#' @include mzID.R
#' @include mzIDCollection.R
#' Parse an mzIdentML file
#' This function takes a single mzIdentML file and parses it into an mzID object.
#' The mzID function uses the XML package to read the content of an mzIdentML file and store it in
#' an mzID object. Unlike how mzR handles mzML files, mzID parses everything in one chunk. Memory
#' can thus be a problem for very big datasets, but as mzIdentML files are not indexed, it is
#' ineficient to access the data dynamically.
#' If multiple filenames are passed to the function they will be processed in parallel using foreach and doParallel.
#' The number of workers spawned is either the maximal number of available cores or the number of files to parse,
#' whichever is smallest. The return value will in these cases be an mzIDCollection object. If some of the files
#' cannot be parsed they will not be contained in the returned object and a warning will be issued. No errors will
#' be thrown.
#' @param file A character string giving the location of the mzIdentML file to be parsed
#' @param verbose \code{Logical} Should information be printed to the console? Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @return An mzID object
#' @seealso \code{\link{mzID-class}} \code{\link{mzIDCollection-class}}
#' @examples
#' # Parsing of the example files provided by HUPO:
#' exampleFiles <- list.files(system.file('extdata', package = 'mzID'),
#' pattern = '*.mzid', full.names = TRUE)
#' mzID(exampleFiles[1])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[2])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[3])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[4])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[5])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[6])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[7])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[8])
#' mzID(exampleFiles[9])
#' # Parsing into an mzIDCollection
#' collection <- mzID(exampleFiles[1:3])
#' names(collection)
#' @export
#' @importFrom XML xmlInternalTreeParse getDefaultNamespace free
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom iterators icount
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
mzID <- function(file, verbose=TRUE) {
addFinalizer = TRUE
if (missing(file)) {
} else if(length(file) > 1) {
nCores <- detectCores()
nThreads <- ifelse(length(file) < nCores, length(file), nCores)
cl <- makeCluster(nThreads, outfile=ifelse(verbose, '', NULL))
res <- foreach( i=icount(length(file)), .packages=c("mzID"), .errorhandling='remove') %dopar% {
cat('reading ', basename(file[i]), '...\n', sep='')
ans <- mzID(file[i], verbose=FALSE)
cat(basename(file[i]), 'DONE!\n')
if(length(res) != length(file)) warning(length(file)-length(res), 'files could not be parsed')
return(do.call('mzIDCollection', res))
} else {
if(verbose) cat('reading ', basename(file), '...', sep='')
if(!isRemote(file) && !file.exists(file)) stop('file ', sQuote(file), ' does not exist!')
xml <- prepareXML(file)
doc <- xml$doc
ns <- xml$ns
data <- new(Class = 'mzID',
parameters = mzIDparameters(doc, ns, addFinalizer=addFinalizer),
psm = mzIDpsm(doc, ns, addFinalizer=addFinalizer),
peptides = mzIDpeptides(doc, ns, addFinalizer=addFinalizer),
evidence = mzIDevidence(doc, ns, addFinalizer=addFinalizer),
database = mzIDdatabase(doc, ns, addFinalizer=addFinalizer))
rm(doc, ns, xml)
if(verbose) cat(' DONE!\n')
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