
title: "MLML2R: an R package for maximum likelihood estimates of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation" author: Samara F. Kiihl, Maria Tellez-Plaza output: html_document: keep_md: yes toc: true number_sections: true


This document presents an example of the usage of the MLML2R package for R.

Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:


The function MLML provides maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) for 5-hmC and 5-mC levels using data from any combination of two of the methods: BS-seq, TAB-seq or oxBS-seq. The function also provides MLE when combining these three methods.

Getting publicly available data

We will use the dataset from Li et al. (2016), which applied oxBS-seq and BS-seq to genomic DNA extracted from four human liver normal-tumor pairs and three human lung normal-tumor pairs (14 samples total). All libraries were sequenced to an average depth of 15.4 × per CpG cytosine. The dataset is available at GEO accession GSE70090.

Platform used: Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Homo sapiens).

To start this example we will need the following packages:


which can be installed in R using the commands:


It is usually best practice to start the analysis from the raw data, which in the case of the 450K array is a .IDAT file. The raw files from \cite{10.1371/journal.pone.0118202} are deposited in GEO and can be downloaded by doing:

untar("GSE70090/GSE70090_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE70090/data")
head(list.files("GSE70090/data", pattern = "data"))

Decompress the compressed IDAT files:

dataFiles <- list.files("GSE70090/data", pattern = "txt.gz$", full = TRUE)
sapply(dataFiles, gunzip, overwrite = TRUE)

We need to identify the different samples from different methods: BS-conversion, oxBS-conversion. We can use the file names do extract this information.

files <- list.files("GSE70090/data")
filesfull <- list.files("GSE70090/data",full=TRUE)
tissue <- sapply(files,function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][2]) # tissue
id <- sapply(files,function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][3]) # sample id
tmp <- sapply(files,function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][4]) 
convMeth <- sapply(tmp, function(x) strsplit(x,"\\.")[[1]][1]) # DNA conversion method
group <- ifelse(id %in% c("N1","N2","N3","N4"),"normal","tumor")
id2 <- paste(tissue,id,sep="_")
GSM <- sapply(files,function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][1]) # GSM
pheno <- data.frame(GSM=GSM,tissue=tissue,id=id2,convMeth=convMeth,group=group,file=filesfull,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Lung samples


# selecting only lung samples
phenoLung <- pheno[pheno$tissue=="lung",]
# order to have all BS samples and then all oxBS samples
phenoLung <- phenoLung[order(phenoLung$convMeth,phenoLung$id),]

# BS
files <- phenoLung$file[phenoLung$convMeth=="BS"]

MethylatedBS    <-,lapply(files,function(fn) fread(fn,data.table=FALSE,select=c("methylated_read_count"))))

TotalBS    <-,lapply(files,function(fn) fread(fn,data.table=FALSE,select=c("total_read_count"))))

UnMethylatedBS <- TotalBS - MethylatedBS

#tmp <- fread(files[1], data.table=FALSE, select=c("chr","position"))
#CpG <- paste(tmp[,1],tmp[,2],sep="-")

#rownames(MethylatedBS) <- CpG 
#rownames(UnMethylatedBS) <- CpG

colnames(MethylatedBS) <- phenoLung$id[phenoLung$convMeth=="BS"]
colnames(UnMethylatedBS) <- phenoLung$id[phenoLung$convMeth=="BS"]


# oxBS
files <- phenoLung$file[phenoLung$convMeth=="oxBS"]

MethylatedOxBS    <-,lapply(files,function(fn) fread(fn,data.table=FALSE,select=c("methylated_read_count"))))

TotalOxBS    <-,lapply(files,function(fn) fread(fn,data.table=FALSE,select=c("total_read_count"))))

UnMethylatedOxBS <- TotalOxBS - MethylatedOxBS

#tmp <- fread(files[1], data.table=FALSE, select=c("chr","position"))
#CpG <- paste(tmp[,1],tmp[,2],sep="-")

#rownames(MethylatedoxBS) <- CpG 
#rownames(UnMethylatedoxBS) <- CpG

colnames(MethylatedOxBS) <- phenoLung$id[phenoLung$convMeth=="oxBS"]
colnames(UnMethylatedOxBS) <- phenoLung$id[phenoLung$convMeth=="oxBS"]


Using the MLML2R package

After all the preprocessing procedures, we now can use the MLML2R package to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates for the 5-hmC and 5-mC levels.

Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:


Getting the MLE estimates using PAVA:


aa <- sample(1:dim(MethylatedBS)[1],5000)

Tm = as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,])
Um = as.matrix(UnMethylatedBS[aa,])
Lm = as.matrix(UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,])
Mm = as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,])

results_exact <- MLML(T.matrix = Tm, 
                   U.matrix = Um, 
                   L.matrix = Lm, 
                   M.matrix = Mm)

#results_em <- MLML(T.matrix = as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,]), 
#                   U.matrix = as.matrix(UnMethylatedBS[aa,]), 
#                   L.matrix = as.matrix(UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]), 
#                   M.matrix = as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]),
#                   iterative=TRUE)


results_exact1 <- MLML2(T.matrix = as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,]), 
                   U.matrix = as.matrix(UnMethylatedBS[aa,]),                                    L.matrix = as.matrix(UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]), 
                   M.matrix = as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]))

results_em1 <- MLML2(T.matrix = as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,]), 
                   U.matrix = as.matrix(UnMethylatedBS[aa,]),                                    L.matrix = as.matrix(UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]), 
                   M.matrix = as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]),

Plot of the results (we have 6 samples)

Other methods to obtain the estimates

Naive estimates

The naive approach to obtain 5-hmC levels is $\beta_{BS} - \beta_{OxBS}$. This approach results in negative values for the 5-hmC levels.

beta_BS <- as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,]/(MethylatedBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedBS[aa,]))
beta_OxBS <- as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]/(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]))
hmC_naive <- beta_BS-beta_OxBS
C_naive <- 1-beta_BS
mC_naive <- beta_OxBS

OxyBS estimates

For the specific case where only ox-BS and BS data are available, OxyBS package from Houseman et al. (2016) can be use to obtain estimates.


# Methylated signals from the BS and oxBS arrays
methBS <- MethylatedBS[aa,]
methOxBS <- MethylatedOxBS[aa,]
# Unmethylated signals from the BS and oxBS arrays
unmethBS <- UnMethylatedBS[aa,]
unmethOxBS <- UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]

# Calculate Total Signals
signalBS <- methBS+unmethBS
signalOxBS <- methOxBS+unmethOxBS

# Calculate Beta Values
betaBS <- methBS/signalBS
betaOxBS <- methOxBS/signalOxBS

# 4. Apply fitOxBS function to preprocessed values

# Select the number of CpGs and Subjects to which the method will be applied 
nCpGs <- dim(unmethOxBS)[1]
nSpecimens <- dim(unmethOxBS)[2]

# Create container for the OxyBS results
MethOxy <- array(NA,dim=c(nCpGs,nSpecimens,3))
dimnames(MethOxy) <- list(
  colnames(methBS)[1:nSpecimens], c("C","5mC","5hmC"))

# Process results (one array at a time, slow)
for(i in 1:nSpecimens){
MethOxy[,i,] <-fitOxBS(betaBS[,i],betaOxBS[,i],signalBS[,i],signalOxBS[,i])
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000

Plot of the results (we have 4 replicates)

par(mfrow =c(1,3))
densityPlot(MethOxy[,,3],main= "5-hmC estimates - OxyBS",cex.axis=1.4,cex.main=1.5,cex.lab=1.4,xlab="Proportion",sampGroups=c(rep("normal",3),rep("tumor",3)))
densityPlot(MethOxy[,,2],main= "5-mC estimates - OxyBS",cex.axis=1.4,cex.main=1.5,cex.lab=1.4,xlab="Proportion",sampGroups=c(rep("normal",3),rep("tumor",3)))
densityPlot(MethOxy[,,1],main= "uC estimates - OxyBS",cex.axis=1.4,cex.main=1.5,cex.lab=1.4,xlab="Proportion",sampGroups=c(rep("normal",3),rep("tumor",3)))

oxBS.MLE estimates

ENmix package had the function oxBS.MLE from Xu et al. (2016) that can be uses to obtain estimates for the specific case where ox-BS and BS data are available.

