title: "MLML2R
: an R package for maximum likelihood estimates of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation"
author: Samara F. Kiihl, Maria Tellez-Plaza
keep_md: yes
toc: true
number_sections: true
This document presents an example of the usage of the MLML2R
package for R.
Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:
Proposed analyses of single-base profiling of either 5-hmC or 5-mC require combining data obtained using bisulfite conversion, oxidative bisulfite conversion or Tet-Assisted bisulfite conversion methods, but doing so naively produces inconsistent estimates of 5-mC or 5-hmC level (Qu et al., 2013).
The function MLML
provides maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) for 5-hmC and 5-mC levels using data from any combination of two of the methods: BS-seq, TAB-seq or oxBS-seq. The function also provides MLE when combining these three methods.
The algorithm implemented in the MLML
function is based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm proposed by Qu et al. (2013). In addition, when only two methods are combined, our implementation is optimized, since we derived the constrained exact MLE in analytical form for 5-mC or 5-hmC levels, and the iterative EM algorithm is not needed. Our improved formulation can, thus, decrease analytic processing time and computational burden, common bottlenecks when processing single-base profiling data from thousands of samples.
Furthermore, our routine is flexible and can be used with both next generation sequencing and Infinium Methylation microarray data in the R-statistical language.
We will use the dataset from Johnson et al. (2016), which consists of 30 DNA samples from glioblastoma tumors treated with oxBS-BS and hybridized to the Infinium 450K array.
The steps shown in this section follows the vignette from minfi
We start with the steps to get the raw data from the GEO repository. The dataset from Johnson et al. (2016) is available at GEO accession GSE73895.
The sample was divided into four BS and four oxBS replicates.
Platform used: GPL13534 Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (HumanMethylation450_15017482)
This example has the following dependencies:
Use the following commands to install these packages in R:
biocLite(c("minfi", "GEOquery"))
untar("GSE73895/GSE73895_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE73895/idat")
head(list.files("GSE73895/idat", pattern = "idat"))
Decompress the compressed IDAT files:
idatFiles <- list.files("GSE73895/idat", pattern = "idat.gz$", full = TRUE)
sapply(idatFiles, gunzip, overwrite = TRUE)
## named list()
Now we read the IDAT files in the directory:
rgSet <- read.metharray.exp("GSE73895/idat")
## class: RGChannelSet
## dim: 622399 60
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): Green Red
## rownames(622399): 10600313 10600322 ... 74810490 74810492
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(60): GSM1905306_3999941120_R03C01
## GSM1905307_3999941120_R05C01 ... GSM1905364_3999876055_R05C02
## GSM1905365_3999876055_R03C01
## colData names(0):
## Annotation
## array: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k
## annotation: ilmn12.hg19
## DataFrame with 60 rows and 0 columns
## [1] "GSM1905306_3999941120_R03C01" "GSM1905307_3999941120_R05C01"
## [3] "GSM1905308_3999941120_R03C02" "GSM1905309_3999941120_R02C02"
## [5] "GSM1905310_3999941120_R05C02" "GSM1905311_3999941120_R04C01"
## [7] "GSM1905312_3999941120_R01C01" "GSM1905313_3999941120_R04C02"
## [9] "GSM1905314_3999941120_R01C02" "GSM1905315_3999941120_R02C01"
## [11] "GSM1905316_3999941120_R06C02" "GSM1905317_3999941120_R06C01"
## [13] "GSM1905318_3999941129_R02C02" "GSM1905319_3999941129_R04C01"
## [15] "GSM1905320_3999876055_R01C01" "GSM1905321_3999876055_R04C02"
## [17] "GSM1905322_3999876055_R06C01" "GSM1905323_3999876055_R04C01"
