# ###remove dot
# centWave_orig_sxt <- function(mz,
# int,
# scantime,
# valsPerSpect,
# ppm = 25,
# peakwidth = c(20, 50),
# snthresh = 10,
# prefilter = c(3, 100),
# mzCenterFun = "wMean",
# integrate = 1,
# mzdiff = -0.001,
# fitgauss = FALSE,
# noise = 0,
# ## noise.local=TRUE,
# sleep = 0,
# verboseColumns = FALSE,
# roiList = list(),
# firstBaselineCheck = TRUE,
# roiScales = NULL,
# extendLengthMSW = FALSE,
# file_name = "file") {
# ## Input argument checking.
# if (missing(mz) |
# missing(int) | missing(scantime) | missing(valsPerSpect))
# stop("Arguments 'mz', 'int', 'scantime' and 'valsPerSpect'",
# " are required!")
# if (length(mz) != length(int) |
# length(valsPerSpect) != length(scantime)
# | length(mz) != sum(valsPerSpect))
# stop(
# "Lengths of 'mz', 'int' and of 'scantime','valsPerSpect'",
# " have to match. Also, 'length(mz)' should be equal to",
# " 'sum(valsPerSpect)'."
# )
# scanindex <-
# valueCount2ScanIndex(valsPerSpect) ## Get index vector for C calls
# if (!is.double(mz))
# mz <- as.double(mz)
# if (!is.double(int))
# int <- as.double(int)
# ## Fix the mzCenterFun
# mzCenterFun <- paste(
# "mzCenter",
# gsub(
# mzCenterFun,
# pattern = "mzCenter.",
# replacement = "",
# fixed = TRUE
# ),
# sep = "."
# )
# if (!exists(mzCenterFun, mode = "function"))
# stop("Function '", mzCenterFun, "' not defined !")
# if (!is.logical(firstBaselineCheck))
# stop("Parameter 'firstBaselineCheck' should be logical!")
# if (length(firstBaselineCheck) != 1)
# stop("Parameter 'firstBaselineCheck' should be a single logical !")
# if (length(roiScales) > 0)
# if (length(roiScales) != length(roiList) |
# !is.numeric(roiScales))
# stop(
# "If provided, parameter 'roiScales' has to be a numeric with",
# " length equal to the length of 'roiList'!"
# )
# ## if (!is.null(roiScales)) {
# ## if (!is.numeric(roiScales) | length(roiScales) != length(roiList))
# ## stop("Parameter 'roiScales' has to be a numeric of length equal to",
# ## " parameter 'roiList'!")
# ##}
# basenames <- c("mz",
# "mzmin",
# "mzmax",
# "rt",
# "rtmin",
# "rtmax",
# "into",
# "intb",
# "maxo",
# "sn")
# verbosenames <-
# c(
# "egauss",
# "mu",
# "sigma",
# "h",
# "f",
# "dppm",
# "scale",
# "scpos",
# "scmin",
# "scmax",
# "lmin",
# "lmax"
# )
# ## Peak width: seconds to scales
# scalerange <- round((peakwidth / mean(diff(scantime))) / 2)
# if (length(z <- which(scalerange == 0)))
# scalerange <- scalerange[-z]
# if (length(scalerange) < 1) {
# warning("No scales? Please check peak width!")
