated proportion of the samples (80% by default).
Run TraRe's rewiring test with the preparereriwring
and runrewiring
functions by selecting the sample's phenotype to extract the modules which expression can be separated very well according to the selected phenotype. Selected modules will be scored based on a hypergeometric test and similar modules will cluster together generating robust rewired transcriptional modules. This step automatically pulls out an html report for visualization and a directory with the results.
Additional analysis:
and rewiring_regulon_level
functions.TraRe mainly requires three types of files or a SummarizedExperiment (SE) object with the following data:
Gene expression matrix: log2-normalized gene expression matrix that acounts for library size (examples FPKM, TPKM, etc.), lognorm_est_counts or the similar data stored in a SummarizedExperiment::assay(SE)
Gene description data: an array with the gene IDs of the TFs or genes to be considered as regulators in the gene expression matrix. The rest of the genes will be considered as target genes. In a SE object this information should be in the SummarizedExperiment::rowData()
as a boolean variable called gene_info.
Phenotype dataframe: an dataframe with the Sample IDs in the rownames()
and a column named phenotype that codifies a binary phenotype. This variable will be converted to a factor with two levels and labels c(0,1)
,thus the order of the factor levels will be set automatically by alphabetical order. Note that if this information is incorporated in a SummarizedExperiment object from the beginning of the pipeline and not all samples have the phenotype information (NAs), NA's will be omitted at the rewiring test.
We can use the varianceStabilizingTransformation
function from DESeq2
package and chose the option that shows the minimum heteroskedasticity as seen in these plots
require(DESeq2) require(vsn) require(ggplot2) require(egg) gene_mat <- as.matrix(read.csv("Your_Expression_Dataset_file.csv")) vst_data_norm_param<-varianceStabilizingTransformation(gene_mat, fitType = "parametric") vst_data_norm_mean<-varianceStabilizingTransformation(gene_mat, fitType = "mean") vst_data_norm_local<-varianceStabilizingTransformation(gene_mat, fitType = "local") a<-vsn::meanSdPlot(vst_data_norm_param)$gg + ggtitle("Normalized VST with Parametric Dispersion Fitting") b<-vsn::meanSdPlot(vst_data_norm_mean)$gg + ggtitle("Normalized VST with Mean Dispersion Fitting") c<-vsn::meanSdPlot(vst_data_norm_local)$gg + ggtitle("Normalized VST with Local Dispersion Fitting") egg::ggarrange(a,b,c,nrow=2,ncol=2)
TraRe can be currently installed from Bioconductor:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("TraRe") ## Latest version in GitHub: # devtools::install_github('ubioinformat/TraRe',build_vignettes = TRUE)
We will use a SummarizedExperiment object with the gene expression matrix in the SummarizedExperiment::assay() and the gene info stored in the SummarizedExperiment::rowData(). If you plan to do the differential network analysis (i.e. full workflow with rewiring test), then phenotype info should be stored in the SummarizedExperiment::colData().
# Expression matrix path lognorm_est_counts_p <- paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/1_expression_quickexample_vignette.txt') # Gene info dataframe path gene_info_p <- paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/1_geneinfo_example_vignette.txt') # # Sample phenotype dataframe path phenotype_p <- paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/1_phenotype_rewiring_quickexample_vignette.txt') # REWIRING output path outdir <- system.file('extdata', package='TraRe') # We load gene expression matrix and convert it to matrix class lognorm_est_counts <- as.matrix(utils::read.delim(lognorm_est_counts_p)) # We load gene info dataframe geneinfo <- utils::read.delim(gene_info_p, row.names = 1) # We have to make sure both dataframes have same rows (same genes). geneinfo <- geneinfo[rownames(lognorm_est_counts),,drop=FALSE] # The variable in the gene_info object must be "gene_info" colnames(geneinfo) <- "gene_info" # We load phenotype phenotype <- utils::read.delim(phenotype_p,row.names = 1, sep=",") # We have to make sure phenotype rows and lognorm_est_counts columns # are the same. phenotype <- phenotype[colnames(lognorm_est_counts),,drop=FALSE] # The variable name must be "phenotype" colnames(phenotype) <- "phenotype" # Now we can generate the SE object SeObject <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment( assays = list(counts = lognorm_est_counts), rowData = geneinfo, colData = phenotype) # saveRDS(object = SeObject, # file = paste0(system.file("extdata",package = "TraRe"), # '/VignetteFiles/1_SeObject_quickexample_vignette.rds')) # We preprocess the original matrix for low variance in genes and samples TraReObj <- TraRe::trare_preprocessing(data_matrix = SeObject, verbose =TRUE) # saveRDS(object = TraReObj, # file = paste0(system.file("extdata",package = "TraRe"), # '/VignetteFiles/1_TraReObj_quickexample_vignette.rds'))
TraReObj <- readRDS(file = paste0(system.file('extdata', package = 'TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/1_TraReObj_quickexample_vignette.rds'))
Now we run the inference method. This step may take some time depending on the size of the data. For the vignette purposes we set the parameter Nr_bootstraps
to 5 but we recommend use at least 10 bootstraps (as the default setting).