## [19] "GSM1905324_3999941129_R05C02" "GSM1905325_3999941129_R03C01"
## [21] "GSM1905326_3999941129_R05C01" "GSM1905327_3999941129_R01C01"
## [23] "GSM1905328_3999941129_R03C02" "GSM1905329_3999941129_R01C02"
## [25] "GSM1905330_3999840044_R01C02" "GSM1905331_3999840044_R02C02"
## [27] "GSM1905332_3999840044_R04C02" "GSM1905333_3999840044_R02C01"
## [29] "GSM1905334_3999840044_R04C01" "GSM1905335_3999840044_R03C02"
## [31] "GSM1905336_3999840044_R03C01" "GSM1905337_3999840044_R05C02"
## [33] "GSM1905338_3999840069_R05C02" "GSM1905339_3999840069_R04C01"
## [35] "GSM1905340_3999840044_R06C02" "GSM1905341_3999840044_R06C01"
## [37] "GSM1905342_3999840069_R01C02" "GSM1905343_3999840069_R05C01"
## [39] "GSM1905344_3999840069_R01C01" "GSM1905345_3999840069_R03C02"
## [41] "GSM1905346_3999840069_R06C01" "GSM1905347_3999840069_R04C02"
## [43] "GSM1905348_3999840044_R05C01" "GSM1905349_3999840044_R01C01"
## [45] "GSM1905350_3999840069_R02C01" "GSM1905351_3999840069_R06C02"
## [47] "GSM1905352_3999840069_R03C01" "GSM1905353_3999840069_R02C02"
## [49] "GSM1905354_3999876055_R02C01" "GSM1905355_3999876055_R02C02"
## [51] "GSM1905356_3999876055_R03C02" "GSM1905357_3999876055_R05C01"
## [53] "GSM1905358_3999876055_R06C02" "GSM1905359_3999876055_R01C02"
## [55] "GSM1905360_3999941129_R06C01" "GSM1905361_3999941129_R06C02"
## [57] "GSM1905362_3999941129_R02C01" "GSM1905363_3999941129_R04C02"
## [59] "GSM1905364_3999876055_R05C02" "GSM1905365_3999876055_R03C01"
The file names consists of a GEO identifier (the GSM part) followed by a standard IDAT naming convention with a 10 digit number which is an array identifier followed by an identifier of the form R01C01. This is because each array actually allows for the hybridization of 12 samples in a 6x2 arrangement. The 3999941120_R03C01 means row 3 and column 1 on chip 3999941120.
We need to identify the samples from different methods: BS-conversion, oxBS-conversion.
geoMat <- getGEO("GSE73895")
pD.all <- pData(geoMat[[1]])
pD <- pD.all[, c("title", "geo_accession", "characteristics_ch1", "characteristics_ch1.2","characteristics_ch1.3")]
## title geo_accession characteristics_ch1
## GSM1905306 tissue_1_BS GSM1905306 gender: Female
## GSM1905307 tissue_1_oxBS GSM1905307 gender: Female
## GSM1905308 tissue_2_BS GSM1905308 gender: Female
## GSM1905309 tissue_2_oxBS GSM1905309 gender: Female
## GSM1905310 tissue_3_BS GSM1905310 gender: Male
## GSM1905311 tissue_3_oxBS GSM1905311 gender: Male
## GSM1905312 tissue_4_BS GSM1905312 gender: Male
## GSM1905313 tissue_4_oxBS GSM1905313 gender: Male
## GSM1905314 tissue_5_BS GSM1905314 gender: Male
## GSM1905315 tissue_5_oxBS GSM1905315 gender: Male
## GSM1905316 tissue_6_BS GSM1905316 gender: Male
## GSM1905317 tissue_6_oxBS GSM1905317 gender: Male
## GSM1905318 tissue_7_BS GSM1905318 gender: Female
## GSM1905319 tissue_7_oxBS GSM1905319 gender: Female
## GSM1905320 tissue_8_BS GSM1905320 gender: Female
## GSM1905321 tissue_8_oxBS GSM1905321 gender: Female
## GSM1905322 tissue_9_BS GSM1905322 gender: Female
## GSM1905323 tissue_9_oxBS GSM1905323 gender: Female
## GSM1905324 tissue_10_BS GSM1905324 gender: Male
## GSM1905325 tissue_10_oxBS GSM1905325 gender: Male
## GSM1905326 tissue_11_BS GSM1905326 gender: Male
## GSM1905327 tissue_11_oxBS GSM1905327 gender: Male
## GSM1905328 tissue_12_BS GSM1905328 gender: Female
## GSM1905329 tissue_12_oxBS GSM1905329 gender: Female
## GSM1905330 tissue_13_BS GSM1905330 gender: Male
## GSM1905331 tissue_13_oxBS GSM1905331 gender: Male
## GSM1905332 tissue_14_BS GSM1905332 gender: Male
## GSM1905333 tissue_14_oxBS GSM1905333 gender: Male
## GSM1905334 tissue_15_BS GSM1905334 gender: Male
## GSM1905335 tissue_15_oxBS GSM1905335 gender: Male
## GSM1905336 tissue_16_BS GSM1905336 gender: Female
## GSM1905337 tissue_16_oxBS GSM1905337 gender: Female
## GSM1905338 tissue_17_BS GSM1905338 gender: Male