# if (verboseColumns) {
# nopeaks <- matrix(nrow = 0,
# ncol = length(basenames) +
# length(verbosenames))
# colnames(nopeaks) <- c(basenames, verbosenames)
# } else {
# nopeaks <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(basenames))
# colnames(nopeaks) <- c(basenames)
# }
# return(invisible(nopeaks))
# }
# if (length(scalerange) > 1) {
# scales <- seq(from = scalerange[1],
# to = scalerange[2],
# by = 2)
# } else{
# scales <- scalerange
# }
# minPeakWidth <- scales[1]
# noiserange <- c(minPeakWidth * 3, max(scales) * 3)
# maxGaussOverlap <- 0.5
# minPtsAboveBaseLine <- max(4, minPeakWidth - 2)
# minCentroids <- minPtsAboveBaseLine
# scRangeTol <- maxDescOutlier <- floor(minPeakWidth / 2)
# scanrange <- c(1, length(scantime))
# ## If no ROIs are supplied then search for them.
# if (length(roiList) == 0) {
# message("Detecting mass traces at ", ppm, " ppm ... ", file_name, appendLF = FALSE)
# ## flush.console();
# ## We're including the findmzROI code in this function to reduce
# ## the need to copy objects etc.
# ## We could also sort the data by m/z anyway; wouldn't need that
# ## much time. Once we're using classes from MSnbase we can be
# ## sure that values are correctly sorted.
# withRestarts(
# tryCatch({
# tmp <- capture.output(
# roiList <- .Call(
# "findmzROI",
# mz,
# int,
# scanindex,
# as.double(c(0.0, 0.0)),
# as.integer(scanrange),
# as.integer(length(scantime)),
# as.double(ppm * 1e-6),
# as.integer(minCentroids),
# as.integer(prefilter),
# as.integer(noise),
# PACKAGE = 'xcms'
# )
# )
# },
# error = function(e) {
# if (grepl("m/z sort assumption violated !", e$message)) {
# invokeRestart("fixSort")
# } else {
# simpleError(e)
# }
# }),
# fixSort = function() {
# ## Force ordering of values within spectrum by mz:
# ## o split values into a list -> mz per spectrum, intensity per
# ## spectrum.
# ## o define the ordering.
# ## o re-order the mz and intensity and unlist again.
# ## Note: the Rle split is faster than the "conventional" factor split.
# splitF <- Rle(1:length(valsPerSpect), valsPerSpect)
# mzl <- as.list(S4Vectors::split(mz, f = splitF))
# oidx <- lapply(mzl, order)
# mz <<- unlist(
# mapply(
# mzl,
# oidx,
# FUN = function(y, z) {
# return(y[z])
# },
# ),
# use.names = FALSE
# )
# int <<- unlist(
# mapply(
# as.list(split(int, f = splitF)),
# oidx,
# FUN = function(y, z) {
# return(y[z])
# },
# ),
# use.names = FALSE
# )
# rm(mzl)
# rm(splitF)
# tmp <- capture.output(
# roiList <<- .Call(
# "findmzROI",
# mz,
# int,
# scanindex,
# as.double(c(0.0, 0.0)),
# as.integer(scanrange),
# as.integer(length(scantime)),
# as.double(ppm * 1e-6),
# as.integer(minCentroids),
# as.integer(prefilter),
# as.integer(noise),
# PACKAGE = 'xcms'
# )
# )
# }
# )
# message("OK")
# ## ROI.list <- findmzROI(object,scanrange=scanrange,dev=ppm * 1e-6,minCentroids=minCentroids, prefilter=prefilter, noise=noise)
