# test new ARMET
tree = yaml::yaml.load_file("data/tree.yaml") %>% data.tree::as.Node()
#options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()}), show.error.locations = TRUE)
my_theme =
theme_bw() +
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(),
panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.2),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.1),
text = element_text(size=12),
#axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5),
strip.background = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10, r = 10, b = 10, l = 10)),
axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10, r = 10, b = 10, l = 10))
# out_dir = "temp"
# Get level
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
n_markers = args[1] %>% as.integer
reps = 30
levels = (args[3] %>% as.integer)
#out_dir = Sys.time() %>% format("%a_%b_%d_%X") %>% gsub("[: ]", "_", .) %>% sprintf("dev/feature_selection_%s", .)
out_dir = args[2] %>% sprintf("dev/feature_selection_%s", .)
out_dir %>% dir.create()
full_bayesian = args[4] %>% as.integer %>% as.logical
iterations = 500
# Variable should be already set
get_markers_number = function(pass, res, num_markers_previous_level, min_n_samples=20){
if(pass == 0 | (num_markers_previous_level %>% is.null))
marker_df %>% distinct(pair, ct1, ct2, level) %>% left_join( tibble(level=c(1,2, 3, 4), `n markers` = c( (min_n_samples * 2.5) %>% ceiling, min_n_samples, min_n_samples, min_n_samples)) )
res %$%
proportions %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Filter only relevant, leave 3rd party comparisons
inner_join( mix_source %>% distinct(level, sample_mix, pair) %>% rename(sample = sample_mix) ) %>%
# Add real prop
separate(pair, c("cta","ctb"), sep=" ") %>%
rowwise %>% mutate(ct1 = min(cta, ctb), ct2 = max(cta, ctb)) %>%
mutate(real = ifelse(`Cell type category` %in% c(ct1, ct2), 0.5, 0)) %>%
ungroup %>%
unite(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"),sep=" ", remove = F) %>%
# Plot
{ (.) %>%
ggplot(aes(y=`.value`, x=sample, color=`Cell type category`)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = `.value.lower`, ymax=`.value.upper`), width=0) + facet_wrap(~level + pair + real) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 5)) } %>%
ggsave(.,filename = sprintf("%s/pass_%s_test_CI.png", out_dir, pass), device = "png")
} %>%
rowwise %>%
mutate(is_outside = ifelse(real %>% between( .value.lower , .value.upper), 0, 1)) %>%
mutate(error = min(abs(.value.lower - real), abs(.value.upper - real)) * is_outside) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Penalise divergent
#mutate(error = ifelse(!converged, 1, error)) %>%
# Get pairwise errors
tbl = (.)
tbl1 = tbl %>%
group_by(sample, level) %>%
(.) %>%
arrange(error %>% desc) %>%
(.) %>%
filter(`real` == 0.5)
) %>%
distinct() %>%
select(sample, `Cell type category`, real, `error`, level) %>%
# Take pairwise error means
tbl = (.)
