
Defines functions prepare_features_components

Documented in prepare_features_components

#' @title Prepare features components
#' @description This function prepares the components
#'    (clusters in molecular network) for further use
#' @include get_params.R
#' @param input Input file
#' @param output Output file
#' @return The path to the prepared features' components
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tima:::copy_backbone()
#' go_to_cache()
#' github <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"
#' repo <- "taxonomicallyinformedannotation/tima-example-files/main/"
#' dir <- paste0(github, repo)
#' input <- get_params(step = "prepare_features_components")$files$networks$spectral$components$raw
#' get_file(url = paste0(dir, input), export = input)
#' prepare_features_components(
#'   input = input
#' )
#' unlink("data", recursive = TRUE)
#' }
prepare_features_components <-
  function(input = get_params(step = "prepare_features_components")$files$networks$spectral$components$raw,
           output = get_params(step = "prepare_features_components")$files$networks$spectral$components$prepared) {
    stopifnot("Input file(s) do(es) not exist" = all(purrr::map(.x = input, .f = file.exists) |> unlist()))

    log_debug(x = "Loading files ...")
    log_debug(x = "... components table")
    table <- purrr::map(
      .x = input,
      .f = tidytable::fread,
      na.strings = c("", "NA"),
      colClasses = "character"
    ) |>
      tidytable::bind_rows() |>
      tidytable::select(feature_id = `cluster index`, component_id = componentindex) |>

      parameters = get_params(step = "prepare_features_components"),
      step = "prepare_features_components"
    tima:::export_output(x = table, file = output)

taxonomicallyinformedannotation/tima-r documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 11:51 p.m.