## GSM1905339 tissue_17_oxBS GSM1905339 gender: Male
## GSM1905340 tissue_18_BS GSM1905340 gender: Male
## GSM1905341 tissue_18_oxBS GSM1905341 gender: Male
## GSM1905342 tissue_19_BS GSM1905342 gender: Female
## GSM1905343 tissue_19_oxBS GSM1905343 gender: Female
## GSM1905344 tissue_20_BS GSM1905344 gender: Male
## GSM1905345 tissue_20_oxBS GSM1905345 gender: Male
## GSM1905346 tissue_21_BS GSM1905346 gender: Female
## GSM1905347 tissue_21_oxBS GSM1905347 gender: Female
## GSM1905348 tissue_22_BS GSM1905348 gender: Female
## GSM1905349 tissue_22_oxBS GSM1905349 gender: Female
## GSM1905350 tissue_23_BS GSM1905350 gender: Female
## GSM1905351 tissue_23_oxBS GSM1905351 gender: Female
## GSM1905352 tissue_24_BS GSM1905352 gender: Female
## GSM1905353 tissue_24_oxBS GSM1905353 gender: Female
## GSM1905354 tissue_25_BS GSM1905354 gender: Male
## GSM1905355 tissue_25_oxBS GSM1905355 gender: Male
## GSM1905356 tissue_26_BS GSM1905356 gender: Male
## GSM1905357 tissue_26_oxBS GSM1905357 gender: Male
## GSM1905358 tissue_27_BS GSM1905358 gender: Male
## GSM1905359 tissue_27_oxBS GSM1905359 gender: Male
## GSM1905360 tissue_28_BS GSM1905360 gender: Male
## GSM1905361 tissue_28_oxBS GSM1905361 gender: Male
## GSM1905362 tissue_29_BS GSM1905362 gender: Male
## GSM1905363 tissue_29_oxBS GSM1905363 gender: Male
## GSM1905364 tissue_30_BS GSM1905364 gender: Male
## GSM1905365 tissue_30_oxBS GSM1905365 gender: Male
## characteristics_ch1.2 characteristics_ch1.3
## GSM1905306 survival time (months): 1.1 subject age: 77.6
## GSM1905307 survival time (months): 1.1 subject age: 77.6
## GSM1905308 survival time (months): 53.3 subject age: 45.3
## GSM1905309 survival time (months): 53.3 subject age: 45.3
## GSM1905310 survival time (months): 0.6 subject age: 69.7
## GSM1905311 survival time (months): 0.6 subject age: 69.7
## GSM1905312 survival time (months): 14 subject age: 55
## GSM1905313 survival time (months): 14 subject age: 55
## GSM1905314 survival time (months): 0.6 subject age: 83.7
## GSM1905315 survival time (months): 0.6 subject age: 83.7
## GSM1905316 survival time (months): 25.9 subject age: 58.3
## GSM1905317 survival time (months): 25.9 subject age: 58.3
## GSM1905318 survival time (months): 30.2 subject age: 68.9
## GSM1905319 survival time (months): 30.2 subject age: 68.9
## GSM1905320 survival time (months): 1.1 subject age: 67.6
## GSM1905321 survival time (months): 1.1 subject age: 67.6
## GSM1905322 survival time (months): 5 subject age: 74.3
## GSM1905323 survival time (months): 5 subject age: 74.3
## GSM1905324 survival time (months): 21.3 subject age: 62.7
## GSM1905325 survival time (months): 21.3 subject age: 62.7
## GSM1905326 survival time (months): 0.7 subject age: 67.3
## GSM1905327 survival time (months): 0.7 subject age: 67.3
## GSM1905328 survival time (months): 33.1 subject age: 80.5
## GSM1905329 survival time (months): 33.1 subject age: 80.5
## GSM1905330 survival time (months): 9.7 subject age: 53.6
## GSM1905331 survival time (months): 9.7 subject age: 53.6
## GSM1905332 survival time (months): 25.7 subject age: 70.9
## GSM1905333 survival time (months): 25.7 subject age: 70.9
## GSM1905334 survival time (months): 14.2 subject age: 56.9
## GSM1905335 survival time (months): 14.2 subject age: 56.9
## GSM1905336 survival time (months): 24.1 subject age: 57.8
## GSM1905337 survival time (months): 24.1 subject age: 57.8
## GSM1905338 survival time (months): 33.6 subject age: 58.8
## GSM1905339 survival time (months): 33.6 subject age: 58.8
## GSM1905340 survival time (months): 18.1 subject age: 75.3
## GSM1905341 survival time (months): 18.1 subject age: 75.3
## GSM1905342 survival time (months): 1.8 subject age: 68.1
## GSM1905343 survival time (months): 1.8 subject age: 68.1
## GSM1905344 survival time (months): 8.5 subject age: 56.2
## GSM1905345 survival time (months): 8.5 subject