n=tbl %>% nrow,
v=tbl %>% pull(`Cell type category`) %>% as.character(),
) %>%
as_tibble %>%
rowwise %>%
pair = (.) %>% as.character
tbl %>%
filter(`Cell type category` %in% pair) %>%
summarise(`error mean` = error %>% mean, pair = paste(`Cell type category`, collapse=" "))
}) %>%
ungroup() %>%
separate(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"), sep=" ", remove = F) %>%
# Add flipper combinations
# bind_rows(
# (.) %>% mutate(dummy = ct1, ct1=ct2, ct2=dummy) %>% select(-dummy) %>% unite(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"), sep=" ", remove = F)
# ) %>%
inner_join(marker_df %>% distinct(level, ct1, ct2))
tbl %>%
(.) %>% mutate(dummy = ct1, ct1=ct2, ct2=dummy) %>% select(-dummy) %>% unite(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"), sep=" ", remove = F)
) %>%
anti_join( tbl1 %>% distinct(pair)) %>%
group_by(pair) %>%
arrange(error %>% desc) %>%
slice(1) %>%
rename(`error mean` = error) %>%
} %>%
# group_by(pair, level) %>%
# summarise(`error mean` = `error mean` %>% mean) %>%
((.) %>% ggplot(aes(x=pair, y=`error mean`)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter() + my_theme) %>%
ggsave(filename = sprintf("%s/pass_%s_test_error.png", out_dir, pass), device = "png", width = 8)
} %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(`error min` = 0.05) %>% # `error mean` %>% min) %>%
mutate(`error mean relative` = (`error mean` / `error min`) %>% sqrt) %>%
num_markers_previous_level %>%
distinct(pair, ct1, ct2, `n markers`) %>% rename(`n markers pass 1` = `n markers`)
) %>%
group_by(pair, ct1, ct2, level, `n markers pass 1`) %>%
summarise(`error mean relative mean` = `error mean relative` %>% mean) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(`n markers` = (`error mean relative mean` * `n markers pass 1` ) %>% ceiling) %>%
mutate(`n markers` = ifelse(`n markers` < mean(`n markers pass 1`, !!min_n_samples), mean(`n markers pass 1`, !!min_n_samples) , `n markers`)) %>%
(.) %>% write_csv(sprintf("%s/num_markers_based_on_error_levels_1_2_pass_%s.csv", out_dir, pass))
give_rank_to_ref = function(fit_df, level, fit_threshold, lambda_threshold =5){
ToDataFrameTypeColFull = function(tree, ...){
tree %>%
Clone() %>%
t = (.)
foreach(l=1:(t %$% Get("level") %>% max), .combine = bind_rows) %do% {
data.tree::Clone(t) %>%
{ data.tree::Prune(., function(x) x$level <= l + 1); . } %>%
data.tree::ToDataFrameTypeCol(...) %>%
} %>%
distinct() %>%
{ if("level_3" %in% ((.) %>% colnames)) (.) %>% mutate(level_3 = ifelse(level_3 %>% is.na, level_2, level_3)) else (.) } %>%
{ if("level_4" %in% ((.) %>% colnames)) (.) %>% mutate(level_4 = ifelse(level_4 %>% is.na, level_3, level_4)) else (.) } %>%
{ if("level_5" %in% ((.) %>% colnames)) (.) %>% mutate(level_5 = ifelse(level_5 %>% is.na, level_4, level_5)) else (.) } %>%
{ if("level_6" %in% ((.) %>% colnames)) (.) %>% mutate(level_6 = ifelse(level_6 %>% is.na, level_5, level_6)) else (.) } %>%
select(..., everything())
fit_df %>%
left_join( Clone(tree) %>% ToDataFrameTypeColFull("name") %>% as_tibble() %>% rename(`Cell type formatted`= name)) %>%
filter(`Cell type category` != "house_keeping") %>%
# Select only branches that have childs
(.) %>%
select(!!sprintf("level_%s", level), !!sprintf("level_%s", level + 1)) %>%
distinct %>%
group_by_at(1) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
filter(n > 1)
) %>%
# For each category
group_by(!!sym(sprintf("level_%s", level))) %>%
n=(.) %>% select(!!sprintf("level_%s", level + 1)) %>% distinct %>% drop_na %>% nrow,
v=(.) %>% select(!!sprintf("level_%s", level + 1)) %>% distinct %>% drop_na %>% pull(1),
) %>%
) %>%
mutate(comparison = 1:n()) %>%
unite(pair, c("V1", "V2"), remove = F, sep=" ") %>%
gather(which, `Cell type category`, -!!sprintf("level_%s", level), -comparison, -pair) %>%
fit_df %>% distinct(symbol, `Cell type category`, CI_low, CI_high)
) %>%
# Temporary for cell nameserror
filter(symbol %>% is.na %>% `!`) %>%
(.) %>% distinct(pair, `Cell type category`, symbol) %>% count(pair, symbol) %>% arrange(n) %>% filter(n==1) %>% ungroup %>% distinct(pair)
) %>%
mutate(relevant_CI = ifelse(which == "V1", CI_low, CI_high)) %>%
group_by(comparison, pair, symbol) %>%
arrange(which) %>%
summarise(delta = diff(relevant_CI)) %>%
separate(pair, c("Cell type category", "other Cell type category"), sep=" ", remove = F) %>%
left_join( fit_df %>% distinct(`Cell type category`, symbol, lambda, `gene error mean`) ) %>%
