# # Helper functions
# select_colors <- function(colors, n){
# if (is.null(colors)){
# if (n == 1){
# colors <- "black"
# } else if ( n <= 8){
# colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n,"Dark2")
# } else if (n <= 12){
# colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n,"Paired")
# } else{
# colors <- rainbow(n)
# }
# }
# return(colors)
# }
# make_ynames <- function(x, start = 1L){
# stopifnot(x >= 1)
# end <- start + x - 1
# out <- paste0("yaxis", seq(start, end))
# if (start == 1L) out[1] <- "yaxis"
# out
# }
# get_single_track_trace <- function(i, view, yax, params){
# signal <- as.vector(assays(make_coverage_matrix(params@data[i], view@range,
# binsize = binsize))[[1]])
# list(
# x =
# seq(
# relative_position(view,
# start(view@range)),
# relative_position(view,
# end(view@range)),
# length.out = length(tmp_signal)),
# y = signal,
# text = params@track_names[i],
# name = params@track_names[i],
# hoverinfo = 'x+y+text',
# line = list(color = x@color[i]),
# fill = params@fill,
# mode = params@mode,
# legendgroup = params@track_names[i],
# showlegend = params@showlegend,
# yaxis = gsub("yaxis","y",yax),
# xaxis = "xaxis")
# }
# get_group_track_trace <- function(group, yax, view, params){
# lapply(which(params@group == group),
# get_single_track_trace,
# params = params,
# view = view,
# yax = yax)
# }
# get_annotation_trace <- function(view, params, yax){
# # subset transcript info
# tx_info <- subset_transcripts(view@range, params@annotation)
# # add stepping
# if (length(tx_info) >= 1)
# tx_info <- add_stepping(tx_info)
# anno_data <- as.data.frame(tx_info, row.names = NULL)
# if (nrow(anno_data) == 0) return(NULL)
# anno_data$text <- paste0("Tx ID: ",
# anno_data$transcript,
# "<br>",
# anno_data$feature,
# "<br>",
# "strand: ",
# anno_data$strand)
# anno_data$start <- relative_position(view, anno_data$start)
# anno_data$end <- relative_position(view, anno_data$end)
# anno_data$midpoint <- (anno_data$start + anno_data$end) / 2
# base_list <- list(yaxis = gsub("yaxis","y",yax),
# xaxis = "xaxis",
# hoverinfo = "x+text",
# opacity = 0,
# type = "scatter",
# showlegend = FALSE,
# mode = "markers")
# traces <- lapply(unique(anno_data$transcript), function(tname){
# ix <- which(anno_data$transcript == tname)
# c(base_list, list(x = anno_data$midpoint[ix],
# y = anno_data$stepping[ix],
# name = tname))
# })
# traces
# }
# get_single_locus_trace <- function(view, ystart, params){
# if (is.null(params@annotation)){
# ynames <- make_ynames(1, ystart)
# traces <- lapply(seq_along(params@data),
# get_single_track_trace,
# params = params,
# view = view,
# yax = ynames)
# } else if (params@annotation == "top"){
# ynames <- make_ynames(2, ystart)
# traces <- c(get_annotation_trace(view, params, ynames[1]),
# lapply(seq_along(params@data),
# get_single_track_trace,
# params = params,
# view = view,
# yax = ynames[2]))
# } else{
# ynames <- make_ynames(2, ystart)
# traces <- c(lapply(seq_along(params@data),
# get_single_track_trace,
# params = params,
# view = view,
# yax = ynames[1]),
# get_annotation_trace(view, params, ynames[2]))
# }
# traces
# }
# get_multi_locus_trace <- function(params, views){
# if (length(views) > 1){
# if (is.nulll(params@annotation)){
# ystarts <- seq_along(views)
# } else{
# ystarts <- seq(1, length(views) * 2, 2)
# }
# out <- mapply(get_single_locus_trace, view = views, ystart = ystarts,
# MoreArgs = list(params = params))
# } else{
# if (is.null(params@annotation)){
# ynames <- make_ynames(nlevels(params@groups), ystart)
# out <- do.call(c,
# mapply(get_group_track_trace,
# group = levels(params@groups),
# yax = ynames,
# MoreArgs = list(params = params,
# view = view))
# )
# } else if (params@annotation == "top"){
# ynames <- make_ynames(nlevels(params@groups)+1, ystart)
# out <- c(get_annotation_trace(view, params, ynames[1]),
# do.call(c,
# mapply(get_group_track_trace,
# group = levels(params@groups),
# yax = ynames[seq_len(nlevels(params@groups)) + 1],
