#' @title Define Genomic Regions Based on Gene Annotations
#' @description
#' Use gene, transcript and exon annotations to define genomic regions
#' @param genes,transcripts,exons GRanges objects defining each level of
#' annotation
#' @param promoter Numeric vector defining upstream and/or downstream distances
#' for a promoter. Passing a single value will define a symmetrical promoter
#' The first value represents the upstream range
#' @param upstream The distance from a TSS defining an upstream promoter
#' @param intron logical(1) Separate gene bodies into introns and exons. If
#' `intron = FALSE` gene bodies will simply be defined as gene bodies
#' @param proximal Distance from a gene to be considered a proximal intergenic
#' region. If set to 0, intergenic regions will simply be considered as
#' uniformly intergenic
#' @param cols Column names to be retained from the supplied annotations
#' @param simplify Passed internally to `reduceMC` and `setdiffMC`
#' @param ... Not used
#' @details
#' Using GRanges annotated as genes, transcripts and exons this function will
#' define ranges uniquely assigned to a region type using a hierarchical
#' process. By default, these region types will be (in order) 1) Promoters, 2)
#' Upstream Promoters, 3) Exons, 4) Introns, 5) Proximal Intergenic and 6)
#' Distal Intergenic.
#' Setting `intron = FALSE` will replace introns and exons with a generic "Gene
#' Body" annotation.
#' Setting `proximal = 0` will return all intergenic regions (not previously
#' annotated as promoters or upstream promoters) to an "Intergenic" category
#' Notably, once a region has been defined, it is excluded from all subsequent
#' candidate regions.
#' Any columns matching the names provided in cols will be returned, and it is
#' assumed that the gene/transcript/exon ranges will contain informative columns
#' in the `mcols()` element.
#' @return A GRangesList
#' @examples
#' ## Define two exons for two transcripts
#' sq <- Seqinfo(seqnames = "chr1", seqlengths = 50000)
#' e <- c("chr1:20001-21000", "chr1:29001-29950", "chr1:22001-23000", "chr1:29001-30000")
#' e <- GRanges(e, seqinfo = sq)
#' mcols(e) <- DataFrame(
#' gene_id = "Gene1", transcript_id = paste0("Trans", c(1, 1, 2, 2))
#' )
#' ## Define the transcript ranges
#' t <- unlist(endoapply(split(e, e$transcript_id), range))
#' t$gene_id <- "Gene1"
#' t$transcript_id <- names(t)
#' names(t) <- NULL
#' ## Summarise to gene level
#' g <- reduceMC(t)
#' g$transcript_id <- NA_character_
#' ## Now annotate the regions
#' regions <- defineRegions(genes = g, transcripts = t, exons = e)
#' sort(unlist(regions))
#' ## Alternatively, collpse gene body and intergenic ranges
#' regions <- defineRegions(
#' genes = g, transcripts = t, exons = e, intron = FALSE, proximal = 0
#' )
#' sort(unlist(regions))
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols mcols<-
#' @export
defineRegions <- function(
genes, transcripts, exons, promoter = c(2500, 500), upstream = 5000,
intron = TRUE, proximal = 10000, simplify = FALSE,
cols = c("gene_id", "gene_name", "transcript_id", "transcript_name"), ...
) {
## Sanity checks
all(is(genes, "GRanges"), is(transcripts, "GRanges"), is(exons, "GRanges"))
sq <- seqinfo(genes)
seqlengths <- seqlengths(sq)
if (any(is.na(seqlengths)))
stop("NA seqlengths. Cannot defne regions with undefined sequence lengths")
stopifnot(is.numeric(c(promoter, upstream, proximal)))
all_cols <- c(.mcolnames(genes), .mcolnames(transcripts), .mcolnames(exons))
stopifnot(all(table(all_cols) == 3))
cols <- c("region", intersect(cols, all_cols))
## Promoters
promoter <- abs(rep_len(promoter, 2))
prom <- promoters(transcripts, promoter[1], promoter[2])
prom$region <- paste0("Promoter (-", promoter[1], "/+", promoter[2], ")")
mcols(prom) <- mcols(prom)[cols]
prom <- reduceMC(prom, ignore.strand = TRUE, simplify = simplify)
out <- GRangesList(promoter = prom)
## Upstream Promoters
up_prom <- promoters(transcripts, upstream[1], downstream = 0)
up_prom$region <- paste0("Upstream Promoter (-", upstream / 1e3, "kb)")
mcols(up_prom) <- mcols(up_prom)[cols]
up_prom <- setdiffMC(up_prom, prom, ignore.strand = TRUE, simplify = simplify)
out$upstream_promoter <- reduceMC(up_prom, simplify = simplify)
## Gene Bodies
if (intron) {
ex <- exons
ex$region <- "Exon"
mcols(ex) <- mcols(ex)[cols]
ex <- setdiffMC(ex, unlist(out), ignore.strand = TRUE, simplify = simplify)
out$exon <- reduceMC(ex, simplify = simplify)
introns <- setdiffMC(genes, unlist(out), ignore.strand = TRUE, simplify = simplify)
introns$region <- "Intron"
mcols(introns) <- mcols(introns)[cols]
out$intron <- reduceMC(introns, simplify = simplify)
} else {
gn <- setdiffMC(genes, unlist(out), ignore.strand = TRUE, simplify = simplify)
gn$region <- "Gene Body"
mcols(gn) <- mcols(gn)[cols]
out$gene_body <- reduceMC(gn, simplify = simplify)
if (proximal > 0) {
## Only define proximal/distal if proximal > 0
prox <- suppressWarnings(
## This may give an OOB error
resize(genes, width = width(genes) + 2 * proximal, fix = 'center')
prox <- trim(prox)
prox <- setdiffMC(prox, unlist(out), ignore.strand = TRUE, simplify = simplify)
prox$region <- paste0("Intergenic (<", proximal / 1e3, "kb)")
mcols(prox) <- mcols(prox)[cols]
out$proximal_intergenic <- reduceMC(prox, simplify = simplify)
distal <- setdiffMC(GRanges(sq), unlist(out), simplify = simplify)
distal$region <- paste0("Intergenic (>", proximal / 1e3, "kb)")
out$distal_intergenic <- distal
} else {
inter <- setdiffMC(GRanges(sq), unlist(out), simplify = simplify)
inter$region <- "Intergenic"
out$intergenic <- inter
## Remove any empty elements
keep <- vapply(out, length, integer(1)) > 0
out <- out[keep]
## Simplify the type column if needed
if (!simplify) {
out <- endoapply(
out, function(x){
x$region <- vapply(x$region, unique, character(1))
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