age: 56.2
## GSM1905346 survival time (months): 15 subject age: 34.4
## GSM1905347 survival time (months): 15 subject age: 34.4
## GSM1905348 survival time (months): 3.1 subject age: 46.5
## GSM1905349 survival time (months): 3.1 subject age: 46.5
## GSM1905350 survival time (months): 2.2 subject age: 69.4
## GSM1905351 survival time (months): 2.2 subject age: 69.4
## GSM1905352 survival time (months): 0.1 subject age: 84.3
## GSM1905353 survival time (months): 0.1 subject age: 84.3
## GSM1905354 survival time (months): 1.5 subject age: 63.9
## GSM1905355 survival time (months): 1.5 subject age: 63.9
## GSM1905356 survival time (months): 11.8 subject age: 66.4
## GSM1905357 survival time (months): 11.8 subject age: 66.4
## GSM1905358 survival time (months): 17.7 subject age: 67.5
## GSM1905359 survival time (months): 17.7 subject age: 67.5
## GSM1905360 survival time (months): 9.8 subject age: 75.6
## GSM1905361 survival time (months): 9.8 subject age: 75.6
## GSM1905362 survival time (months): 4.7 subject age: 77.4
## GSM1905363 survival time (months): 4.7 subject age: 77.4
## GSM1905364 survival time (months): 2.4 subject age: 84.9
## GSM1905365 survival time (months): 2.4 subject age: 84.9
names(pD)[c(1,3,4,5)] <- c("method","gender","survival_months","age_years")
pD$gender <- sub("^gender: ", "", pD$gender)
pD$age_years <- as.numeric(sub("^subject age: ", "", pD$age_years))
pD$survival_months <- as.numeric(sapply(pD$survival_months, function(x) strsplit(as.character(x),":")[[1]][2]))
pD$method <- sapply(pD$method, function(x) strsplit(as.character(x),"_")[[1]][3])
We now need to merge this pheno data into the methylation data. The following are commands to make sure we have the same row identifier in both datasets before merging.
sampleNames(rgSet) <- sapply(sampleNames(rgSet),function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][1])
rownames(pD) <- pD$geo_accession
pD <- pD[sampleNames(rgSet),]
pData(rgSet) <- as(pD,"DataFrame")
## class: RGChannelSet
## dim: 622399 60
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): Green Red
## rownames(622399): 10600313 10600322 ... 74810490 74810492
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(60): GSM1905306 GSM1905307 ... GSM1905364 GSM1905365
## colData names(5): method geo_accession gender survival_months
## age_years
## Annotation
## array: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k
## annotation: ilmn12.hg19
We refer the reader to the minfi
package tutorials for more preprocessing options.
We need to install the required package bellow:
The rgSet
object is a class called RGChannelSet
which represents two color data with a green and a red channel. We will use, as input in the MLML
funcion, a MethylSet
, which contains the methylated and unmethylated signals. The most basic way to construct a MethylSet
is to using the function preprocessRaw
which uses the array design to match up the different probes and color channels to construct the methylated and unmethylated signals. Here we will use the preprocessNoob
function, which does the preprocessing and returns a MethylSet
Arrays were then normalized using the Noob/ssNoob preprocessing method for Infinium methylation microarrays.
From a MethylSet
it is easy to compute Beta values, defined as:
Beta = Meth / (Meth + Unmeth + c)
The c constant is chosen to avoid dividing with small values. Illumina uses a default of c=100. The function getBeta
from minfi
package can be used to obtain the Beta values.
MSet.noob<- preprocessNoob(rgSet)
## [preprocessNoob] Applying R/G ratio flip to fix dye bias...
densityPlot(MSet.noob, sampGroups= pData(rgSet)$method,
main= sprintf('Beta values', nrow(MSet.noob)))
packageAfter all the preprocessing procedures, we now can use the MLML2R
package to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates for the 5-hmC and 5-mC levels.
Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:
Prepare de input data:
BS_index <- which(pData(rgSet)$method=="BS")
oxBS_index <- which(pData(rgSet)$method=="oxBS")
MethylatedBS <- getMeth(MSet.noob)[,BS_index]
UnMethylatedBS <- getUnmeth(MSet.noob)[,BS_index]
MethylatedOxBS <- getMeth(MSet.noob)[,oxBS_index]
UnMethylatedOxBS <- getUnmeth(MSet.noob)[,oxBS_index]
Getting the MLE estimates using EM-algorithm:
results_em <- MLML(Tc = MethylatedBS , Uc = UnMethylatedBS, Lc = UnMethylatedOxBS, Mc = MethylatedOxBS,tol=0.0001,iterative = TRUE)
par(mfrow =c(1,3))
densityPlot(results_em$hmC,main= "5-hmC using EM-algortihm")
densityPlot(results_em$mC,main= "5-mC using EM-algortihm")
densityPlot(results_em$C,main= "5-C using EM-algortihm")
Getting the constrained exact MLE estimates:
results_exact <- MLML(Tc = MethylatedBS , Uc = UnMethylatedBS, Lc = UnMethylatedOxBS, Mc = MethylatedOxBS)
par(mfrow =c(1,3))
densityPlot(results_em$hmC,main= "5-hmC using constrained exact MLE")
densityPlot(results_em$mC,main= "5-mC using constrained exact MLE")
densityPlot(results_em$C,main= "5-C using constrained exact MLE")
Comparing the two methods:
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0007501905"
The naive approach to obtain 5-hmC levels is $\beta_{BS} - \beta_{OxBS}$. This approach results in negative values for the 5-hmC levels.
beta_BS <- getBeta(MSet.noob)[,BS_index]
beta_OxBS <- getBeta(MSet.noob)[,oxBS_index]
hmC_naive <- beta_BS-beta_OxBS
C_naive <- 1-beta_BS
mC_naive <- beta_OxBS
par(mfrow =c(1,3))
densityPlot(hmC_naive,main= "5-hmC using naive method")
densityPlot(mC_naive,main= "5-mC using naive method")
densityPlot(C_naive,main= "5-C using naive method")
estimatesFor the specific case where only ox-BS and BS data are available, OxyBS
package from Houseman et al. (2016) can be use to obtain estimates.
# Methylated signals from the BS and oxBS arrays
methBS <- MethylatedBS
methOxBS <- MethylatedOxBS
# Unmethylated signals from the BS and oxBS arrays
unmethBS <- UnMethylatedBS
unmethOxBS <- UnMethylatedOxBS
# Calculate Total Signals
signalBS <- methBS+unmethBS
signalOxBS <- methOxBS+unmethOxBS
# Calculate Beta Values
betaBS <- methBS/signalBS
betaOxBS <- methOxBS/signalOxBS
# 4. Apply fitOxBS function to preprocessed values
# Select the number of CpGs and Subjects to which the method will be applied
nCpGs <- dim(unmethOxBS)[1]
nSpecimens <- dim(unmethOxBS)[2]
# Create container for the OxyBS results
MethOxy <- array(NA,dim=c(nCpGs,nSpecimens,3))
dimnames(MethOxy) <- list(
colnames(methBS)[1:nSpecimens], c("C","5mC","5hmC"))
# Process results (one array at a time, slow)
for(i in 1:nSpecimens){
MethOxy[,i,] <-fitOxBS(betaBS[,i],betaOxBS[,i],signalBS[,i],signalOxBS[,i])
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.001442058"
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0004337913"
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0003189278"
Plot of the results (we have 4 replicates)
par(mfrow =c(1,3))
densityPlot(MethOxy[,,3],main= "5-hmC using OxyBS",xlab="")
densityPlot(MethOxy[,,2],main= "5-mC using OxyBS",xlab="")
densityPlot(MethOxy[,,1],main= "5-C using OxyBS",xlab="")
# data for replicate 1 is shown
df <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(results_exact$hmC[,1]),y=as.numeric(results_em$hmC[,1]),
z = as.numeric(MethOxy[,1,3]),w=as.numeric(hmC_naive[,1]))
ggpairs(df, title = "5-hmc estimates",
axisLabels = "show",columnLabels=c("Exact MLE","EM","OxyBS","Naive"))
ggplot(df,aes(x=x,y=z)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.3) + xlab("Exact MLE") +
ggplot(df,aes(x=y,y=z)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.3) + xlab("EM") +
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