#' @include hidden_aliases.R
#' @title General Feature Grouping Concept
#' @name groupFeatures
#' @rdname groupFeatures
#' @description
#' This documentation describes the general concepts of feature grouping, which
#' can be achieved by the different approaches described further below.
#' The main function for the stepwise feature grouping is `groupFeatures`. The
#' selection of the actual grouping algorithm (along with the definition of its
#' parameters) is done by passing the respective *parameter* object, along with
#' the object containing the input data and optional additional arguments,
#' to the `groupFeatures` method.
#' @section Single-step Feature Grouping:
#' Each feature grouping algorithm can be applied individually as a single-step
#' approach, e.g. by grouping features only on a single feature property, such
#' as the retention time. Additional feature grouping approaches might also be
#' implemented that consider combination of different MS feature properties in
#' a single clustering process.
#' @section Stepwise Feature Grouping Refinement:
#' Stepwise feature grouping evaluates a single property of MS features (such
#' as their retention time or abundances) at a time to define the feature
#' groups. Each subsequent grouping step *builds* on the previous one by
#' eventually sub-grouping each feature group, if needed. Thus, feature groups
#' get refined in each step. As an example, grouping of features based on a
#' similar retention time would loosely group features from all compounds
#' eluting at about the same time from a e.g. liquid chromatography run. This
#' obviously would also group features representing ions from different
#' co-eluting compounds. Thus, calling `groupFeatures` on the previous feature
#' grouping result with a different parameter object would *refine* these
#' initial feature groups, splitting them based on another property of the
#' features (such as correlation of feature abundances across samples).
#' The advantage of the stepwise approach is that results can be evaluated
#' after each grouping step and parameters adapted if needed. Also, it provides
#' flexibility by allowing to change the order of grouping approaches, or skip
#' individual steps if not suitable for the available data or the
#' experimental setup.
#' The major disadvantage is that a wrong group assignment in one of the initial
#' steps can not be *corrected* for in later steps.
#' @param object input data object on which (with which data) the feature
#' grouping should be performed.
#' @param param parameter object which type defines the selection of the
#' grouping algorithm.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the grouping algorithm.
#' @return Depending on the implementation and the input object. Generally the
#' input object with grouping results added. See respective help pages for
#' more information.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @seealso [featureGroups()] for the function to extract (defined) feature
#' groups from a result object.
#' @examples
#' ## For examples please refer to the help pages of the `SimilarRtimeParam` or
#' ## `AbundanceSimilarityParam` objects.
#' @rdname groupFeatures
#' @exportMethod groupFeatures
setGeneric("groupFeatures", function(object, param, ...)
#' @title Get or set feature group definitions from an object
#' @rdname featureGroups
#' @name featureGroups
#' @aliases featureGroups<-,SummarizedExperiment-method
#' @aliases featureGroups,SummarizedExperiment-method
#' @description
#' `featureGroups` and `featureGroups<-` allow to extract or set the feature
#' definitions from the input object. The implementations for
#' [SummarizedExperiment()] get or set the content of a column named
#' `"feature_group"` in the object's `rowData`.
#' This method should be implemented for all other object for which a
#' [groupFeatures()] method is defined.
#' @param object the input object. In the `MsFeatures` package this method is
#' implemented for `SummarizedExperiment`.
#' @param value the new value for the *feature groups* variable.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @return a `character` with the group assignment of the features. Has to have
#' the same length as there are features in `object.`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @exportMethod featureGroups
#' @exportMethod featureGroups<-
#' @examples
#' ## Load the test SummarizedExperiment
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' data(se)
#' ## No column "feature_group" present in the object, this NA is returned
#' featureGroups(se)
#' ## Add a column "feature_group" to the `rowData` of the object
#' rowData(se)$feature_group <- seq_len(nrow(rowData(se)))
#' featureGroups(se)
setGeneric("featureGroups", function(object, ...)
#' @rdname featureGroups
setGeneric("featureGroups<-", function(object, value)
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