findChromPeaksIsolationWindow: Data independent acquisition (DIA): peak detection in...

findChromPeaksIsolationWindowR Documentation

Data independent acquisition (DIA): peak detection in isolation windows


The findChromPeaksIsolationWindow function allows to perform a chromatographic peak detection in MS level > 1 spectra of certain isolation windows (e.g. SWATH pockets). The function performs a peak detection, separately for all spectra belonging to the same isolation window and adds them to the chromPeaks() matrix of the result object. Information about the isolation window in which they were detected is added to chromPeakData() data frame.

Note that peak detection with this method does not remove previously identified chromatographic peaks (e.g. on MS1 level using the findChromPeaks() function but adds newly identified peaks to the existing chromPeaks() matrix.

Isolation windows can be defined with the isolationWindow parameter, that by default uses the definition of isolationWindowTargetMz(), i.e. chromatographic peak detection is performed for all spectra with the same isolation window target m/z (seprarately for each file). The parameter param allows to define and configure the peak detection algorithm (see findChromPeaks() for more information).


findChromPeaksIsolationWindow(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'MsExperiment'
  msLevel = 2L,
  isolationWindow = isolationWindowTargetMz(spectra(object)),
  chunkSize = 2L,
  BPPARAM = bpparam()

## S4 method for signature 'OnDiskMSnExp'
  msLevel = 2L,
  isolationWindow = isolationWindowTargetMz(object),



MsExperiment, XcmsExperiment, OnDiskMSnExp or XCMSnExp object with the DIA data.


currently not used.


Peak detection parameter object, such as a CentWaveParam object defining and configuring the chromographic peak detection algorithm. See also findChromPeaks() for more details.


integer(1) specifying the MS level in which the peak detection should be performed. By default msLevel = 2L.


factor or similar defining the isolation windows in which the peak detection should be performed with length equal to the number of spectra in object.


if object is an MsExperiment or XcmsExperiment: integer(1) defining the number of files (samples) that should be loaded into memory and processed at a time. See findChromPeaks() for more information.


if object is an MsExperiment or XcmsExperiment: parallel processing setup. See BiocParallel::bpparam() for more information.


An XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object with the chromatographic peaks identified in spectra of each isolation window from each file added to the chromPeaks matrix. Isolation window definition for each identified peak are stored as additional columns in chromPeakData().


Johannes Rainer, Michael Witting

See Also

reconstructChromPeakSpectra() for the function to reconstruct MS2 spectra for each MS1 chromatographic peak.

sneumann/xcms documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 7:36 p.m.