filter(lambda > !!lambda_threshold) %>%
# {
# if( (.) %>% filter(`Cell type category` == "eosinophil") %>% nrow %>% `>` (0)) browser()
# (.)
# } %>%
# If a marker exists for more cell types (can happen) none of them can be noisy otherwise we screw up the whole gene
ungroup() %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
mutate(`too noisy` = `gene error mean` %>% max %>% `>` (fit_threshold)) %>%
ungroup %>%
filter(!`too noisy`) %>%
group_by(comparison, pair) %>%
#filter(`gene error mean` < fit_threshold) %>%
arrange(delta) %>%
mutate(rank = 1:n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(level = !!level)
get_markers_df = function(markers_number, pass){
marker_df %>%
separate(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"), remove = F, sep=" ") %>%
left_join(markers_number, by=c("ct1", "ct2", "level") ) %>%
# # Filter markers
# filter(rank < `n markers`) %>%
# # Filter markers in upper levels that have been selected for lower levels
# inner_join(
# (.) %>%
# distinct(symbol, level) %>%
# group_by(symbol) %>%
# arrange(level %>% desc) %>%
# slice(1) %>%
# ungroup
# ) %>%
# Write table
(.) %>% write_csv(sprintf("%s/markers_pass%s.csv", out_dir, pass))
create_ref = function(ref, markers){
sample_blacklist = c("666CRI", "972UYG", "344KCP", "555QVG", "370KKZ", "511TST", "13816.11933", "13819.11936", "13817.11934", "13818.11935", "096DQV", "711SNV")
ref %>%
(.) %>%
distinct(sample) %>%
filter( !grepl(sample_blacklist %>% paste(collapse="|"), sample))
) %>%
# Get house keeping and markwrs
left_join(markers %>% distinct(level, symbol, ct1, ct2, rank) %>% filter(rank < 500)) %>%
filter(`house keeping` | rank %>% is.na %>% `!`) %>%
# Filter out symbol if present both in markers and house keeping (strange but happens)
(.) %>% filter(`house keeping` & (ct1 %>% is.na %>% `!`)) %>% distinct(symbol)
) %>%
select( -contains("idx")) %>%
mutate(`count` = `count` %>% as.integer)
get_input_data = function(markers, reps, pass){
sample_blacklist = c("666CRI", "972UYG", "344KCP", "555QVG", "370KKZ", "511TST", "13816.11933", "13819.11936", "13817.11934", "13818.11935", "096DQV", "711SNV")
reference =
ref %>%
(.) %>%
distinct(sample) %>%
filter( !grepl(sample_blacklist %>% paste(collapse="|"), sample))
) %>%
# Filter FANTOM
#filter(`Data base` != "FANTOM5") %>%
