#' @include generics.R
#' @include aaa.R
#' A class to store database information from an mzIdentML file
#' This class handles parsing and storage of database information from mzIDentML
#' files, residing at the /MzIdentML/SequenceCollection/DBSequence node.
#' The content of the class is stored in a data.frame with columns depending on
#' the content of the mzIdentML file. Required information for files conforming
#' to the mzIdentML standard are: 'accession', 'searchDatabase_ref' and 'id',
#' while additional information can fx be 'length' (number of residues),
#' 'description' (from the fasta file) and 'sequence' (the actual sequence).
#' @section Objects from the class:
#' Objects of mzIDdatabase are not meant to be created explicitly but as part of
#' the \code{\link{mzID-class}}. Still object can be created with the
#' constructor \code{\link{mzIDdatabase}}.
#' @slot database A data.frame containing references to all the database
#' sequences from the mzIdentML file
#' @family mzID-classes
#' @seealso \code{\link{mzIDdatabase}}
#' @describeIn mzIDdatabase Short summary of the content of the object
#' @param object An mzIDevidence object
'show', 'mzIDdatabase',
if(length(object) == 0){
cat('An empty mzIDdatabase object\n')
} else {
cat('An mzIDdatabase object with', length(object), 'entries\n')
#' @describeIn mzIDdatabase Report the number of proteins in the database
#' @param x An mzIDdatabase object
'length', 'mzIDdatabase',
#' @describeIn mzIDdatabase Get the database used for searching
#' @param safeNames Should column names be lowercased to ensure compatibility
#' between v1.0 and v1.1 files?
#' @importFrom ProtGenerics database
'database', 'mzIDdatabase',
function(object, safeNames=TRUE){
if(safeNames) {
} else {
#' A constructor for the mzIDdatabase class
#' This function handles parsing of data and construction of an mzIDdatabase
#' object. This function is not intended to be called explicitly but as part of
#' an mzID construction. Thus, the function is not exported.
#' @param doc an \code{XMLInternalDocument} created using
#' \code{\link[XML]{xmlInternalTreeParse}}
#' @param ns The appropriate namespace for the doc, as a named character vector
#' with the namespace named x
#' @param addFinalizer \code{Logical} Sets whether reference counting should be
#' turned on
#' @param path If doc is missing the file specified here will be parsed
#' @return An \code{mzIDdatabase} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{mzIDdatabase-class}}
#' @importFrom XML getNodeSet xmlValue
#' @export
mzIDdatabase <- function(doc, ns, addFinalizer=FALSE, path){
if (missing(doc)) {
if (missing(path)) {
return(new(Class = 'mzIDdatabase'))
} else {
xml <- prepareXML(path)
doc <- xml$doc
ns <- xml$ns
.path <- getPath(ns)
database <- attrExtract(doc, ns, paste0(.path, '/x:SequenceCollection/x:DBSequence'), addFinalizer=addFinalizer)
dbnames <- getNodeSet(doc,
paste0(.path, '/x:SequenceCollection/x:DBSequence/x:cvParam/@name'),
namespaces = ns,
if(length(dbnames) > 0) {
dbnames1 <- unlist(getNodeSet(doc,
paste0(.path, '/x:SequenceCollection/x:DBSequence/x:cvParam/@value'),
addFinalizer=addFinalizer))[dbnames == 'protein description']
if (!is.null(dbnames1)) {
hasName <- countChildren(doc, ns,
path=paste0(.path, '/x:SequenceCollection/x:DBSequence'),
'cvParam', 'name', addFinalizer=addFinalizer)
hasRightName <- as.logical(hasName)
hasRightName[hasRightName] <-
sapply(split(dbnames == 'protein description', rep(seq(along=hasName), hasName)), any)
dbnames1 <- mapply(sub, paste('^\\Q',database$accession[hasRightName], '\\E', ' ', sep=''), '', dbnames1)
database$description <- NA
database$description[hasRightName] <- dbnames1
dbseq <- getNodeSet(doc, paste0(.path, '/x:SequenceCollection/x:DBSequence/x:Seq'), namespaces = ns, addFinalizer=addFinalizer)
if (length(dbseq) > 0) {
dbseq <- sapply(dbseq, xmlValue)
hasSeq <- countChildren(doc, ns, path=paste0(.path, '/x:SequenceCollection/x:DBSequence'), 'Seq', addFinalizer=addFinalizer)
database$sequence <- NA
database$sequence[hasSeq != 0] <- dbseq
new(Class = 'mzIDdatabase',
database = database)
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