# if (length(roiList) == 0) {
# warning("No ROIs found! \n")
# if (verboseColumns) {
# nopeaks <- matrix(nrow = 0,
# ncol = length(basenames) +
# length(verbosenames))
# colnames(nopeaks) <- c(basenames, verbosenames)
# } else {
# nopeaks <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(basenames))
# colnames(nopeaks) <- c(basenames)
# }
# return(invisible(nopeaks))
# }
# }
# ## Second stage: process the ROIs
# peaklist <- list()
# Nscantime <- length(scantime)
# lf <- length(roiList)
# ## cat('\n Detecting chromatographic peaks ... \n % finished: ')
# ## lp <- -1
# message(
# "Detecting chromatographic peaks in ",
# length(roiList),
# " regions of interest ...",
# appendLF = FALSE
# )
# for (f in 1:lf) {
# ## ## Show progress
# ## perc <- round((f/lf) * 100)
# ## if ((perc %% 10 == 0) && (perc != lp))
# ## {
# ## cat(perc," ",sep="");
# ## lp <- perc;
# ## }
# ## flush.console()
# feat <- roiList[[f]]
# N <- feat$scmax - feat$scmin + 1
# peaks <- peakinfo <- NULL
# mzrange <- c(feat$mzmin, feat$mzmax)
# sccenter <- feat$scmin[1] + floor(N / 2) - 1
# scrange <- c(feat$scmin, feat$scmax)
# ## scrange + noiserange, used for baseline detection and wavelet analysis
# sr <- c(max(scanrange[1], scrange[1] - max(noiserange)),
# min(scanrange[2], scrange[2] + max(noiserange)))
# eic <- .Call(
# "getEIC",
# mz,
# int,
# scanindex,
# as.double(mzrange),
# as.integer(sr),
# as.integer(length(scanindex)),
# PACKAGE = "xcms"
# )
# ## eic <- rawEIC(object,mzrange=mzrange,scanrange=sr)
# d <- eic$intensity
# td <- sr[1]:sr[2]
# scan.range <- c(sr[1], sr[2])
# ## original mzROI range
# idxs <- which(eic$scan %in% seq(scrange[1], scrange[2]))
# mzROI.EIC <-
# list(scan = eic$scan[idxs], intensity = eic$intensity[idxs])
# ## mzROI.EIC <- rawEIC(object,mzrange=mzrange,scanrange=scrange)
# omz <-
# .Call(
# "getWeightedMZ",
# mz,
# int,
# scanindex,
# as.double(mzrange),
# as.integer(scrange),
# as.integer(length(scantime)),
# PACKAGE = 'xcms'
# )
# ## omz <- rawMZ(object,mzrange=mzrange,scanrange=scrange)
# if (all(omz == 0)) {
# warning("centWave: no peaks found in ROI.")
# next
# }
# od <- mzROI.EIC$intensity
# otd <- mzROI.EIC$scan
# if (all(od == 0)) {
# warning("centWave: no peaks found in ROI.")
# next
# }
# ## scrange + scRangeTol, used for gauss fitting and continuous
# ## data above 1st baseline detection
# ftd <- max(td[1], scrange[1] - scRangeTol):min(td[length(td)],
# scrange[2] + scRangeTol)
# fd <- d[match(ftd, td)]
# ## 1st type of baseline: statistic approach
# if (N >= 10 * minPeakWidth) {
# ## in case of very long mass trace use full scan range
# ## for baseline detection
# noised <-
# .Call(
# "getEIC",
# mz,
# int,
# scanindex,
# as.double(mzrange),
# as.integer(scanrange),
# as.integer(length(scanindex)),
# PACKAGE = "xcms"
# )$intensity
# ## noised <- rawEIC(object,mzrange=mzrange,scanrange=scanrange)$intensity
# } else {
# noised <- d
# }
# ## 90% trimmed mean as first baseline guess
# noise <- estimateChromNoise(noised, trim = 0.05,
# minPts = 3 * minPeakWidth)
# ## any continuous data above 1st baseline ?