# inner_join(
# (.) %>%
# distinct(sample, `Cell type category`) %>%
# group_by( `Cell type category`) %>%
# slice(1) %>%
# ungroup
# ) %>%
# # Add extended house keeping genes to match the number of markers (hopefully this will solve some exposure divergencies when I have many markers. I have tried with weighting the sampling but did not work)
# left_join(
# (.) %>%
# filter(level ==2) %>%
# distinct(`Cell type category`, symbol, `house keeping`, lambda, sigma_raw) %>%
# group_by(symbol, `house keeping`) %>%
# summarise(sd = lambda %>% sd, lambda_avg = lambda %>% mean, sigma_raw_sd = sigma_raw %>% sd, sigma_raw_avg = sigma_raw %>% mean) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# arrange(sd, lambda_avg %>% desc) %>%
# mutate(`house keeping extended rank` = 1:n()) %>%
# slice(1:(markers %>% distinct(level, symbol) %>% nrow))
# ) %>%
# mutate(`house keeping` = `house keeping extended rank` %>% is.na %>% `!`) %>%
# mutate(lambda = ifelse(`house keeping extended rank` %>% is.na %>% `!`, lambda_avg, lambda)) %>%
# mutate(sigma_raw = ifelse(`house keeping extended rank` %>% is.na %>% `!`, sigma_raw_avg, sigma_raw)) %>%
# select(-sd,-lambda_avg,- sigma_raw_sd,-sigma_raw_avg,- `house keeping extended rank`) %>%
# Get house keeping and markwrs
left_join(markers %>% distinct(level, symbol, ct1, ct2, rank, `n markers`) %>% filter(rank < 500)) %>%
filter(`house keeping` | rank %>% is.na %>% `!`) %>%
# Filter out symbol if present both in markers and house keeping (strange but happens)
(.) %>% filter(`house keeping` & (ct1 %>% is.na %>% `!`)) %>% distinct(symbol)
) %>%
# {
# bind_rows(
# (.) %>% inner_join( markers %>% distinct(level, symbol, ct1, ct2)),
# (.) %>% filter(`house keeping`)
# )
# } %>%
# decrease number of house keeping
# anti_join(
# (.) %>% filter(`house keeping`) %>% distinct(symbol) %>% slice(500) #sample_frac(0.7)
# ) %>%
select( -contains("idx")) %>%
mutate(`count` = `count` %>% as.integer) ,
mix =
mix_source %>%
distinct(symbol, sample_mix, `count mix`) %>%
drop_na %>%
spread(`sample_mix`, `count mix`) %>%
drop_na %>%
gather(sample_mix, `count mix`, -symbol) %>%
spread(`symbol`, `count mix`) %>%
rename(sample = sample_mix)
) %>%
input = (.)
save(input, file=sprintf("dev/input_test_pass_%s.RData", pass))
# mix_base = readRDS("dev/mix_base.RDS")
# my_ref = mix_base %>% distinct(sample, `Cell type category`, level) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% mutate(level = level %>% as.integer)