# For time purposes the vignette will be executed for just 2 bootstrap but the # file found in package extdata corresponds to a 10 bootstrap run. set.seed(123) # We run the GRN inference method linkeroutput <- TraRe::LINKER_run(TraReObj, link_mode = "VBSR", module_rep = "LINKER", graph_mode = "VBSR", NrModules = 50, Nr_bootstraps = 1, # 10 corrClustNrIter = 100) # We saved the 10-bootstrap output and import it later by using the following code: # saveRDS(object = linkeroutput, # file = paste0(system.file('extdata', package = 'TraRe'), # '/VignetteFiles/1_linkeroutput_quickexample_vignette.rds'))
linkeroutput <- readRDS(file = paste0(system.file('extdata', package = 'TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/1_linkeroutput_quickexample_vignette.rds'))
Now we run the Rewiring test
# Prepare data for rewiring prew_output <- TraRe::preparerewiring(name="Vignette_quickexample", TraReObj = TraReObj, linker_output= linkeroutput, final_signif_thresh = 0.05, nrcores = 1, outdir=paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/"))
# Run rewiring TraRe::runrewiring(prew_output)
In the output
directory we will find the results from the rewiring with the plots, statistics and html report.
The aim of the proposed method is to find relatively small networks that link few regulatory or "driver" genes, usually TFs, with a similarly regulated set of genes, also known as the target genes. In order to build such networks, the method is proceeds in two phases. During Phase I it generates $K$ modules of similarly expressed genes and then associates each module to a few regulators using Variational Bayes Spike Regression (VBSR)*.
Due to the non-convex nature of the problem, we perform $B$ runs (bootstraps) of this step using a different set of samples (by default 80% sub-sampling without replacement) with a different random initialization in order to explore more broadly the set of potentially valid modules. Thus, at the end of this step the method has generated $K \times B$ modules of similarly regulated genes, each of them with their associated regulators. During Phase II the proposed method generates, for each module, a bipartite graph that links the individual target genes to their associated regulators. Using again the a VBSR model, if no combination of regulators represents accurately the expression profile of a given target gene, that gene is removed from the graph. This scenario arises when this target gene is an outlier in the module.
*Note: two other regression methods are also available in the package (See Section "XXX")
and LINKER_run
in TraRetrare_preprocessing
is a helper function to preprocess the data (filter genes and samples with low variance) prior to the GRN inference process.
A SummarizedExperiment object can be used or otherwise:
The returned object is a TraReObj containing preprocessed input matrix and associated info to pass to the function LINKER_run
# We load gene expression matrix and convert it to matrix class lognorm_est_counts_p <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_expression_rewiring_example.txt') lognorm_est_counts <- as.matrix(utils::read.delim(lognorm_est_counts_p)) # Gene info dataframe path gene_info_p <- paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/1_geneinfo_example_vignette.txt') # We load gene info dataframe geneinfo <- utils::read.delim(gene_info_p, row.names = 1) # We have to make sure geneinfo and lognorm_est_counts have # same rows (same genes). geneinfo <- geneinfo[rownames(lognorm_est_counts),,drop=FALSE] # We keep the TFs names in the vector geneinfo = rownames(geneinfo)[which(geneinfo$regulator==1)] TraReObj2 <- TraRe::trare_preprocessing(data_matrix = lognorm_est_counts, geneinfo = geneinfo, verbose = TRUE) # saveRDS(object = TraReObj2, # file = paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), # '/VignetteFiles/2_TraReObj_rewiring_example.rds'))
TraReObj2 <- readRDS(file = paste0(system.file('extdata', package = 'TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_TraReObj_rewiring_example.rds'))
generates, from an processed RNA-Seq dataset where TFs and target genes are provided, GRN modules in three different forms: as raw results, from the Phase I output; as modules from the Phase II output and in the form of bipartite graphs, where drivers and targets relationships are defined. Here we include all the parameters and their description. For more information, please refer to the help section of LINKER_run()
We now run LINKER_run
method below to generate all possible GRNs.
