
Defines functions lift_up_to_rCRS

Documented in lift_up_to_rCRS

#' Lift hg19 chrM to rCRS
#' @name lift_up_to_rCRS
#' @param ranges_obj Either GRanges or MVRanges
#' @param verbose    logical, if set to TRUE, print all messages during progressing.
#' @return           Either Granges or MVRanges object
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
#' @examples 

lift_up_to_rCRS <- function(ranges_obj, verbose = T) {

  #referred to http://haplogrep.uibk.ac.at/blog/rcrs-vs-rsrs-vs-hg19/

  if(!(is(ranges_obj, "GRanges") | is(ranges_obj, "MVRanges"))) {
    stop("Either GRanges or MVRanges must be provided as input")
  if(seqlengths(ranges_obj) == 16569) {
  if(verbose) message('Lifting up coordinates to rCRS base ... ')
  ir <- ranges(ranges_obj)
  ir1 <- ir[ir@start < 315]
  ir2 <- ir[ir@start >= 315 & (ir@start + ir@width - 1) < 3107]
  ir2 <- IRanges(start = (ir2@start - 2), end = (ir2@start + ir2@width - 1 - 2), names = names(ir2))
  ir3 <- ir[ir@start >= 3107 & (ir@start + ir@width - 1) < 16193]
  ir3 <- IRanges(start = (ir3@start - 1), end = (ir3@start + ir3@width - 1 - 1), names = names(ir3))
  ir4 <- ir[ir@start >= 16193]
  ir4 <- IRanges(start = (ir4@start - 2), end = (ir4@start + ir4@width - 1 - 2), names = names(ir4))
  ir <- c(ir1, ir2, ir3, ir4)
  res <- ranges_obj
  ranges(res) <- ir
  genome(res) <- "rCRS"
  seqlengths(res) <- 16569
trichelab/MTseeker documentation built on March 8, 2021, 6:20 p.m.