# MoreArgs = list(params = params,
# view = view))))
# } else{
# ynames <- make_ynames(nlevels(params@groups)+1, ystart)
# out <- c(do.call(c,
# mapply(get_group_track_trace,
# group = levels(params@groups),
# yax = ynames[seq_len(nlevels(params@groups))],
# MoreArgs = list(params = params,
# view = view))),
# get_annotation_trace(view, params, ynames[length(ynames)]))
# }
# }
# out
# }
# track_widget <- function(data,
# annotation = NULL,
# track_names = if (!is.null(names(data)))
# names(data)
# else basename(data),
# groups = track_names,
# share_y = TRUE,
# showlegend = TRUE,
# colors = NULL,
# fill = c("tozeroy","none"),
# mode = "lines",
# annotation_position = c("bottom","top"),
# annotation_size = 0.25,
# summary = NULL,
# layout = list()){
# params <- list(Class = "TrackParameters",
# data = data,
# annotation = unpack_transcripts(annotation),
# track_names = track_names,
# groups = as.factor(groups),
# summary = summary,
# showlegend = showlegend,
# share_y = share_y,
# colors = select_colors(colors,length(data)),
# fill = match.arg(fill),
# annotation_position = match.arg(annotation_position),
# mode = mode,
# annotation_size = annotation_size,
# layout = layout)
# do.call(new, params)
# }
# summary_y_layout <- function(){
# }
# locus_y_layout <- function(i, ){
# }
# tracks_ylayout <- function(yname, domain, title, range){
# out <- list()
# # y axis settings
# out[[yname]] <- list(title = title,
# domain = domain,
# zeroline = FALSE,
# showgrid = FALSE,
# range = range)
# return(out)
# }
# annotation_ylayout <- function(yname, domain){
# out <- list()
# # y axis settings
# out[[yname]] <- list(domain = domain,
# zeroline = FALSE,
# showline = FALSE,
# showticklabels = FALSE,
# showgrid = FALSE,
# ticks = "")
# return(out)
# }
# setup_layout <- function(params, windows, offset, locus_names){
# out <- list()
# # Y axes
# if (length(views) == 1){
# if (is.null(params@annotations)){
# ynames <- make_ynames(nlevels(params@groups), 1)
# domain_end <- 1
# i <- 1
# ysize <- 1 / nlevels(params@groups)
# for (group in levels(params@groups)){
# out[[ynames[i]]] <- list(title = group,
# domain = c(domain_end - ysize * 0.95,
# domain_end),
# zeroline = FALSE,
# showgrid = FALSE,
# range = c(start(views), end(views)))
# i <- i + 1
# domain_end <- domain_end - ysize
# }
# } else {
# if (params@annotation_position == "top"){
# domain_end <- 1
# i <- 1
# ysize <- 1 / length(views)
# for (view in views){
# out[[ynames[i]]] <- list(title = locus_names[i],
# domain = c(domain_end - ysize * 0.95,
# domain_end),
# zeroline = FALSE,
# showgrid = FALSE,
# range = c(start(views), end(views)))
# i <- i + 1
# domain_end <- domain_end - ysize * params@annotation_size
# out[[ynames[i]]] <- list(title = locus_names[i],
# domain = c(domain_end - ysize * 0.95,
# domain_end),
# zeroline = FALSE,
# showgrid = FALSE,
# range = c(start(views), end(views)))
# i <- i + 1
# domain_end <- domain_end - ysize * (1 - params@annotation_size)
# }
# } else{
# }
# }
# } else{
# if (is.null(params@annotations)){
# } else {
# if (params@annotation_position == "top"){
# } else{
# }
# }
# }
# if (is.null(params@summary)){
# # Add xaxis
# out[["xaxis"]] <- list(zeroline = FALSE,
# anchor = gsub("yaxis","y",
# ynames[length(ynames)]),
# domain = c(0,1))
# } else{
# out[["xaxis"]] <- list(zeroline = FALSE,
# anchor = gsub("yaxis","y",tail(ynames,1)),
# domain = c(0,0.95*(1 - params@summary@width)))
# out[["xaxis2"]] <- list(zeroline = FALSE,
# anchor = gsub("yaxis","y",tail(ynames2,1)),
# domain = c(1 - params@summary@width,1))
# }
# }
# plot_track <- function(window,
# params){
# # Traces
# traces <- get_multi_locus_trace(params, views)
# if (!is.null(summary)){
# summary_traces <- list() #FILL IN
# traces <- c(traces, summary_traces)
# }
# # Layout
# layout <- setup_layout(params, views)
# # Shapes
# if (!is.null(annotation)){
# layout$shapes <- make_annotation_shapes(params, views)
# }
# }
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