# if (firstBaselineCheck &&
# !continuousPtsAboveThreshold(fd, threshold = noise,
# num = minPtsAboveBaseLine))
# next
# ## 2nd baseline estimate using not-peak-range
# lnoise <-
# getLocalNoiseEstimate(d,
# td,
# ftd,
# noiserange,
# Nscantime,
# threshold = noise,
# num = minPtsAboveBaseLine)
# ## Final baseline & Noise estimate
# baseline <- max(1, min(lnoise[1], noise))
# sdnoise <- max(1, lnoise[2])
# sdthr <- sdnoise * snthresh
# ## is there any data above S/N * threshold ?
# if (!(any(fd - baseline >= sdthr)))
# next
# wCoefs <- MSW.cwt(
# d,
# scales = scales,
# wavelet = 'mexh',
# extendLengthMSW = extendLengthMSW
# )
# if (!(!is.null(dim(wCoefs)) && any(wCoefs - baseline >= sdthr)))
# next
# if (td[length(td)] == Nscantime)
# ## workaround, localMax fails otherwise
# wCoefs[nrow(wCoefs),] <- wCoefs[nrow(wCoefs) - 1, ] * 0.99
# localMax <- MSW.getLocalMaximumCWT(wCoefs)
# rL <- MSW.getRidge(localMax)
# wpeaks <- sapply(rL,
# function(x) {
# w <- min(1:length(x), ncol(wCoefs))
# any(wCoefs[x, w] - baseline >= sdthr)
# })
# if (any(wpeaks)) {
# wpeaksidx <- which(wpeaks)
# ## check each peak in ridgeList
# for (p in 1:length(wpeaksidx)) {
# opp <- rL[[wpeaksidx[p]]]
# pp <- unique(opp)
# if (length(pp) >= 1) {
# dv <- td[pp] %in% ftd
# if (any(dv)) {
# ## peaks in orig. data range
# ## Final S/N check
# if (any(d[pp[dv]] - baseline >= sdthr)) {
# ## if(!is.null(roiScales)) {
# ## allow roiScales to be a numeric of length 0
# if (length(roiScales) > 0) {
# ## use given scale
# best.scale.nr <- which(scales == roiScales[[f]])
# if (best.scale.nr > length(opp))
# best.scale.nr <- length(opp)
# } else {
# ## try to decide which scale describes the peak best
# inti <- numeric(length(opp))
# irange <- rep(ceiling(scales[1] / 2), length(opp))
# for (k in 1:length(opp)) {
# kpos <- opp[k]
# r1 <- ifelse(kpos - irange[k] > 1,
# kpos - irange[k], 1)
# r2 <- ifelse(kpos + irange[k] < length(d),
# kpos + irange[k],
# length(d))
# inti[k] <- sum(d[r1:r2])
# }
# maxpi <- which.max(inti)
# if (length(maxpi) > 1) {
# m <- wCoefs[opp[maxpi], maxpi]
# bestcol <- which(m == max(m),
# arr.ind = TRUE)[2]
# best.scale.nr <- maxpi[bestcol]
# } else
# best.scale.nr <- maxpi
# }
# best.scale <- scales[best.scale.nr]
# best.scale.pos <- opp[best.scale.nr]
# pprange <- min(pp):max(pp)
# ## maxint <- max(d[pprange])
# lwpos <- max(1, best.scale.pos - best.scale)
# rwpos <- min(best.scale.pos + best.scale, length(td))
# p1 <- match(td[lwpos], otd)[1]
# p2 <- match(td[rwpos], otd)
# p2 <- p2[length(p2)]
# if (is.na(p1))
# p1 <- 1
# if (is.na(p2))
# p2 <- N
# mz.value <- omz[p1:p2]
# mz.int <- od[p1:p2]
# maxint <- max(mz.int)
# ## re-calculate m/z value for peak range
# mzrange <- range(mz.value)
# mzmean <- do.call(mzCenterFun,
# list(mz = mz.value,
# intensity = mz.int))
# ## Compute dppm only if needed
# dppm <- NA
# if (verboseColumns) {
# if (length(mz.value) >= (minCentroids + 1)) {
# dppm <- round(min(
# running(
# abs(diff(mz.value)) /
# (mzrange[2] * 1e-6),
# fun = max,
# width = minCentroids
# )
# ))
# } else {
# dppm <- round((mzrange[2] - mzrange[1]) /
# (mzrange[2] * 1e-6))
# }
# }
# peaks <- rbind(
# peaks,
# c(
# mzmean,
# mzrange,
# ## mz
# NA,
# NA,
# NA,
# ## rt, rtmin, rtmax,
# NA,
# ## intensity (sum)
# NA,
# ## intensity (-bl)
# maxint,
# ## max intensity
# round((maxint - baseline) / sdnoise),
# ## S/N Ratio
# NA,
# ## Gaussian RMSE
