
Defines functions ilpBinaryTN

Documented in ilpBinaryTN

#  This file is part of the CNO software
#  Copyright (c) 2019 - SaezLab - Heidelberg Universit
#  File author(s): CNO developers
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  CNO website: http://www.cellnopt.org

ilpBinaryTN <- function(cnolist, 
                        sizeFac = 0.0001, 
                        mipGap = 0, 
                        relGap = 0, 
                        timelimit = 3600, 
                        method = "quadratic",
                        numSolutions = 100, 
                        limitPop = 500, 
                        poolIntensity = 0, 
                        poolReplace = 2,
                        timeIndices = c(1, 2)){
  ## Initializing auxilliary objects for the analysis
  resILPAll <- list()
  exclusionList <- NULL
  cnolistReal <- cnolist
  tmpPath <- getwd()
  	stop("User should provide a valid CPLEX path for using this function.")
  ## Checking cnolist class
  if (is(CNOlist,"CNOlist")){
    writeMIDAS(CNOlist = cnolist, filename = "tempMD.csv", 
               timeIndices = timeIndices, overwrite = TRUE)
    md = readMIDAS(MIDASfile = "tempMD.csv")
    cnolist <- compatCNOlist(object = cnolist)
  ## Form of the objective function
  if(!(method%in%c("quadratic", "linear"))){
    print("'method' variable should be quadratic or linear. 
          Setting method = 'qadratic'")
    method = "quadratic"
  ## Penalty factors as decimals
  options(scipen = 10)
  ## Creating CNOlist object to use from the midas md table and checking if 
  ## signals in the cnolist and pkn match
  cnolist = makeCNOlist(md,FALSE)
  startILP = Sys.time()
  print("Creating LP file and running ILP...")
  resILP = createAndRunILP(model, md, cnolistReal, accountForModelSize = TRUE, 
                           sizeFac = sizeFac, mipGap=mipGap, relGap=relGap, 
                           timelimit=timelimit, cplexPath = cplexPath, 
                           method = method, numSolutions = numSolutions, 
                           limitPop = limitPop, poolIntensity = poolIntensity, 
                           poolReplace = poolReplace)
  endILP = Sys.time()
saezlab/CellNOptR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 5:21 a.m.