
Changes in version 0.99.19 (2021-05-12) + Get ready for submission to Bioconductor

Changes in version 0.99.34 (2021-11-20) + Fixed a bug in perCellQC plot generation

Changes in version 0.99.35 (2021-11-27) + Add chromosome specific filtering method (w.r.t bpDist) in readHapState function

Changes in version 0.99.36 (2021-11-29) + Add chromosome specific filtering method (w.r.t bpDist,minCellSNP,minSNP) in readHapState function

Changes in version 0.99.37 (2021-11-29) + Fixed a bug in .nameFeatures in readHapState function

Changes in version 0.99.38 (2021-12-09) + Small fix in plotCount to remove the NA legend + Split plot-af.R to two .R files + Addressed comments from BioC reviewer

Changes in version 0.99.39 (2021-12-14) + remove unused import from GenomeInfoDb fetchExtendedChromInfoFromUCSC

Changes in version 0.99.40 (2021-12-20) + remove unused code + change to use accessors from using @

Changes in version 0.99.41 (2021-12-31) + remove unused code + code refactoring to reduce repetition

Changes in version 0.99.43 (2022-03-10) + changes made in readHapState so that filtering cells works properly when a cell barcode has no read coverage

ruqianl/comapr documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 9:35 p.m.