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library(dplyr) library(Seurat) library(SingleR) library(monocle) library(cerebroApp) options(width = 100) set.seed(1234567)
feature_matrix <- Read10X_h5('~/Downloads/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5') feature_matrix <- feature_matrix[ , sample(1:ncol(feature_matrix), 501) ]
seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( project = 'pbmc_10k_v3', counts = feature_matrix, min.cells = 10 ) seurat <- subset(seurat, subset = nCount_RNA >= 100 & nFeature_RNA >= 50) seurat <- NormalizeData(seurat) seurat <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat) seurat <- ScaleData(seurat, = 'nCount_RNA') seurat <- RunPCA(seurat, npcs = 30, features = seurat@assays$RNA@var.features)
seurat <- FindNeighbors(seurat) seurat <- FindClusters(seurat, resolution = 0.5)$RNA_snn_res.0.5 <- NULL
sample_info <- rep(NA, 501) sample_info[1:166] <- 'pbmc_10k_v3_rep1' sample_info[167:334] <- 'pbmc_10k_v3_rep2' sample_info[335:501] <- 'pbmc_10k_v3_rep3' sample_info <- factor(sample_info, levels = c('pbmc_10k_v3_rep1','pbmc_10k_v3_rep2','pbmc_10k_v3_rep3'))$sample <- sample_info
seurat <- CellCycleScoring( seurat, g2m.features = cc.genes$g2m.genes, s.features = cc.genes$s.genes ) seurat@misc$gene_lists$G2M_phase_genes <- cc.genes$g2m.genes seurat@misc$gene_lists$S_phase_genes <- cc.genes$s.genes
seurat <- RunTSNE( seurat, = 'tSNE', reduction.key = 'tSNE_', dims = 1:30, dim.embed = 2, perplexity = 30, seed.use = 100 ) seurat <- RunTSNE( seurat, = 'tSNE_3D', reduction.key = 'tSNE3D_', dims = 1:30, dim.embed = 3, perplexity = 30, seed.use = 100 ) seurat <- RunUMAP( seurat, = 'UMAP', reduction.key = 'UMAP_', dims = 1:30, n.components = 2, seed.use = 100 ) seurat <- RunUMAP( seurat, = 'UMAP_3D', reduction.key = 'UMAP3D_', dims = 1:30, n.components = 3, seed.use = 100 )
seurat@misc$experiment <- list( experiment_name = 'pbmc_10k_v3', organism = 'hg', date_of_analysis = Sys.Date() ) seurat@misc$parameters <- list( gene_nomenclature = 'gene_name', discard_genes_expressed_in_fewer_cells_than = 10, keep_mitochondrial_genes = TRUE, variables_to_regress_out = 'nUMI', number_PCs = 30, cluster_resolution = 0.5, tSNE_perplexity = 30 ) seurat@misc$parameters$filtering <- list( UMI_min = 100, UMI_max = Inf, genes_min = 50, genes_max = Inf ) seurat@misc$technical_info$cerebroApp_version <- utils::packageVersion('cerebroApp') seurat@misc$technical_info$Seurat <- utils::packageVersion('Seurat') seurat@misc$technical_info <- list( 'R' = capture.output(devtools::session_info()) )
singler_ref <- BlueprintEncodeData() singler_results_blueprintencode_main <- SingleR( test = GetAssayData(seurat, assay = 'RNA', slot = 'data'), ref = singler_ref, labels = singler_ref@colData@listData$label.main )$cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main <- singler_results_blueprintencode_main@listData$labels singler_scores <- singler_results_blueprintencode_main@listData$scores %>% as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate(assigned_score = NA) for ( i in seq_len(nrow(singler_scores)) ) { singler_scores$assigned_score[i] <- singler_scores[[singler_results_blueprintencode_main@listData$labels[i]]][i] }$cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main_score <- singler_scores$assigned_score
Idents(seurat) <- "sample" seurat <- BuildClusterTree( seurat, dims = 1:30, reorder = FALSE, reorder.numeric = FALSE ) seurat@misc$trees$sample <- seurat@tools$BuildClusterTree