# NA,
# NA,
# NA,
# ## Gaussian Parameters
# f,
# ## ROI Position
# dppm,
# ## max. difference between the [minCentroids] peaks in ppm
# best.scale,
# ## Scale
# td[best.scale.pos],
# td[lwpos],
# td[rwpos],
# ## Peak positions guessed from the wavelet's (scan nr)
# NA,
# NA
# )
# ) ## Peak limits (scan nr)
# peakinfo <- rbind(peakinfo,
# c(
# best.scale,
# best.scale.nr,
# best.scale.pos,
# lwpos,
# rwpos
# ))
# ## Peak positions guessed from the wavelet's
# }
# }
# }
# } ##for
# } ## if
# ## postprocessing
# if (!is.null(peaks)) {
# colnames(peaks) <- c(basenames, verbosenames)
# colnames(peakinfo) <- c("scale", "scaleNr", "scpos",
# "scmin", "scmax")
# for (p in 1:dim(peaks)[1]) {
# ## find minima (peak boundaries), assign rt and intensity values
# if (integrate == 1) {
# lm <- descendMin(wCoefs[, peakinfo[p, "scaleNr"]],
# istart = peakinfo[p, "scpos"])
# gap <-
# all(d[lm[1]:lm[2]] == 0) # looks like we got stuck in a gap right in the middle of the peak
# if ((lm[1] == lm[2]) || gap)
# # fall-back
# lm <-
# descendMinTol(d, startpos = c(peakinfo[p, "scmin"],
# peakinfo[p, "scmax"]),
# maxDescOutlier)
# } else {
# lm <- descendMinTol(d, startpos = c(peakinfo[p, "scmin"],
# peakinfo[p, "scmax"]),
# maxDescOutlier)
# }
# ## Narrow peak rt boundaries by removing values below threshold
# lm <- .narrow_rt_boundaries(lm, d)
# lm_seq <- lm[1]:lm[2]
# pd <- d[lm_seq]
# peakrange <- td[lm]
# peaks[p, "rtmin"] <- scantime[peakrange[1]]
# peaks[p, "rtmax"] <- scantime[peakrange[2]]
# peaks[p, "maxo"] <- max(pd)
# pwid <- (scantime[peakrange[2]] - scantime[peakrange[1]]) /
# (peakrange[2] - peakrange[1])
# if (is.na(pwid))
# pwid <- 1
# peaks[p, "into"] <- pwid * sum(pd)
# db <- pd - baseline
# peaks[p, "intb"] <- pwid * sum(db[db > 0])
# peaks[p, "lmin"] <- lm[1]
# peaks[p, "lmax"] <- lm[2]
# if (fitgauss) {
# ## perform gaussian fits, use wavelets for inital parameters
# td_lm <- td[lm_seq]
# md <- max(pd)
# d1 <- pd / md ## normalize data for gaussian error calc.
# pgauss <- fitGauss(td_lm,
# pd,
# pgauss = list(
# mu = peaks[p, "scpos"],
# sigma = peaks[p, "scmax"] -
# peaks[p, "scmin"],
# h = peaks[p, "maxo"]
# ))
# rtime <- peaks[p, "scpos"]
# if (!any(is.na(pgauss)) && all(pgauss > 0)) {
# gtime <- td[match(round(pgauss$mu), td)]
# if (!is.na(gtime)) {
# rtime <- gtime
# peaks[p, "mu"] <- pgauss$mu
# peaks[p, "sigma"] <- pgauss$sigma
# peaks[p, "h"] <- pgauss$h
# peaks[p, "egauss"] <- sqrt((1 / length(td_lm)) *
# sum(((
# d1 - gauss(td_lm, pgauss$h / md,
# pgauss$mu, pgauss$sigma)
# ) ^ 2)))
# }
# }
# peaks[p, "rt"] <- scantime[rtime]
# ## avoid fitting side effects
# if (peaks[p, "rt"] < peaks[p, "rtmin"])
# peaks[p, "rt"] <- scantime[peaks[p, "scpos"]]
# } else
# peaks[p, "rt"] <- scantime[peaks[p, "scpos"]]
# }
# peaks <- joinOverlappingPeaks(td,
# d,
# otd,
# omz,
# od,
# scantime,
# scan.range,
# peaks,
# maxGaussOverlap,
# mzCenterFun = mzCenterFun)
# }
# ## BEGIN - plotting/sleep
# if ((sleep > 0) && (!is.null(peaks))) {
# tdp <- scantime[td]
# trange <- range(tdp)
# egauss <- paste(round(peaks[, "egauss"], 3), collapse = ", ")
# cdppm <- paste(peaks[, "dppm"], collapse = ", ")
# csn <- paste(peaks[, "sn"], collapse = ", ")
# par(bg = "white")
# l <-
# layout(matrix(
# c(1, 2, 3),
# nrow = 3,
# ncol = 1,
# byrow = T
# ), heights = c(.5, .75, 2))
# par(mar = c(2, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
# ## plotRaw(object,mzrange=mzrange,rtrange=trange,log=TRUE,title='')
# ## Do plotRaw manually.