beta_BS <- as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,]/(MethylatedBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedBS[aa,]))
beta_OxBS <- as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]/(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]))
N_BS <- as.matrix(MethylatedBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedBS[aa,])
N_OxBS <- as.matrix(MethylatedOxBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,])
colnames(beta_BS) <- c("N1","N2","N3","T1","T2","T3")
colnames(beta_OxBS) <- c("N1","N2","N3","T1","T2","T3")
colnames(N_BS) <- c("N1","N2","N3","T1","T2","T3")
colnames(N_OxBS) <- c("N1","N2","N3","T1","T2","T3")

oxBSMLEresults <- oxBS.MLE(beta.BS=beta_BS,beta.oxBS=beta_OxBS,

Comparison of 5-hmC estimates from different methods

##             x            y          z            t           w
## 1          NA           NA         NA          NaN         NaN
## 2  0.00000000 3.571427e-08 0.00000000 1.144974e-05 -0.13725490
## 3  0.00000000 8.222189e-08 0.00000000 1.176584e-05 -0.02100840
## 4  0.00000000 3.857139e-08 0.00000000 1.698971e-05 -0.04117647
## 5  0.00000000 2.142857e-08 0.00000000 1.507480e-05 -0.11666667
## 6  0.26666667 2.666667e-01 0.26666667 2.530626e-01  0.26666667
## 7  0.00000000 0.000000e+00 0.00000000 9.999900e-06  0.00000000
## 8          NA           NA         NA          NaN         NaN
## 9  0.03673469 3.673480e-02 0.03673469 3.974478e-02  0.03673469
## 10 0.23529412 2.352941e-01 0.23529412 2.352841e-01  0.23529412

Comparison of processing times from different methods

signalBS <- MethylatedBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedBS[aa,]
signalOxBS <- MethylatedOxBS[aa,]+UnMethylatedOxBS[aa,]
betaBS <- MethylatedBS[aa,]/signalBS
betaOxBS <- MethylatedOxBS[aa,]/signalOxBS

nCpGs <- dim(signalBS)[1]
nSpecimens <- dim(signalBS)[2]
MethOxy1 <- array(NA,dim=c(nCpGs,nSpecimens,3))
dimnames(MethOxy1) <- list(
  colnames(MethylatedBS)[1:nSpecimens], c("C","5mC","5hmC"))

oxyBS <- function()
  for(i in 1:nSpecimens){
MethOxy1[,i,] <-fitOxBS(betaBS[,i],betaOxBS[,i],signalBS[,i],signalOxBS[,i])

mbm = microbenchmark(
  EXACT = MLML2(T.matrix = Tm, 
               U.matrix = Um, 
               L.matrix = Lm, 
               M.matrix = Mm),
  EM = MLML2(T.matrix = Tm, 
               U.matrix = Um, 
               L.matrix = Lm, 
               M.matrix = Mm,
  oxBSMLE = oxBS.MLE(beta.BS=beta_BS,
  oxyBS_res = oxyBS(),
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000 
## 5000
## Unit: milliseconds
##       expr         min          lq        mean      median          uq
##      EXACT    25.11299    25.11299    25.11299    25.11299    25.11299
##         EM  2442.44303  2442.44303  2442.44303  2442.44303  2442.44303
##    oxBSMLE    53.79866    53.79866    53.79866    53.79866    53.79866
##  oxyBS_res 20633.95373 20633.95373 20633.95373 20633.95373 20633.95373
##          max neval
##     25.11299     1
##   2442.44303     1
##     53.79866     1
##  20633.95373     1

| Method | Function | Package | Time (Seconds) | |-----------|:-----------------------:|---------:|-------------------------------------------:| | Iterative | MLML (iterative=TRUE) | MLML2R | 2.442 | | Iterative | fitOxBS | OxyBS | 20.634 | | Closed-form analytical | MLML (iterative=FALSE) | MLML2R | 0.025 | | Closed-form analytical | oxBS.MLE | ENmix | 0.054 |

samarafk/MLML2R documentation built on Oct. 19, 2019, 6:04 p.m.