Man pages for rte-antares-rpackage/antaresWaterValues
Generating water values for Antares

add_fictive_fatal_prod_demandAdd fictive production and fictive load to avoid...
BellmanCompute Bellman values at step i from step i+1, used in...
build_all_possible_decisionsCreate a data frame with all possible transition and...
build_data_watervaluesCalculate and plot watervalues with 'value_node_gen'....
changeHydroManagementChange the mode of management of an area
constraint_generatorGenerate the list of constraint values of the link between...
constraint_weekGenerate constraint values for a week at a time used in...
convergedtest a difference vector convergence, used in 'Grid_Matrix'
correct_concavityCorrect concavity of Bellman values for the given weeks to...
disable_constraintThis function disable binding constraints for...
example_aggregated_resultsExample of output of 'Grid_Matrix'
example_rewardExample of output of 'get_Reward'
generate_constraintsThis function generate binding constraints for...
generate_link_coeffGenerate coefficients for biding constraints, used in...
generate_rhs_bcModify time-series of clusters in fictive_area_bc to...
get_bellman_values_interpolationCreate approximation of Bellman function for next week for...
get_inflowGet inflow in a week, used in different functions
get_initial_levelGet initial level of an area
get_local_rewardCalculate rewards for a simulation based on marginal prices,...
get_local_reward_turbCalculate rewards for a simulation based on marginal prices...
get_max_hydroGet max hydro power that can be generated in a week, used in...
getPumpEfficiencyGet the Pumping efficiency ratio for an area reservoir
get_reservoir_capacityGet reservoir capacity for concerned area, used in different...
get_RewardGet the reward matrix from simulations, mainly used in...
get_reward_interpolationCreate approximation of reward function for each scenario,...
getSimulationNamesUtility function to get simulation's name
get_weekly_costGet overall cost in a week, used in different functions
Grid_MatrixCalculate grid layer matrix of Bellman values and water...
mean_finiteCalculate the mean of finite values. Return '-Inf' if all...
plot_BellmanPlot Bellman and Water values
plot_rewardPlot the reward and return the results in table
plot_reward_mcPlot the reward and return the results in table
plot_reward_variationPlot the reward variation and return the results in table
plot_reward_variation_mcPlot the reward and return the results in table
readReservoirLevelsRead Reservoir Levels
readReservoirLevelsV6Read Reservoir Levels for Antares version 6.
readReservoirLevelsV7Read Reservoir Levels for antares version 7.
remove_outRemove outliers water Values
resetHydroStorageReset to 0 the hydro storage time series, used in...
resetPumpPowerReset to 0 the pumping power, used in...
resetStudyReset an Antares study. In case, there is a problem when...
restore_fictive_fatal_prod_demandRestore load and misc gen time series
restoreHydroStorageRestore the hydro storage time series, used in...
restorePumpPowerRestore the Pumping power series, used in...
restoreScenarioBuilderRestore initial scenario builder
reward_offsetModify local reward to take into account overall cost of the...
runWaterValuesSimulationRun a simulation for calculating water values for a specific...
runWaterValuesSimulationMultiStockRun a simulation for calculating water values for a specific...
setupWaterValuesSimulationSetup a simulation before running it for calculating Water...
shiny_water_valuesOpen watervalues Calculator in APP Web
states_to_percentConvert Reservoir levels from MWh to percent of reservoir.
to_Antares_FormatConvert water values to Antares format
to_Antares_Format_bisConvert water values to Antares format
value_node_genCalculate water values from Bellman values, used in...
waterValuesVizVisualize mean grid layer
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresWaterValues documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 4:37 p.m.