
Defines functions read.degradation.matrix

Documented in read.degradation.matrix

#' A function for reading in coverage data from degradation-susceptible regions 
#' This function reads in degradation regions to form 
#' a library-size- and read-length-normalized 
#' degradation matrix for subsequent RNA quality correction
#' @param covFiles coverage file(s) for degradation regions
#' @param sampleNames sample names; creates column names of degradation matrix
#' @param totalMapped how many reads per sample (library size normalization) 
#' @param readLength read length in base pairs (read length normalization)
#' @param normFactor common library size to normalize to; 80M reads as default
#' @param type whether input are individual `bwtool` output, `region_matrix` run on individual samples, or `region_matrix` run on all samples together
#' @param BPPARAM (Optional) BiocParallelParam for parallel operation
#' @return the normalized degradation matrix, region by sample
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @examples 
#' # bwtool
#' bwPath = system.file('extdata', 'bwtool', package = 'sva')
#' degCovAdj = read.degradation.matrix(
#'  covFiles = list.files(bwPath,full.names=TRUE),
#'  sampleNames = list.files(bwPath), readLength = 76, 
#'  totalMapped = rep(100e6,5),type="bwtool")
#'  head(degCovAdj)
#' # region_matrix: each sample
#' r1Path = system.file('extdata', 'region_matrix_one', package = 'sva')
#' degCovAdj1 = read.degradation.matrix(
#'  covFiles = list.files(r1Path,full.names=TRUE),
#'  sampleNames = list.files(r1Path), readLength = 76, 
#'  totalMapped = rep(100e6,5),type="region_matrix_single")
#'  head(degCovAdj1)
#' r2Path = system.file('extdata', 'region_matrix_all', package = 'sva')
#' degCovAdj2 = read.degradation.matrix(
#'  covFiles = list.files(r2Path,full.names=TRUE),
#'  sampleNames = list.files(r1Path), readLength = 76, 
#'  totalMapped = rep(100e6,5),type="region_matrix_all")
#' head(degCovAdj2)
#' @export

read.degradation.matrix <- function(covFiles, sampleNames,
	totalMapped, readLength= 100, normFactor = 80e6,
	type = c("bwtool","region_matrix_single","region_matrix_all"),
	BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if(length(covFiles) != length(sampleNames) & 
		type %in% c("bwtool", "region_matrix_single")) 
			stop("Must provide one coverage file and sample name per sample for 'bwtool' or 'region_matrix_single' types")
	## read in data
	if(type == "bwtool") { # bwtool output
		degCov = bplapply(covFiles, read.delim,
			as.is=TRUE, colClasses = c(rep("NULL",9),
		degCovMat =do.call("cbind",degCov)	
		colnames(degCovMat) = sampleNames
	} else if(type == "region_matrix_single") { # region w/ manifest
		degCov = bplapply(covFiles, read.delim,
		degCov = lapply(degCov,as.numeric)
		degCovMat =do.call("cbind",degCov)	
		colnames(degCovMat) = sampleNames
	} else if(type == "region_matrix_all") { # region w/ individual file
		degCov = read.delim(covFiles, as.is=TRUE,row.names=1)
		degCovMat = t(as.matrix(degCov))
		colnames(degCovMat) = sampleNames
	} else stop("type must be 'bwtool','region_matrix_single','region_matrix_all'")
	## normalize for library size and read length
	degCovMat = degCovMat/readLength # read length
	bg = matrix(rep(totalMapped/normFactor), 
		ncol = ncol(degCovMat), 
		nrow = nrow(degCovMat), byrow=TRUE)
	degCovAdj = degCovMat/bg
	# return
steveneschrich/msva documentation built on Dec. 23, 2021, 5:33 a.m.