#' Read GLIPH files
#' [readGliph()] Imports tab-separated value (.tsv) files generated by GLIPH
#' @param gliph_path Path containing GLIPH convergence group files. The file
#' name will be used as repertoire_id in the output, it is advisable to rename
#' the GLIPH2 files to match input TRB file names so that the GLIPH2 table and
#' repertoire table can be merged
#' @return Tibble with four columns, repertoire_id, gliph count, specificity
#' group and junction amino acid sequence. The GLIPH file name is used as the
#' repertoire_id
#' @details The files contain three columns, the GLIPH2 convergence group count,
#' The specificity group sequence and a space separated list of junction_aa
#' sequences. The function reads these files into a tibble with three columns,
#' expanding the junction_aa column such that each row in the tibble corresponds
#' to one junction_aa
#' @examples
#' file_path <- base::system.file("extdata", "TCRB_gliph",
#' package = "LymphoSeq2")
#' gliph_table <- LymphoSeq2::readGliph(file_path)
#' @export
readGliph <- function(gliph_path) {
gliph_files <- base::list.files(
path = gliph_path,
pattern = "*.tsv",
full.names = TRUE
progress_bar <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = "Reading GLIPH files [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = length(gliph_files), clear = FALSE, width = 60
gliph_table <- gliph_files |>
purrr::map(~ getGliphTable(.x, progress_bar)) |>
#' Group productive sequences by repertoire
#' @param gliph_path Path to individual GLIPH file
#' @param progress_bar Progress bar variable
getGliphTable <- function(gliph_path, progress_bar) {
sample <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(base::basename(gliph_path))
base::options(readr.show_progress = FALSE)
gliph_table <- readr::read_tsv(gliph_path,
col_names = c("gliph_count", "spec_group", "junction_aa"),
col_types = readr::cols()) |>
dplyr::mutate(repertoire_id = sample) |>
tidyr::separate_rows(junction_aa, sep = " ")
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