**Note that this function has no information regarding the phenotype of the samples,
even if a SummarizedExperiment object is provided to the trare_preprocessing
function, LINKER_run
will not make use of the phenotype data.
This information can be added later on to the object for the differential network analysis step (Rewiring) if a SummarizedExperiment was not used.
# We recommend VBSR as the model as it outperforms the other methods # For this vignette example and to save computing time # the matrix we are using a subset of the original and we will be running # only 1 bootstrap, but the results below will show a 10 bootstraps LINKER_run. linkeroutput2 <- TraRe::LINKER_run(TraReObj = TraReObj2, link_mode='VBSR', graph_mode ='VBSR', module_rep= 'LINKER', NrModules = 50, Nr_bootstraps = 1, #10 corrClustNrIter = 100, train_size = 0.8) # We save it for later # saveRDS(object = linkeroutput2, # file = paste0(system.file('extdata', package='TraRe'), # '/VignetteFiles/2_linkeroutput_rewiring_example.rds'))
Bootstrapping plays an important role, as the non-convex nature of these biological events makes necessary
to ensure that a certain behavior is repeated across bootstraps, and to confirm this event does not come from a particular realization.
As bootstrapping has been performed in LINKER_run
, the rewiring step will take advantage of it and will try to group, with hierarchical clustering, highly scored modules with similar behavior across bootstraps, named as trancriptional modules.
Therefore after this step the package will output a folder containing :
In order to do the differential network analysis, TraRe provides two functions: preparerewiring()
and runrewiring()
The first one gathers all the data in an object list to be used by the second.
The information needed by preparerewiring()
to the name folder.LINKER_run
function.There are also other parameters that will remain by default. Please take a look at the preparerewiring()
function for more information. We now generate
the preparerewiring()
rewiring_add_phenotype <- function(TraReObj, phenotype_f){ TraReObj_out <- TraRe::TraReClass(lognorm_counts = TraReObj@lognorm_counts[,rownames(phenotype_f)], target_idx = TraReObj@target_idx, regulator_idx = TraReObj@regulator_idx, pheno = as.numeric(factor(phenotype_f[,'phenotype'], labels = c(0,1))) - 1) # TraReObj@lognorm_counts <- TraReObj@lognorm_counts[,rownames(phenotype_f)] # TraReObj@pheno <- as.numeric(factor(phenotype_f[,'phenotype'],labels = c(0,1))) - 1 return(TraReObj_out) }
## Load the linker output linkeroutput2 <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_linkeroutput_rewiring_example.rds')) # ## Load the phenotype file phenotype_p <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_phenotype_rewiring_example.txt') phenotype <- read.delim(phenotype_p, row.names = 1) colnames(phenotype) <- 'phenotype' ## Add the phenotype if it was not in the previous TraReObj ## using the helper function `rewiring_add_phenotype` TraReObj3 <- rewiring_add_phenotype(TraReObj2, phenotype) # saveRDS(object = TraReObj3, file = paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), # '/VignetteFiles/3_TraReObj_rewiring_example_pheno.rds')) outdir <- system.file('extdata', package='TraRe') prew_output <- TraRe::preparerewiring(name = 'Vignette_Rewiring', linker_output =linkeroutput2, TraReObj = TraReObj3, final_signif_thresh = 0.05, nrcores = 1, outdir = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/")) # saveRDS(object = prew_output, file = paste0(outdir, # '/VignetteFiles/2_preprew_rewiring_example.rds')) # TraRe::runrewiring(prew_output)
# Create the png versions for vignette output pdftools::pdf_convert( pdf = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/Vignette_Rewiring_0.05/supermod_rewiring/imgs/mod_sim.VBSR.1.dendro.pdf"), format = "png", pages = NULL, filenames = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/mod_sim.VBSR.1.dendro.png"), dpi = 72, antialias = FALSE, opw = "", upw = "", verbose = FALSE ) pdftools::pdf_convert( pdf = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/Vignette_Rewiring_0.05/supermod_rewiring/imgs/mod_sim.VBSR.1.heatm.pdf"), format = "png", pages = NULL, filenames = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/mod_sim.VBSR.1.heatm.png"), dpi = 72, antialias = FALSE, opw = "", upw = "", verbose = FALSE ) pdftools::pdf_convert( pdf = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/Vignette_Rewiring_0.05/supermod_rewiring/supermodule1.VBSR.4/imgs/igraphs.raw.full_graph.pdf"), format = "png", pages = NULL, filenames = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/igraphs.raw.full_graph.png"), dpi = 72, antialias = FALSE, opw = "", upw = "", verbose = FALSE ) pdftools::pdf_convert( pdf = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/Vignette_Rewiring_0.05/supermod_rewiring/supermodule1.VBSR.4/imgs/igraphs.refined.graphs.pdf"), format = "png", pages = NULL, filenames = paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/igraphs.refined.graphs.png"), dpi = 72, antialias = FALSE, opw = "", upw = "", verbose = FALSE )
In order to run runrewiring(prew_output)