# set.seed(123)
# get_mix_source = function(cl){
# {
# # This function goes thought nodes and grubs names of the cluster
# gn = function(node) {
# if(length(node$children) > 0) {
# result =
# # Get cildren names
# #tibble(parent = node$name, children = foreach(cc = node$children, .combine = c) %do% {cc$name}) %>%
# foreach(cc = node$children, .combine = c) %do% {cc$name} %>%
# #create cmbinations
# combn(m = 2) %>%
# t %>%
# as_tibble %>%
# mutate(parent = node$name, level = node$level )
# # Merge results with other nodes
# result %<>%
# bind_rows(
# foreach(nc = node$children, .combine = bind_rows) %do% {gn(nc)}
# )
# return (result)
# }
# }
# gn(Clone(tree))
# } %>%
# mutate(`#` = 1:n()) %>%
# # Make more runs
# right_join(
# tibble(`#` = (1: ((.) %>% nrow)) %>% rep(reps)) %>%
# mutate(run = 1:n())
# ) %>%
# select(-`#`) %>%
# group_by(run) %>%
# #multidplyr::partition(cl) %>%
# #group_by(run) %>%
# do({
# `%>%` = magrittr::`%>%`
# cc = (.)
# dplyr::bind_rows(
# my_ref %>%
# dplyr::filter(`Cell type category` == (cc %>% dplyr::pull(V1)) & level == (cc %>% dplyr::pull(level))) %>%
# dplyr::sample_n(1) %>%
# dplyr::distinct(sample, `Cell type category`),
# my_ref %>%
# dplyr::filter(`Cell type category` == (cc %>% dplyr::pull(V2)) & level == (cc %>% dplyr::pull(level))) %>%
# dplyr::sample_n(1) %>%
# dplyr::distinct(sample, `Cell type category`)
# ) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(run = cc %>% dplyr::distinct(run) %>% dplyr::pull(1)) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(level = cc %>% dplyr::distinct(level) %>% dplyr::pull(1))
# }) %>%
# collect() %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# # Again solving the problem with house keeping genes
# left_join(mix_base %>% distinct(`symbol`, `count scaled bayes`, `Cell type category`, sample, level, `house keeping`)) %>%
# # Add mix_sample
# left_join({
# (.) %>%
# group_by(run) %>%
# do({ #if((.) %>% pull(`Cell type category`) %>% unique %>% equals("t_CD4_memory")) browser()
# (.) %>%
# distinct(`symbol`, `count scaled bayes`, `Cell type category`, run, level) %>%
# spread(`Cell type category`, `count scaled bayes`) %>%
# drop_na %>%
# mutate(pair = names((.))[4:5] %>% paste(collapse=" ")) %>%
# setNames(c("symbol", "run", "level", "1", "2", "pair")) %>%
# mutate( `count mix` = ( (`1` + `2`) / 2 ) %>% as.integer ) %>%
# unite(sample_mix, c("run", "pair"), remove = F)
# } ) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# distinct(symbol, run, level, pair, sample_mix, `count mix`)
# }) %>%
# # Eliminate duplicated of difference levels for example house keepng genes
# group_by(run, symbol, sample) %>%
# arrange(level) %>%
# slice(1) %>%
# ungroup %>%
# # Decrease size
# mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)
# }
# mix_source = get_mix_source(cl)
# saveRDS(mix_source, file="dev/mix_source_30_reps.rds")
# (xx %>%
# #filter(symbol %in% (read_csv("docs/hk_600.txt", col_names = FALSE) %>% pull(1))) %>%
# #inner_join((.) %>% distinct(symbol) %>% head(n=300)) %>%
# aggregate_duplicated_gene_symbols(value_column = "count scaled bayes") %>%
# add_MDS_components(feature_column = "symbol", elements_column = "sample", value_column = "count scaled bayes", components_list = list(1:2, 3:4, 5:6)) %>%
# #rotate_MDS_components(rotation_degrees = -50) %>%
# select(contains("Dimension"), sample, `Cell type formatted`, `Data base`) %>%
# distinct() %>%
# GGally::ggpairs(columns = 1:6, ggplot2::aes(colour=`Data base`, label=`Cell type formatted`))
# ) %>% plotly::ggplotly()
# foreach(n_markers = c(1:10, seq(15, 50, 5), seq(50, 100, 10))) %do% {
s = sample(size = 1, 1:99999999)
# if(file.exists(file_name) %>% `!`) {
# try(
if(levels==1) n_mark_df = ARMET::ARMET_ref %>% distinct(ct1, ct2) %>% mutate(`n markers` = n_markers)
