#' Prepare quant files for tximport
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2023-07-13.
#' @param dir `character(1)`.
#' Directory path containing quant files.
#' See [`tximport()`][tximport::tximport] for details.
#' @param type `character(1)`.
#' Type of quant/abundance file to find.
#' Expecting `"quant.sf"` for salmon, `"abundance.h5"` for kallisto.
#' @param makeNames `character(1)`.
#' Syntactic name function to apply on sample names.
#' Uses [`match.arg()`][base::match.arg] internally.
#' @details
#' Runs the following internal comments:
#' 1. Extract sample directory name from quant file using
#' [`dirname()`][base::dirname] and [`basename()`][base::basename].
#' 2. Autopad zeros, if necessary, via
#' [`autopadZeros()`][syntactic::autopadZeros].
#' 3. Sanitizes names with [`snakeCase()`][syntactic::snakeCase].
#' 4. Sorts files alphabetically.
#' @return `character`.
#' Return quant file paths, with valid sample names automatically applied.
#' @seealso
#' - tximport vignette
#' @examples
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages({
#' library(AcidBase)
#' })
#' tempdir <- tempdir2()
#' samples <- c("1-sample-A", "2-sample-B")
#' salmonDir <- initDir(file.path(tempdir, "salmon"))
#' kallistoDir <- initDir(file.path(tempdir, "kallisto"))
#' invisible({
#' lapply(X = file.path(salmonDir, samples), FUN = initDir)
#' file.create(file.path(salmonDir, samples, "quant.sf"))
#' lapply(X = file.path(kallistoDir, samples), FUN = initDir)
#' file.create(file.path(kallistoDir, samples, "abundance.h5"))
#' })
#' salmonFiles <- prepareTximportFiles(dir = salmonDir, type = "salmon")
#' print(salmonFiles)
#' kallistoFiles <- prepareTximportFiles(dir = kallistoDir, type = "kallisto")
#' print(kallistoFiles)
#' unlink2(tempdir)
prepareTximportFiles <-
type = c("salmon", "kallisto"),
makeNames = c("makeNames", "snakeCase", "camelCase")) {
makeNames <- get(
x = match.arg(makeNames),
envir = asNamespace("syntactic"),
inherits = TRUE
type <- match.arg(type)
pattern <- switch(
EXPR = type,
"salmon" = "quant.sf",
"kallisto" = "abundance.h5"
files <- sort(list.files(
path = dir,
pattern = pattern,
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE
msg = sprintf(
"Failed to detect {.file %s} in {.dir %s}.",
pattern, dir
files <- realpath(files)
names <- basename(dirname(files))
names <- autopadZeros(names)
names <- makeNames(names)
names(files) <- names
files <- files[sort(names)]
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