# raw_mat <- .rawMat(
# mz = mz,
# int = int,
# scantime = scantime,
# valsPerSpect = valsPerSpect,
# mzrange = mzrange,
# rtrange = rtrange,
# log = TRUE
# )
# if (nrow(raw_mat) > 0) {
# y <- raw_mat[, "intensity"]
# ylim <- range(y)
# y <- y / ylim[2]
# colorlut <- terrain.colors(16)
# col <- colorlut[y * 15 + 1]
# plot(
# raw_mat[, "time"],
# raw_mat[, "mz"],
# pch = 20,
# cex = .5,
# main = "",
# xlab = "Seconds",
# ylab = "m/z",
# col = col,
# xlim = trange
# )
# } else {
# plot(
# c(NA, NA),
# main = "",
# xlab = "Seconds",
# ylab = "m/z",
# xlim = trange,
# ylim = mzrange
# )
# }
# ## done
# title(
# main = paste(
# f,
# ': ',
# round(mzrange[1], 4),
# ' - ',
# round(mzrange[2], 4),
# ' m/z , dppm=',
# cdppm,
# ', EGauss=',
# egauss ,
# ', S/N =',
# csn,
# sep = ''
# )
# )
# par(mar = c(1, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1)
# image(
# y = scales[1:(dim(wCoefs)[2])],
# z = wCoefs,
# col = terrain.colors(256),
# xaxt = 'n',
# ylab = 'CWT coeff.'
# )
# par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 2) + 0.1)
# plot(tdp, d, ylab = 'Intensity', xlab = 'Scan Time')
# lines(tdp, d, lty = 2)
# lines(scantime[otd], od, lty = 2, col = 'blue') ## original mzbox range
# abline(h = baseline, col = 'green')
# bwh <- length(sr[1]:sr[2]) - length(baseline)
# if (odd(bwh)) {
# bwh1 <- floor(bwh / 2)
# bwh2 <- bwh1 + 1
# } else {
# bwh1 <- bwh2 <- bwh / 2
# }
# if (any(!is.na(peaks[, "scpos"])))
# {
# ## plot centers and width found through wavelet analysis
# abline(v = scantime[na.omit(peaks[(peaks[, "scpos"] > 0), "scpos"])], col =
# 'red')
# }
# abline(v = na.omit(c(peaks[, "rtmin"], peaks[, "rtmax"])),
# col = 'green',
# lwd = 1)
# if (fitgauss) {
# tdx <- seq(min(td), max(td), length.out = 200)
# tdxp <- seq(trange[1], trange[2], length.out = 200)
# fitted.peaks <- which(!is.na(peaks[, "mu"]))
# for (p in fitted.peaks)
# {
# ## plot gaussian fits
# yg <-
# gauss(tdx, peaks[p, "h"], peaks[p, "mu"], peaks[p, "sigma"])
# lines(tdxp, yg, col = 'blue')
# }
# }
# Sys.sleep(sleep)
# }
# ## -- END plotting/sleep
# if (!is.null(peaks)) {
# peaklist[[length(peaklist) + 1]] <- peaks
# }
# } ## f
# if (length(peaklist) == 0) {
# warning("No peaks found!")
# if (verboseColumns) {
# nopeaks <- matrix(nrow = 0,
# ncol = length(basenames) +
# length(verbosenames))
# colnames(nopeaks) <- c(basenames, verbosenames)
# } else {
# nopeaks <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(basenames))
# colnames(nopeaks) <- c(basenames)
# }
# message(" FAIL: none found!")
# return(nopeaks)
# }
# p <- do.call(rbind, peaklist)
# if (!verboseColumns)
# p <- p[, basenames, drop = FALSE]
# uorder <- order(p[, "into"], decreasing = TRUE)
# pm <-
# as.matrix(p[, c("mzmin", "mzmax", "rtmin", "rtmax"), drop = FALSE])
# uindex <-
# rectUnique(pm, uorder, mzdiff, ydiff = -0.00001) ## allow adjacent peaks
# pr <- p[uindex, , drop = FALSE]
# message(" OK: ", nrow(pr), " found.")
# return(pr)
# }
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