, we just call the function with the output of preparerewiring()
It will create a directory on the specified output path with an html report and statistical information about the performed test as described above.
In Figure \@ref(fig:ref-cluster) above is the Hierarchical Clustering representation of the transcriptional modules. The current implementation of the Rewiring method by default calculates all transcriptional modules that the hierarchical clustering finds except for the last one (the one with higher number of edges which should have little in common between each other) and generates all the graph objects and figures seen below and in the next sections. Note that the "order" of the clusters are not necessarily set from left to right, we recommend to visually check the heatmap and dendogram output to validate the transcriptional modules. Should you required to compute different/specific GRNs see section below (Visualization of the GRNs).
As shown in Figures \@ref(fig:ref-cluster) and \@ref(fig:ref-heatm), there are 5 clusters with one more clear rewired and robust Transcriptional Module (second to right). For a transcriptional module to be identified firstly, the modules contained in it should present genes whose expression can be separated very well using the desired phenotype (rewired modules), and secondly, they have to show similar behavior across bootstraps, with a high score given by an hypergeometrical test. Therefore, in this example there are three transcriptional modules formed by the following modules: c(102,153)
, c(148,20,37,96)
, c(100,109,11,158,191,206,25,41,95)
, and c(104,121,138,159,166,188,203,21,,30,55,81,9)
In Figure \@ref(fig:ref-rawgraph) is the raw graph for the transcriptional module mentioned above. Targets are sorted based on a Z-score derived from a t-test with null hypothesis if samples separated by the selected condition are not deferentially expressed. The color of the edge between the target and the TF is defined by weight of the regression coefficient.
*Note that for the GRN inference method genes with low variance across samples were excluded. When using additional samples in the GRN inference method than the ones present in the phenotype matrix it can happen that some additional genes need to be excluded due to lack of variance across this new set of samples to avoid computing errors in the rewiring test. This exclusion is already incorporated in the preparerewiring()
To investigate which TF are driving significant differences in the transcriptional modules between the phenotype condition TraRe provides the
function rewiring_gene_level
. We propose to use it using the liker_output generated with 50 bootstraps to increase the power of the test. The function first performs
the Rewiring test on all the modules found by LINKER_run
and then, for each TF, it performs a Fisher's test to discriminate whether this TF is more likely be found in rewired modules or not.
Below are the main parameters of the function:
function (recommended with 50 bootstraps).The output of this function are two .txt files: 1. The list of the rewired modules of the linker_output object 2. The list of rewired TFs together with the p-value obtained in the Fisher's test and the Odds Ratio (OR).
fpath <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/3_rewired_modules_50boots.txt') linkeroutput_50b <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/3_linkeroutput_50boots_example.rds')) TraReObj3 <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/3_TraReObj_rewiring_example_pheno.rds')) # At the gene level (50 bootstraps) impgenes <- TraRe::rewiring_gene_level(linker_output = linkeroutput_50b, TraReObj = TraReObj3, fpath = fpath, final_signif_thresh = 0.05, ImpTH = 0.05, include_cliques=TRUE, cliquesTH=0.8, nrcores = 1) print(impgenes) # # Save # write.table(impgenes, file=paste0(outdir,'/VignetteFiles/3_table_rewired_tfs.tsv'), # row.names = TRUE, sep = "\t")
TraRe also provides a function to extract from rewired modules the curated rewired regulon for each TF. Again, we recomend to run it using a 50-bootstraps linker output for robustness.
