
#' @include Chromatograms.R hidden_aliases.R

#' @title Chromatographic Peaks Metadata.
#' @name chromData
#' @aliases chromData
#' @aliases msLevel
#' @aliases chromIndex
#' @aliases collisionEnergy
#' @aliases dataOrigin
#' @aliases mz
#' @aliases mzMin
#' @aliases mzMax
#' @aliases precursorMz
#' @aliases precursorMzMin
#' @aliases precursorMzMax
#' @aliases productMz
#' @aliases productMzMin
#' @aliases productMzMax
#' @aliases filterChromData
#' @aliases chromVariables
#' @aliases chromData<-
#' @aliases msLevel<-
#' @aliases chromIndex<-
#' @aliases collisionEnergy<-
#' @aliases dataOrigin<-
#' @aliases mz<-
#' @aliases mzMin<-
#' @aliases mzMax<-
#' @aliases precursorMz<-
#' @aliases precursorMzMin<-
#' @aliases precursorMzMax<-
#' @aliases productMz<-
#' @aliases productMzMin<-
#' @aliases productMzMax<-
#' @aliases chromVariables<-
#' @description
#' As explained in the [`Chromatograms`] class documentation, the `Chromatograms`
#' object is a container for chromatogram data that includes chromatographic
#' peaks data (*retention time* and related intensity values, also referred to
#' as *peaks data variables* in the context of `Chromatograms`) and metadata of
#' individual chromatograms (so called *chromatograms variables*).
#' The *chromatograms variables* information can be accessed using the
#' `chromData()` function. it is also possible to access specific
#' chromatograms variables using `$`.
#' `chromData` can be accessed, replaced but also filtered/subsetted. Refer to
#' the sections below for more details.
#' @param columns A `character` vector of chromatograms variables to extract.
#' @param drop A `logical` indicating whether to drop dimensions when extracting
#'        a single variable.
#' @param keep For `filterChromData()`: `logical(1)`
#'        defining whether to keep (`keep = TRUE`) or remove (`keep = FALSE`)
#'        the chromatogram data that match the condition.
#' @param match For `filterChromData()` : `character(1) `
#'        defining whether the condition has to match for all provided
#'        `ranges` (`match = "all"`; the default), or for any of them
#'        (`match = "any"`) for chromatogram data to be retained.
#' @param ranges For `filterChromData()` : a `numeric`
#'        vector of paired values (upper and lower boundary) that define the
#'        ranges to filter the `object`. These paired values need to be in the
#'        same order as the `variables` parameter (see below).
#' @param object A [Chromatograms] object.
#' @param value replacement value for `<-` methods. See individual
#'        method description or expected data type.
#' @param variables For `filterChromData()`: `character` vector with the names
#'        of the chromatogram variables to filter for. The list of available
#'        chromatogram variables can be obtained with `chromVariables()`.
#' @param x A [Chromatograms] object.
#' @section Chromatograms variables and accessor functions:
#' The following chromatograms variables are guaranteed to be provided by a
#' `Chromatograms` object and to be accessible with either the `chromData()` or
#'  a specific function named after the variables names:
#' - `chromIndex`: an `integer` with the index of the chromatogram in the
#'   original source file (e.g. *mzML* file).
#' - `collisionEnergy`: for SRM data, `numeric` with the collision energy of
#'   the precursor.
#' - `dataOrigin`: optional `character` with the origin of the data.
#' - `msLevel`: `integer` defining the MS level of the data.
#' - `mz`: optional `numeric` with the (target) m/z value for the
#'   chromatographic data.
#' - `mzMin`: optional `numeric` with the lower m/z value of the m/z range in
#'   case the data (e.g. an extracted ion chromatogram EIC) was extracted from
#'   a `Spectra` object.
#' - `mzMax`: optional `numeric` with the upper m/z value of the m/z range.
#' - `precursorMz`: for SRM data, `numeric` with the target m/z of the
#'   precursor (parent).
#' - `precursorMzMin`: for SRM data, optional `numeric` with the lower m/z of
#'   the precursor's isolation window.
#' - `precursorMzMax`: for SRM data, optional `numeric` with the upper m/z of
#'   the precursor's isolation window.
#' - `productMz` for SRM data, `numeric` with the target m/z of the
#'   product ion.
#' - `productMzMin`: for SRM data, optional `numeric` with the lower m/z of
#'   the product's isolation window.
#' - `productMzMax`: for SRM data, optional `numeric` with the upper m/z of
#'   the product's isolation window.
#' @section Filter Chromatograms variables:
#' Functions that filter `Chromatograms` based on chromatograms variables
#' (i.e, `chromData` ) will remove chromatographic data that do not meet the
#' specified conditions. This means that if a chromatogram is filtered out, its
#' corresponding `chromData` and `peaksData` will be removed from the object
#' immediately.
#' The available functions to filter chromatogram data are:
#' - `filterChromData()`: Filters numerical chromatographic data variables
#'   based on the provided numerical `ranges`. The method returns a
#'   `Chromatograms` object containing only the chromatograms that match the
#'   specified conditions. This function results in an object with fewer
#'   chromatograms than the original.

#' @seealso [Chromatograms] for a general description of the `Chromatograms`
#'          object.
#'          [peaksData] for a general description of the chromatographic peaks
#'          data available in the object, as well as how to access, replace and
#'          subset them.
#'          [processingQueue] for more information on the queuing
#'          of processings and parallelization for larger dataset processing.
#' @md
#' @author Philippine Louail

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("chromData", "Chromatograms", function(object,
                                                 columns = chromVariables(object),
                                                 drop = FALSE)
    chromData(object@backend, columns = columns, drop = drop)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("chromData", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    chromData(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("chromVariables", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("chromIndex", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("chromIndex", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    chromIndex(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("collisionEnergy", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("collisionEnergy", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    collisionEnergy(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("dataOrigin", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("dataOrigin", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    dataOrigin(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("msLevel", "Chromatograms", function(object) msLevel(object@backend))

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("msLevel", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    msLevel(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("mz", "Chromatograms", function(object) mz(object@backend))

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("mz", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    mz(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("mzMax", "Chromatograms", function(object) mzMax(object@backend))

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("mzMax", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    mzMax(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("mzMin", "Chromatograms", function(object) mzMin(object@backend))

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("mzMin", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    mzMin(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("length", "Chromatograms", function(x) length(x@backend))

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("precursorMz", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("precursorMz", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    precursorMz(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("precursorMzMin", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("precursorMzMin", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    precursorMzMin(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("precursorMzMax", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("precursorMzMax", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    precursorMzMax(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("productMz", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("productMz", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    productMz(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("productMzMin", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("productMzMin", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    productMzMin(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("productMzMax", "Chromatograms", function(object)

#' @rdname chromData
setReplaceMethod("productMzMax", "Chromatograms", function(object, value) {
    productMzMax(object@backend) <- value

#' @rdname chromData
setMethod("filterChromData", "Chromatograms", function(object,
                                                       variables = character(),
                                                       ranges = numeric(),
                                                       match = c("any", "all"),
                                                       keep = TRUE) {
    object@backend <- filterChromData(object@backend,
                                      variables = variables,
                                      ranges = ranges,
                                      match = match,
                                      keep = keep)
rformassspectrometry/Chromatograms documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 11:28 a.m.