Idents(seurat) <- "seurat_clusters" seurat <- BuildClusterTree( seurat, dims = 1:30, reorder = FALSE, reorder.numeric = FALSE ) seurat@misc$trees$seurat_clusters <- seurat@tools$BuildClusterTree
Idents(seurat) <- "cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main" seurat <- BuildClusterTree( seurat, dims = 1:30, reorder = FALSE, reorder.numeric = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) seurat@misc$trees$cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main <- seurat@tools$BuildClusterTree
seurat <- addPercentMtRibo( seurat, organism = 'hg', gene_nomenclature = 'name' ) seurat <- getMostExpressedGenes( seurat, assay = 'RNA', groups = c('sample','seurat_clusters','cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main') ) seurat <- getMarkerGenes( seurat, assay = 'RNA', organism = 'hg', groups = c('sample','seurat_clusters','cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main'), name = 'cerebro_seurat', only_pos = TRUE ) seurat <- getEnrichedPathways( seurat, marker_genes_input = 'cerebro_seurat', adj_p_cutoff = 0.01, max_terms = 100 ) example_gene_set <- system.file("extdata/example_gene_set.gmt", package = "cerebroApp") seurat <- performGeneSetEnrichmentAnalysis( seurat, assay = 'RNA', GMT_file = example_gene_set, groups = c('sample','seurat_clusters','cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main') )
monocle_all_cells <- newCellDataSet( seurat@assays$RNA@counts, phenoData = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data =, featureData = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data = data.frame( gene_short_name = rownames(seurat@assays$RNA@counts), row.names = rownames(seurat@assays$RNA@counts)) ) ) monocle_all_cells <- estimateSizeFactors(monocle_all_cells) monocle_all_cells <- estimateDispersions(monocle_all_cells) monocle_all_cells <- setOrderingFilter(monocle_all_cells, seurat@assays$RNA@var.features) monocle_all_cells <- reduceDimension(monocle_all_cells, max_components = 2, method = 'DDRTree') monocle_all_cells <- orderCells(monocle_all_cells) seurat <- extractMonocleTrajectory(monocle_all_cells, seurat, 'all_cells')
G1_cells <- which($Phase == 'G1') monocle_subset_of_cells <- newCellDataSet( seurat@assays$RNA@counts[,G1_cells], phenoData = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data =[G1_cells,]), featureData = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data = data.frame( gene_short_name = rownames(seurat@assays$RNA@counts), row.names = rownames(seurat@assays$RNA@counts)) ) ) monocle_subset_of_cells <- estimateSizeFactors(monocle_subset_of_cells) monocle_subset_of_cells <- estimateDispersions(monocle_subset_of_cells) monocle_subset_of_cells <- setOrderingFilter(monocle_subset_of_cells, seurat@assays$RNA@var.features) monocle_subset_of_cells <- reduceDimension(monocle_subset_of_cells, max_components = 2, method = 'DDRTree') monocle_subset_of_cells <- orderCells(monocle_subset_of_cells) seurat <- extractMonocleTrajectory(monocle_subset_of_cells, seurat, 'subset_of_cells')
seurat@misc$extra_material$tables <- list( "SingleR_results" = singler_results_blueprintencode_main )
seurat@assays$RNA@data <- seurat@assays$RNA@data[ sample(1:nrow(seurat@assays$RNA@data), 1000) , ]
exportFromSeurat( seurat, assay = 'RNA', slot = 'data', file = '~/Research/GitHub/cerebroApp_v1.3/inst/extdata/v1.3/example.crb', experiment_name = 'pbmc_10k_v3', organism = 'hg', groups = c('sample','seurat_clusters','cell_type_singler_blueprintencode_main'), cell_cycle = c('Phase'), nUMI = 'nCount_RNA', nGene = 'nFeature_RNA', add_all_meta_data = TRUE )
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