Below are the main parameters for the rewiring_regulon_level
function (recommended with 50 bootstraps).The output is a list of regulons, this is: for each TF with significant results a data frame describing the regulon information (target, p-value for this edge and multiplicity value, i.e. the number of times this edge has been found). In this example, because the sample is small no regulon was found significantly rewired.
fpath <- paste0(system.file('extdata', package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/3_rewired_modules_50boots_fs_0.05.txt') regulons <- TraRe::rewiring_regulon_level(linker_output = linkeroutput_50b, TraReObj = TraReObj3, fpath = fpath, final_signif_thresh = 0.05)
TraRe also provides a way of manually generate a single GRN from specified list of driver and target genes with the function NET_run
, that works similarly to the main LINKER_run
function in phase 2 (graph generation). Normally we would use in the cluster of modules which behave similarly across bootstraps detected in the Rewiring step. This tool eases the task of analyzing relationships between drivers and targets by constraining all the provided genes to a single GRN.
Find below the necessary parameters and descriptions of NET_run()
*Note in the future this function will change to accommodate to new objects and files like in LINKER_run
# Assume we have run the rewiring method and we have discovered a robust # rewired transcriptional module. # After we have selected the drivers and targets from all the modules contained # in it, we can build a single GRN to study it separately. # We will use the robust transcriptional module from above composed by the # following modules `c(100,109,11,158,191,206,25,41,95)` # We use the prew_output because some modules coudl have been deleted and thus # the number mey not match with the original linkeroutput. prew_output <- readRDS(file = paste0(system.file('extdata', package = 'TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_preprew_rewiring_example.rds')) TraReObj <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_TraReObj_rewiring_example.rds')) # We can acces to the linkeroutput from this object now lo <- prew_output$datasets[[1]]$rundata$modules$VBSR # Extract targets targets <- sapply(c(100,109,11,158,191,206,25,41,95), function(i){ lo[[i]]$target_genes }) targets <- unique(,targets)) target_filtered_idx <- which(rownames(TraReObj@lognorm_counts)%in%targets) # Extract regulators regulators <- sapply(c(100,109,11,158,191,206,25,41,95), function(i){ lo[[i]]$regulators }) regulators <- unique(,regulators)) regulator_filtered_idx <- which(rownames(TraReObj@lognorm_counts)%in%regulators) #Generate expression matrix transc_mod <- TraReObj@lognorm_counts[c(regulator_filtered_idx,target_filtered_idx),] #Regular expression matrix graph <- TraRe::NET_run(lognorm_est_counts = transc_mod, target_filtered_idx = which(rownames(transc_mod)%in%targets), regulator_filtered_idx = which(rownames(transc_mod)%in%regulators), graph_mode="VBSR") print(graph) # saveRDS(graph, paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), # '/VignetteFiles/4_graph_netrun_vignette.rds')) # SummarizedExperiment # graph <- NET_run(lognorm_est_counts = SeObject, graph_mode="VBSR")
**Note that this step is included and done automatically for each of the transcriptional modules detected in the Rewiring method.
Additionally TraRe provides a graphical way of detecting condition-dependent GRN deregulation of the selected genes to input to the NET_run
We provide two ways of building the layout for the plot, depending on the choice of a t.test to be evaluated over the generated GRN, to sort target genes prior to plot the established relationship between these and drivers.
On one hand, return_layout()
generates a regular layout in which there is no t.test, and target genes are sorted randomly in a line.
On the other hand, return_layout_phenotype()
performs a target gene level t.test which has as null hypothesis if samples separated by the selected condition are not deferentially expressed.
