#' @title Write an HTML Summary Report
#' @description Compiles an HTML report using a supplied template
#' @param fastqcDir A directory containing zipped, or extracted FastQC reports
#' @param template The template file which will be copied into `fastqcDir`
#' @param outDir The directory to write the compiled document to
#' @param usePlotly Generate interactive plots?
#' @param species Species/closely related species of sequenced samples
#' @param gcType Is the data "Transcriptomic" or "Genomic" in nature?
#' @param nOver The maximum number of Overrepresented Sequences to show
#' @param targetsDF A data.frame with at least two columns named
#' `Filename` and `Label`.
#' The filenames should match the original fastq files, and the labels should
#' be simply alternative labels for these files for convenience.
#' @param overwrite `logical`. Overwrite any previous copies of the
#' template file in the destination directory
#' @param quiet `logical`. Show or hide markdown output in the Console.
#' @details
#' This will take a user supplied template, or the file supplied with the
#' package and create an HTML summary of all standard FASTQC plots for all
#' files in the supplied directory.
#' @return
#' Silently returns `TRUE` and will output a compiled HTML file from the
#' supplied Rmarkdown template file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' packageDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "ngsReports")
#' fileList <- list.files(packageDir, pattern = "fastqc.zip", full.names= TRUE)
#' # Copy these files to tempdir() to avoid overwriting
#' # any files in the package directory
#' file.copy(fileList, tempdir(), overwrite = TRUE)
#' writeHtmlReport(fastqcDir = tempdir())
#' }
#' @export
writeHtmlReport <- function(
fastqcDir, template, outDir, usePlotly = TRUE, species = "Hsapiens",
gcType = c("Genome", "Transcriptome"), nOver = 30, targetsDF,
overwrite = FALSE, quiet = TRUE){
## Maybe include checks for the package webshot & PhantomJS
## Install looks like webshot::install_phantomjs() should work
if (missing(template))
template <- system.file(
package = "ngsReports"
if (!file.exists(template))
stop("Could not find template file", template)
if (!grepl("Rmd$", template))
stop("Supplied template must be an rmarkdown file")
## Copy the template file to fastqcDir
if (!dir.exists(fastqcDir)) stop("Could not find directory", fastqcDir)
cp <- file.copy(template, fastqcDir, overwrite = overwrite)
if (!cp) {
msg <- paste(
"Template file was not able to be copied.",
"Do you need to set overwrite = TRUE",
"or check write permissions?"
file2Knit <- file.path(fastqcDir, basename(template))
## Define the output directory
if (missing(outDir)) outDir <- fastqcDir
## Export targets.csv from targets data.frame if supplied
if (!missing(targetsDF)) {
chk <- vapply(
c("[Ff]ile[Nn]ame", "[Ll]abel"),
FUN = function(y,x) any(grepl(y,x)),
FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
x = colnames(targetsDF)
if (all(chk)) {
message("Exporting targets.csv")
if (!requireNamespace('readr', quietly = TRUE))
stop("Please install 'readr' to setup the targets file.")
## This needs to be in the same directory as the template (for now)
targetsDF, file.path(fastqcDir, "targets.csv"), append = FALSE
message("Invalid targetsDF. No file will be exported.")
## Check the remaining arguments
nOver <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(nOver[1]))
## Include the namesapce for gcTheoretical as that allows running without
## loading the package, which is a pretty common use case
gcType <- match.arg(gcType)
avail <- gcAvail(ngsReports::gcTheoretical, gcType)
species <- match.arg(species, avail$Name)
## Compile the document in the directory
htmlOut <- file.path(outDir, gsub(".Rmd$", ".html", basename(template)))
message("Generating ", htmlOut, "from template...")
output_format = "html_document",
output_file = basename(htmlOut),
output_dir = outDir,
envir = new.env(),
quiet = quiet,
params = list(
usePlotly = usePlotly,
gcType = gcType,
species = species,
nOver = nOver
## Return the message, along with invisible(TRUE/FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.