#' Export GISTIC-compatible results
#' \code{export_gistic} Exports gistic inputs.
#' @description Parses the CNA result from \code{LRRtoCNA} and writes a
#' segment file and marker file for input into GISTIC 2.0.
#' @param input Result from \code{LRRtoCNA}.
#' @param output_dir Output directory.
#' @param filterbycount Logical. Recommended. Should the output segment file be
#' filtered for having at least \code{min_probes} number of probes in the
#' segment.
#' @param min_probes Number of probes to filter against.
#' @param segfile_name Name of the output segment file. NULL prints segmentation_output.
#' @param markerfile_name Name of the output marker file. NULL prints marker_file.
#' @return Exports segmented data into GISTIC2 formatted input files.
#' @details Argument \code{min_probes} restricts segments to a certain number of
#' probes or more if \code{filterbycount} is \code{TRUE}. Writes two output files,
#' segmentation_output and marker_file which are the .seg and marker file
#' inputs required for GISTIC 2.0.
#' @examples
#' # Load included sample segmentation data
#' data(data_vignette)
#' # Export gistic files (defaults to local directory)
#' export_gistic(epi_seg, filterbycount = TRUE, min_probes = 50)
#' @import BiocGenerics Hmisc GenomeInfoDb GenomicRanges IRanges
#' @export export_gistic
#' @seealso \code{\link[minfi]{preprocessFunnorm}}
#' \code{\link[minfi]{RGChannelSet-class}}
export_gistic <- function(input, output_dir = NULL, filterbycount = TRUE,
min_probes = 50, segfile_name = NULL,
markerfile_name = NULL){
probeset <- Epicopy:::hm450[rownames(input$data),]
if(is.null(output_dir)) output_dir <- '.'
marker_file <- data.frame(Probe_ID = names(probeset),
Chromosome = as.character(seqnames(probeset)),
Position = probeset$probeTarget)
segfile <- input$output
colnames(segfile) <- c('ID', 'Chromosome', 'Start', 'End', 'Probe_count', 'Segment_Mean')
segfile$Chromosome <- paste0('chr', segfile$Chromosome)
if(filterbycount) segfile <- subset(segfile, Probe_count >= min_probes)
# Write .seg file
if(is.null(segfile_name)) segfile_name <- 'segmentation_output.txt'
segfile_name <- paste0(output_dir, '/', segfile_name)
write.table(segfile, file = segfile_name,
quote = FALSE, sep = '\t', row.names = FALSE)
cat('Segmentation file written.\n')
# Write marker file
if(is.null(markerfile_name)) markerfile_name <- 'epicopy_markers.txt'
markerfile_name <- paste0(output_dir, '/', markerfile_name)
if(markerfile_name == segfile_name) {
cat('Marker file and seg file names are equal.
Changing marker file to default name.\n')
markerfile_name <- 'epicopy_markers.txt'
markerfile_name <- paste0(output_dir, markerfile_name)
write.table(marker_file, file = markerfile_name,
quote = FALSE, sep = '\t', row.names = FALSE)
cat('Marker file written.\n')
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