
Defines functions topFeatures

Documented in topFeatures

#' Toplist of DE proteins, peptides or features
#' @description Summary table of the differentially expressed Features
#' @param models A list with elements of the class `StatModel` that are
#'        estimated using the \code{\link{msqrob}} function
#' @param contrast `numeric` (matrix)vector specifying one contrast of
#'        the linear model coefficients to be tested equal to zero.
#'        The (row)names of the vector should be equal to the names of
#'        parameters of the model.
#' @param adjust.method `character` specifying the method to adjust
#'        the p-values for multiple testing.
#'        Options, in increasing conservatism, include ‘"none"’,
#'        ‘"BH"’, ‘"BY"’ and ‘"holm"’.  See ‘p.adjust’ for the complete
#'        list of options. Default is "BH" the Benjamini-Hochberg method
#'        to controle the False Discovery Rate (FDR).
#' @param sort `boolean(1)` to indicate if the features have to be sorted according
#'        to statistical significance.
#' @param alpha `numeric` specifying the cutoff value for adjusted p-values.
#'        Only features with lower p-values are listed.
#' @examples
#' data(pe)
#' # Aggregate peptide intensities in protein expression values
#' pe <- aggregateFeatures(pe, i = "peptide", fcol = "Proteins", name = "protein")
#' # Fit msqrob model
#' pe <- msqrob(pe, i = "protein", formula = ~condition)
#' # Define contrast
#' getCoef(rowData(pe[["protein"]])$msqrobModels[[1]])
#' # Assess log2 fold change between condition c and condition b:
#' L <- makeContrast("conditionc - conditionb=0", c("conditionb", "conditionc"))
#' topDeProteins <- topFeatures(rowData(pe[["protein"]])$msqrobModels, L)
#' @return A dataframe with log2 fold changes (logFC), standard errors (se),
#'         degrees of freedom of the test (df), t-test statistic (t),
#'         p-values (pval) and adjusted pvalues (adjPval) using the specified
#'         adjust.method in the p.adjust function of the stats package.
#' @importFrom stats pt p.adjust na.exclude
#' @rdname topTable
#' @author Lieven Clement
#' @export

topFeatures <- function(models, contrast, adjust.method = "BH", sort = TRUE, alpha = 1) {
    if (is(contrast, "matrix")) {
          if (ncol(contrast) > 1) {
                stop("Argument contrast is matrix with more than one column, only one contrast is allowed")
    contrast <- contrast[contrast !=0]
    logFC <- vapply(models,
        L = contrast
    se <- sqrt(vapply(models,
        L = contrast
    df <- vapply(models, getDfPosterior, numeric(1))
    t <- logFC / se
    pval <- pt(-abs(t), df) * 2
    adjPval <- p.adjust(pval, method = adjust.method)
    out <- data.frame(logFC, se, df, t, pval, adjPval)
    if (sort) {
        if (alpha < 1) {
            ids <- adjPval < alpha
            out <- na.exclude(out[ids, ])
        return(out[order(out$pval), ])
    } else {
statOmics/msqrob2 documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 8:26 a.m.