# # Internal quick testing app for admin page
# addResourcePath("sps", "www")
# for (i in 1:10){
# db$accAdd(paste0("user", i), "dsads!dddddd")
# }
# if (interactive()){
# shinyApp(
# div(
# tags$head(
# shinytoastr::useToastr(),
# ),
# adminUI()
# ),
# function(input, output, session) {
# shared <- reactiveValues()
# observeEvent(1, {
# shared$admin$current_user <- "admin"
# shared$admin$users$acc_event <- 0
# }, once = TRUE)
# observe({shared$topInput[['admin-left_sidebar']] <- input[['admin-left_sidebar']]})
# admin_infoServer("admin-info", shared)
# admin_usersServer("admin-users", shared)
# }
# )
# }
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.