
Alleloscope (Matched scDNA-seq and scATAC-seq)

Chi-Yun Wu, Zhang Lab, University of Pennsylvania


With matched scDNA-seq and scATAC-seq data, Alleloscope is able to integrate allele-specific copy number alterations (CNAs) (genomics) and chromatin accessibility (epigenetics). Based on allele-specific CNAs profiled in scDNA-seq data, a tumor lineage structure can be reconstructed with several subclones identified. Then each cells in scATAC-seq data can be confidently assigned to the detected subclones by matching multiple allele-specific CNAs detected independently from either scDNA-seq data or scATAC-seq data. This will facilitate dissection of the contributions of chromosomal instability and chromatin remodeling in tumor evolution.

For more information about the method, please check out the github and the paper.

Prepare input files

The following are the input files for different steps.

  1. A Standard vcf file with the SNP info. EXAMPLE
  2. GATK HaplotypeCaller ( is recommended to use to call germline SNPs from the standard bam files (Example script). Other SNP calling tools such as BCFtools can also be used.
  3. SNPs are recommended to be called from the bam file of the matched normal samples. Without matched normal samples, our results show that calling SNPs from the tumor/cellline sample itself can also work.

  4. A tsv file with all cell barcodes. EXAMPLE

  5. Each row is a barcode indicating cell identity.
  6. The "barcodes.tsv" files are the standard outputs of the Cell Ranger software.

  7. SNP by cell (sparse) matrices for both reference allele and alternative alleles. EXAMPLE

  8. For single-cell platforms using barcode technology with all reads in a single bam file, the VarTrix ( tools can be used to generate SNP by cell matrices for both ref and alt alleles (Example script).
  9. For single-cell platforms with separate bam files, the two matrices can be directly generated from multi-sample vcf files.
  10. The information for each SNP should be in the vcf file, the labeling for each cell should be in the barcodes.tsv file (with the same order).

  11. Bin by cell (sparse) matrices for tumor samples. EXAMPLE

  12. The values in the matrices represent total read counts for each cell in each bin.
  13. Row name format:"chr1-1-20000"; The order of the columns (Each column is a cell.) should be the same as that in the barcodes.tsv.
  14. For scATAC-seq data, peak by cell matrix can be converted to bin by cell matrix by summing up the signals or using standard fragments.tsv files (Cell Ranger output) (Example script).

  15. An alleloscope object generated from matched scDNA-seq data. Tutorial for generating scDNA-seq object can be found here.

Tutorial for matched scATAC-seq and scDNA-seq integration

Step0. Load the input files

library(Alleloscope) # load the library
setwd("~/Alleloscope/") # set path to the github folder

dir_path <- "./samples/SNU601/scATAC/output/"; dir.create(dir_path) # set up output directory

size=read.table("data-raw/sizes.cellranger-GRCh38-1.0.0.txt", stringsAsFactors = F)
# SNP by cell matrices for ref and alt alleles
barcodes=read.table("data-raw/SNU601/scATAC/barcodes.tsv", sep='\t', stringsAsFactors = F, header=F)
var_all=read.table("data-raw/SNU601/scATAC/var_all.vcf", header = F, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors = F)

# bin by cell matrices for tumor and normal for segmentation
raw_counts=read.table('data-raw/SNU601/scATAC/chr200k_fragments_sub.txt', sep='\t', header=T, row.names = 1,stringsAsFactors = F)
# Without paired normal sample, use matched scDNA-seq result to help normalize coverge for scATAC-seq data.

Step1. Creating a Alleloscope object for the analysis

Obj=Createobj(alt_all =alt_all, ref_all = ref_all, var_all = var_all ,samplename='Sample', genome_assembly="GRCh38", dir_path=dir_path, barcodes=barcodes, size=size, assay='scATACseq')
Obj_filtered=Matrix_filter(Obj=Obj, cell_filter=5, SNP_filter=5, centro=centromere.GRCh38, telo=telomere.GRCh38) 

# Since phasing information is estimated in the matched scDNA-seq dataset, 
# loose filter: cell_filter=5 and SNP_filter=5 can be used.  
# No further filter for extreme VAF values is needed.

Step2. Segmentation results from matched scDNA-seq or WGS/WES


Step3. Estimate cell major haplotype proportion for each region

Obj_filtered = Est_regions(Obj_filtered = Obj_filtered, max_nSNP = 30000, min_cell = 20, phases = Obj_scDNA$rds_list, plot_stat = T, cont = TRUE)

# The phases for each SNP estimated from DNA sequencing data can help estimate the major haplotype proportion for each cell in scATAC-seq data. 
# Recommend max_nSNP <50000
# Regions without allelic imbalence do not coverge (Reach the max number of iterations.)

Step4. Retrieve a diploid region from DNA-seq data

Obj_filtered$ref=Obj_scDNA$ref # choose one normal region

Step5. Genotype each cell in each region

Obj_filtered=Genotype_value(Obj_filtered = Obj_filtered, type='cellline', raw_counts=raw_counts, cov_adj =1 ,ref_gtv = Obj_scDNA$genotype_values) 
Obj_filtered=Genotype(Obj_filtered = Obj_filtered, ref_gt = Obj_scDNA$genotypes,xmax=4)

The genotying results for the 10 marker regions are shown below.

More explanation about the colors can be found here.

Step6. Infer clonal identity for each cell in the scATAC-seq data

Obj_filtered=AssignClones_ref(Obj_filtered=Obj_filtered, clone.genotypes=clone.genotypes)

Potential downstream analysis

Integrate DNA-level subclones and chromatin accessibility at the single-cell level

Clone=Obj_filtered$cloneAssign$cloneAssign[match(rownames(umap_peak), names(Obj_filtered$cloneAssign$cloneAssign))]
umap_peak=cbind(umap_peak, Clone)

The two signals can be visualized simultaneously for each cell in the scATAC-seq data.



Wu, C.-Y. et al. Integrative single-cell analysis of allele-specific copy number alterations and chromatin accessibility in cancer. Nature Biotechnology (2021):

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