
# Copyright (c) 2024 Apex Resource Management Solution Ltd. (ApexRMS). All rights reserved.
# MIT License
#' @include AAAClassDefinitions.R

#' Retrieves run log of result Scenario
#' Retrieves the run log of a result Scenario.
#' @param scenario \code{\link{Scenario}} object.
#' @return 
#' A character string: the run log for a result scenario.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the file path and name of an existing SsimLibrary
#' myLibraryName <- file.path("MyLibrary.ssim")
#' # Set the SyncroSim Session, SsimLibrary, Project, and Scenario
#' mySession <- session()
#' myLibrary <- ssimLibrary(name = myLibraryName,
#'                          session = mySession)
#' myProject <- project(myLibrary, project = "Definitions")
#' myScenario <- scenario(myProject, scenario = "My Scenario")
#' # Run Scenario
#' resultScenario <- run(myScenario)
#' # Retrieve the run log of the result Scenario
#' runLog(resultScenario)
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("runLog", function(scenario) standardGeneric("runLog"))

#' @rdname runLog
setMethod("runLog", signature(scenario = "character"), function(scenario) {

#' @rdname runLog
setMethod("runLog", signature(scenario = "Scenario"), function(scenario) {
  tt <- command(list(list = NULL, runlog = NULL, lib = .filepath(scenario), sid = .scenarioId(scenario)), .session(scenario))
  if (grepl("The scenario is not a result scenario", tt[1], fixed = TRUE)) {
    tt <- tt[1]

  outString <- paste(tt, collapse = "\n")
syncrosim/rsyncrosim documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:29 a.m.