#' #' @title Download the metacyc compound database
#' #' @description Download the metacyc compound database
#' #' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' #' \email{shenxt1990@@outlook.com}
#' #' @param url Default is "http://websvc.biocyc.org/xmlquery?[x:x<-meta^^reactions]".
#' #' @param path Default is ..
#' #' @return Downloaded files.
#' #' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' #' @export
#' download_metacyc_reaction <-
#' function(url = 'http://websvc.biocyc.org/xmlquery?[x:x<-meta^^reactions]',
#' path = ".") {
#' message('Download MetaCyc reaction list. It takes a while')
#' h = basicTextGatherer()
#' curl.result = tryCatch({
#' curlPerform(url = url, writefunction = h$update)
#' }, warning = function(w) {
#' message(
#' 'WARNING: MetaCyc server is unstable now. We are trying to get alternative server, but we recommend try this function again later'
#' )
#' }, error = function(e) {
#' message(
#' 'WARNING: MetaCyc server is unstable now. We are trying to get alternative server, but we recommend try this function again later'
#' )
#' alter_url = 'http://compbio.korea.ac.kr/rbiorxn/metacyc_all.html'
#' curlPerform(url = alter_url, writefunction = h$update)
#' })
#' xml = h$value()
#' if (xml == '') {
#' message(
#' 'get.metacyc.all() function is not properly performed. Please email the author if it keeps happening'
#' )
#' return(NA)
#' }
#' xml = unlist(strsplit(xml, '\n'))
#' index = grep('^ <Reaction ID', xml)
#' reg_ex = "(.*META:)(.*)(' orgid.+)"
#' reactionIds = sub(reg_ex, '\\2', xml[index])
#' message(sprintf(
#' '%s reaction entries are being downloaded',
#' length(reactionIds)
#' ))
#' metacycDf = .parse.metacyc.biopax(reactionIds)
#' return(metacycDf)
#' }
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