#' @title The FastpData Object Class
#' @description The FastpData Object Class
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @details This object class is the main object required for generating plots
#' and tables. Instantiation will first check for a .json file with the correct
#' data structure, and will then parse all the data into R as a `FastpData`
#' object. Fastp modules are contained as individual slots, which can be viewed
#' using `slotNames`. Sub-modules are also contained within many larger modules
#' with modules being based on the sections within a fastp html report
#' Individual modules can be returned using the function `getModule()`
#' and specifying which module/sub-module is required. See [getModule()] for
#' more details.
#' @slot Summary Contains three submodules 1) Before_filtering, 2)
#' After_filtering and 3) Filtering_result. All values presented in the initial
#' table for individual fastp reports are contained in other sections of the
#' report
#' @slot Adapters Contains a tibble with all data from this module
#' @slot Duplication Contains a tibble with all duplication results
#' @slot Insert_size Contains a tibble with all insert size estimates
#' @slot Before_filtering,After_filtering The modules can be selected for either
#' Read1 or Read2
#' @slot paired logical(1) indicating whether the file is from paired-end
#' sequencing
#' @slot command character(1) with the executed command
#' @slot version character(1) with the fastp version being used
#' @slot path Path to the Fastp report
#' @return An object of class FastpData
#' @include validationFunctions.R
#' @rdname FastpData
#' @aliases FastpData-class
slots = c(
Summary = "list",
Adapters = "data.frame",
Duplication = "data.frame",
Insert_size = "data.frame",
Before_filtering = "list",
After_filtering = "list",
paired = "logical",
command = "character",
version = "character",
path = "character"
setValidity("FastpData", .isValidFastpData)
#' @param x Path to a single zip archive or extracted folder for a individual
#' fastp report.
#' @rdname FastpData
#' @export
FastpData <- function(x){
fl <- .FastpFile(x)
as(fl, "FastpData")
## The show method doesn't need exporting
isPaired <- object@paired
reads <- object@Summary$Before_filtering$total_reads
cat("Source Fastp file is located in", object@path)
"\nSource Fastq file(s) contains",
c(scales::comma(reads/2, 1), "paired-end"), collapse = " "
paste(c(scales::comma(reads, 1), "single-end"), collapse = " ")
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