
context("Function addExportAndImport")

sapply(studyPathS, function(studyPath){

  opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPath)

  mydata <- readAntares(clusters = "all", areas = "all",
                        mcYears = "all", showProgress = FALSE)

  describe("addExportAndImport", {

    it ("stop if x is not a antaresDataTable", {
      expect_error(addExportAndImport(x=33), "'x' is not an 'antaresData' object")

    it ("stop if links are missing", {
      expect_error(addExportAndImport(x=mydata), "The following links are needed but missing: a - a_offshore, a - b, a - psp in, a - psp out, b - c, b - psp in, b - psp out, c - hub, hub - psp in-2, hub - psp out-2")

    it ("check values for areas and distric", {
      mydata <- readAntares(clusters = "all", areas = "all",
                            mcYears = "all", showProgress = FALSE, links = "all")

      mydataCorrected<-removeVirtualAreas(mydata, storageFlexibility = getAreas(select = c("psp", "hub")), production = getAreas("off"))

      getFirstTimeIdWhereAExport<-res$links[link=="a - b" & mcYear==1 & `FLOW LIN.`>0, timeId][1]
      valueOfExportA<-res$links[link=="a - b" & mcYear==1 & `FLOW LIN.`>0, `FLOW LIN.`][1]
      expect_equal(res$areas[area=="a" & mcYear==1 & timeId==getFirstTimeIdWhereAExport, export],valueOfExportA)

      #if a export to b, then b import more than valueOfExportA
      expect_gte(res$areas[area=="b" & mcYear==1 & timeId==getFirstTimeIdWhereAExport, import],valueOfExportA)

      mydata <- suppressWarnings(readAntares(select = "exportsImports", showProgress = FALSE, districts = "all"))

      expect_equal(res$districts[district=="a and b",]$export[2],0)
      expect_equal(res$districts[district=="a and b",]$export[5],0)


    it ("stop if x already contains column 'export' and 'import", {
      mydata <- suppressWarnings(readAntares(select = "exportsImports", showProgress = FALSE))

      res<-addExportAndImport(x=mydata, addCapacities=FALSE)

      expect_error(res<-addExportAndImport(x=mydata), "Input already contains column 'export' and 'import'")

    it ("stop if x does not contain transCapacityDirect or transCapacityIndirect data", {

      mydata <- readAntares(areas = "all",
                            mcYears = "all", showProgress = FALSE, links = "all", districts = "all", select = "economy")
      expect_error(res<-addExportAndImport(x=mydata, addCapacities = TRUE), "does not contain transCapacityDirect or transCapacityIndirect data")


rte-antares-rpackage/antaresProcessing documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:31 a.m.