
Defines functions parse_yaml_params

Documented in parse_yaml_params

#' @title Parse YAML parameters
#' @description This function parses YAML parameters
#' @param def Default path
#' @param usr User path
#' @return A list containing the parameters specified in the YAML files
#' @examples NULL
parse_yaml_params <- function(def = get("default_path", envir = parent.frame()),
                              usr = get("user_path", envir = parent.frame())) {
  ## Read the default YAML file
  params <- yaml::read_yaml(file = def)

  ## If a user-specified YAML file exists,
  ## read it and overwrite the default values with the user-specified ones
  if (file.exists(usr)) {
    params <- yaml::read_yaml(file = usr)

  ## Return the final list of parameters
taxonomicallyinformedannotation/tima-r documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 11:51 p.m.