From this analysis, the z-score is used to sort target genes and plot them describing a curve when using plot_igraph()
# Assume we have run the rewiring method and the `NET_run()` method to generate the # igraph object. We are going to generate and plot both layouts for the example. # We are going to generate all the files we need except for the igraph object, # which is included as an example file in this package. # We load the igraph object that we generated from the `NET_run()` example. # Note: the igraph object is inside the list `NET_run()` generates. graph <- readRDS(paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/4_graph_netrun_vignette.rds')) graph <- graph$graphs$VBSR total_drivers <- names(linkeroutput$modules$VBSR[[1]]$regulatory_program) drivers_n <- names(igraph::V(graph))[names(igraph::V(graph))%in%total_drivers] targets_n <- names(igraph::V(graph))[!names(igraph::V(graph))%in%total_drivers] # As for this example we are working at gene level (we do not have # transcripts inside genes), # we won't need namehash parameter (see param `namehash`) normal_layout <- return_layout(drivers_n,targets_n) # We need to separate our expression matrix by a binary phenotype. # This is what the clinical file is used for. gnames <- c(drivers_n,targets_n) #Generate expression matrix expmat <- TraReObj@lognorm_counts[gnames,] # Load the phenotype file phenotype_p <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'), '/VignetteFiles/2_phenotype_rewiring_example.txt') phenotype <- read.delim(phenotype_p, row.names = 1) expmat_R <- expmat[,phenotype$Class=='R'] expmat_NR <- expmat[,phenotype$Class=='NR'] # We now generate the phenotype layout and the `varfile` we need for this layout. # (I leave here a way to generate) varfile <- t(as.matrix(sapply(gnames, function(x) c(stats::t.test(expmat_R[x,],expmat_NR[x,])$statistic, if(x%in%drivers_n) 1 else 0)))) colnames(varfile)<-c("t-stat","is-regulator") phenotype_layout <- return_layout_phenotype(drivers_n,targets_n,varfile) plot_igraph(graph,mytitle="Normal Layout", titlecol = "black", mylayout = normal_layout) plot_igraph(graph,mytitle="Phenotype Layout" ,titlecol = "black", mylayout = phenotype_layout)
For further information, please refer to the help file of plot_functions()
*Note that this method is included in the Rewiring test; the generation
of the graph objects depending on the phenotype is automated. Here we include
the figures generated from the Rewiring step. This figures will be located in the
folder generated by runrewiring()
knitr::include_graphics(path=paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/igraphs.refined.graphs.png")) # knitr::include_graphics(path="./igraphs.refined.graphs.png")
function works may lead TFs to be dropped out during the fitting process in the presence of highly correlated genes whose roles in the GRN are very similar. Due to this, we propose a method based on cliques (Fully Connected Networks) to recover these dropped driver genes. This functionality can also be added in the rewiring_gene_level
output with the include_cliques parameter (FALSE
by defaut).From all previous analyses, we provide an informative way of looking at the generated GRN, the relationships they have within the network, easing a possible biological validation in silico analysis afterward.
The html_from_graph()
function takes as input two paths and a boolean variable,
that specifies whether to include cliques in the summary of the generated excel. If so,
arguments from generatecliques()
are required, but only the drivers expression matrix is
mandatory, the rest of them have default values.
# For this example, we are going to use a generated 'refinedsumm.rds' from # the first quick example (see above), which can be found in the external # data folder of this package. gpath <- paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/1_refinedsumm.rds') # We are going to use 1k driver genes from the TraRe's installation folder. # For more information about generatecliques() please check the # corresponding help page. TraReObj <- readRDS(paste0(system.file("extdata",package="TraRe"), '/VignetteFiles/1_TraReObj_quickexample_vignette.rds')) dataset <- TraReObj@lognorm_counts[TraReObj@regulator_idx,] # As we have mentioned, by default it will write a 'refined_edges_table.html' # with supporting txt files file to the temporary directory. html_from_graph(gpath = gpath, dataset = dataset, cliquesbool = T, user_mode = T)
We here include a screenshot example in order to finish the analysis for the SU2C prostate cancer dataset. After generating the plots where a possible deregulation from one phenotype to other may be appreciated, we can extract more specific driver to target information.
knitr::include_graphics(path=paste0(outdir,"/VignetteFiles/Html.png")) # knitr::include_graphics(path="./igraphs.refined.graphs.png")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.