if(levels==2) n_mark_df = readRDS("/stornext/Home/data/allstaff/m/mangiola.s/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/dev/feature_selection_eight_iterative_run_fix_1/markers_50.RData")$input$n_markers
if(levels==3) n_mark_df = readRDS("/stornext/Home/data/allstaff/m/mangiola.s/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/dev/feature_selection_eight_iterative_run_fix_2/markers_25.RData")$input$n_markers
if(levels==4) n_mark_df = readRDS("/stornext/Home/data/allstaff/m/mangiola.s/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/dev/feature_selection_eight_iterative_run_fix_3/markers_25.RData")$input$n_markers
n_mark_df = ARMET::my_n_markers
mix_source = readRDS("dev/mix_source_30_reps.rds")
iteration = 1
do_iterate = function(mix_source, n_mark_df, full_bayesian, levels, iteration, out_dir){
result =
mix_source %>%
filter(level %in% levels) %>%
distinct(symbol, sample_mix, `count mix`) %>%
drop_na %>%
spread(`sample_mix`, `count mix`) %>%
drop_na %>%
gather(sample_mix, `count mix`, -symbol) ,
.sample = sample_mix,
.transcript = symbol,
.abundance = `count mix`,
iterations = 250,
n_markers = n_mark_df,
approximate_posterior = full_bayesian,
cores = 10,
levels = levels
result %>% saveRDS(file=sprintf("%s/markers_%s.RData", out_dir, iteration))
add_markers =
result %$%
proportions %>%
mutate(iteration = iteration) %>%
separate(sample, c("run", "pair"), sep="_", extra="merge") %>%
separate(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"), sep=" ") %>%
#filter(`Cell type category` == ct1 | `Cell type category` == ct2) %>%
mutate(truth = ifelse(`Cell type category` == ct1 | `Cell type category` == ct2, 0.5, 0)) %>%
mutate(error = .value - truth ) %>%
mutate(error = ifelse(dplyr::between(truth, .value.lower, .value.upper), 0, error)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# separate(n_markers, c("path", "n_markers"), sep="markers_") %>%
# separate(n_markers, c("n_markers", "dummy"), sep="_") %>%
mutate(CI = .value.upper - .value.lower) %>%
tree %>%
data.tree::ToDataFrameTree("name", "level") %>%
as_tibble %>%
select(name, level) %>%
mutate(level = level-1) %>%
rename(`Cell type category` = name, level_tree = level)
) %>%
filter(level == level_tree) %>%
tree %>%
data.tree::ToDataFrameTree("name", "level") %>%
as_tibble %>%
select(name, level) %>%
mutate(level = level-1) %>%
rename(ct1 = name, level_pair = level)
) %>%
filter(level_pair == level_tree) %>%
group_by(run, ct1 , ct2, iteration) %>%
(.) %>%
(.) %>%
distinct(`Cell type category`, error) %>%
ttBulk::as_matrix(rownames=`Cell type category`) %>%
dist() %>%
as_tibble(rownames="Cell type category") %>%
gather(`other ct`, `dist`, -`Cell type category`) %>%
group_by(`Cell type category`) %>%
arrange(dist %>% desc) %>%
slice(1) %>%
by = "Cell type category"
}) %>%
filter(truth == 0.5 & error <= 0) %>%
select(`Cell type category`, run, ct1 , ct2 , iteration, truth, error, `other ct`) %>%
group_by(iteration, `Cell type category`, `other ct`) %>%
summarise(error %>% mean) %>%
arrange(iteration %>% desc, `error %>% mean`) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(`error %>% mean` < -0.05) %>%
mutate(add_markers = -`error %>% mean` %>% `-` (0.05) %>% magrittr::multiply_by( 20) %>% ceiling )
# new n_mark_df
n_mark_df %>%
add_markers %>%
rename(ct1 = `Cell type category`, ct2 = `other ct` ) %>%
select(c(2, 3, 5))
) %>%
mutate(add_markers = ifelse(add_markers %>% is.na, 0, add_markers)) %>%
mutate(`n markers` = `n markers` + add_markers) %>%
iteration + 1,
# debugonce(do_iterate)
do_iterate(mix_source %>% filter(level ==levels) %>% inner_join((.) %>% distinct(sample) %>% slice(1:2)), n_mark_df, full_bayesian, levels, iteration, out_dir)
plot_accuracy = function(res_dir){
res =
dir(res_dir, full.names = T) %>%
~ .x %>%
readRDS() %$%
proportions %>%
mutate(n_markers = .x)
) %>%
separate(sample, c("run", "pair"), sep="_", extra="merge") %>%
separate(pair, c("ct1", "ct2"), sep=" ") %>%
#filter(`Cell type category` == ct1 | `Cell type category` == ct2) %>%
mutate(truth = ifelse(`Cell type category` == ct1 | `Cell type category` == ct2, 0.5, 0)) %>%
mutate(error = .value - truth ) %>%
mutate(error = ifelse(dplyr::between(truth, .value.lower, .value.upper), 0, error)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
separate(n_markers, c("path", "iteration"), sep="markers_") %>%
separate(iteration, c("iteration", "dummy"), sep="\\.") %>%
mutate(iteration = iteration %>% as.integer) %>%
mutate(CI = .value.upper - .value.lower)
(res %>%
tree %>%
data.tree::ToDataFrameTree("name", "level") %>%
as_tibble %>%
select(name, level) %>%
mutate(level = level-1) %>%
rename(`Cell type category` = name, level_tree = level)
) %>%
filter(level == level_tree) %>%
tree %>%
data.tree::ToDataFrameTree("name", "level") %>%
as_tibble %>%
select(name, level) %>%
mutate(level = level-1) %>%
rename(ct1 = name, level_pair = level)
) %>%
filter(level_pair == level_tree) %>%
group_by(run, ct1 , ct2, iteration) %>%
(.) %>%
(.) %>%
distinct(`Cell type category`, error) %>%
ttBulk::as_matrix(rownames=`Cell type category`) %>%
dist() %>%
as_tibble(rownames="Cell type category") %>%
gather(`other ct`, `dist`, -`Cell type category`) %>%
group_by(`Cell type category`) %>%
arrange(dist %>% desc) %>%
slice(1) %>%
by = "Cell type category"
}) %>%
filter(truth == 0.5 & error < 0) %>% select(`Cell type category`, run, ct1 , ct2 , iteration, truth, error, `other ct`) %>%
group_by(iteration, `Cell type category`, `other ct`) %>%
summarise(error %>% mean) %>%
# add marker size
dir(res_dir, full.names = T) %>%
~ .x %>%
readRDS() %$%
input %$%
n_markers %>%
setNames(c( "Cell type category", "other ct", "n markers")) %>%
mutate(iteration = .x %>% strsplit("markers_") %>% unlist %>% `[` (2) %>% strsplit("\\.") %>% unlist %>% `[` (1) %>% as.integer)
) %>%
arrange(iteration, `error %>% mean`) %>% ungroup() %>%
ggplot(aes(x=iteration, y=`error %>% mean`, color=interaction(`Cell type category`, `other ct`))) +
stat_summary(aes(y = `error %>% mean`), fun.y=mean, geom="line", size=3) +
geom_point(aes(size=`n markers`), color="black"))%>% plotly::ggplotly()
# geom_jitter(alpha=0.3, width = 0.7) +
# stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2), size = 1, se = F)
(res %>%
filter(truth == 0.5) %>%
filter(error <= 0) %>%
#mutate(error = error %>% abs) %>%
mutate(error = ifelse(dplyr::between(truth, .lower, .upper), 0, error)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
tree %>%
data.tree::ToDataFrameTree("name", "level") %>%
as_tibble %>%
select(name, level) %>%
mutate(level = level-1) %>%
rename(`Cell type category` = name, level_tree = level)
) %>%
filter(level == level_tree) %>%
#filter(level ==2) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=(iteration), y=error, color=interaction(ct1, ct2), size=CI, Q=Q, C=C)) +
#geom_violin() +
geom_jitter(alpha=0.3, width = 0.1) +
# stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2), size = 1, se = F)
stat_summary(aes(y = error), fun.y=mean, geom="line", size=3) +
facet_wrap(~level) +
) %>% plotly::ggplotly()
# Save markers number
n_markers = readRDS("/stornext/Home/data/allstaff/m/mangiola.s/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/dev/feature_selection_eight_iterative_run_fix_4/markers_20.RData")$input$n_markers %>% mutate(`n markers` = ifelse(`n markers` > 50, 50, `n markers`)) %>% mutate(`n markers` = ifelse(`n markers` < 10, 10, `n markers`))
save(n_markers, file="data/n_markers.rda", compress = "gzip")
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