knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "", message=FALSE, warning = FALSE)
To install and load methylGSA
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("methylGSA")
Depending on the DNA methylation array type, other packages may be needed before running the analysis.
If analyzing 450K array, IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19
to be loaded.
If analyzing EPIC array, IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19
to be loaded.
If analyzing user-supplied mapping between CpG ID and gene name, neither
needs to be loaded.
The methylGSA package contains functions to carry out gene set analysis adjusting for the number of CpGs per gene. It has been shown by Geeleher et al [1] that gene set analysis is extremely biased for DNA methylation data. This package contains three main functions to adjust for the bias in gene set analysis.
methylglm: Incorporating number of CpGs as a covariate in logistic regression.
methylRRA: Adjusting for multiple p-values of each gene by Robust Rank Aggregation [2], and then apply either over-representation analysis (ORA) or Preranked version of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEAPreranked) [3] in gene set testing.
methylgometh: Adjusting the number of CpGs for each gene by weighted resampling and Wallenius non-central hypergeometric approximation (via missMethyl [4]).
methylglm is an extention of GOglm [9]. GOglm adjusts length bias for RNA-Seq data by incorporating gene length as a covariate in logistic regression model. methylglm adjusts length bias in DNA methylation by the number of CpGs instead of gene length. For each gene set, we fit a logistic regression model:
$$ \text{logit} (\pi_{i}) = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}x_{i} + \beta_{2}c_{i}$$ For each gene $i$, $\pi_{i}$ = Pr(gene $i$ is in gene set), $x_{i}$ represents negative logarithmic transform of its minimum p-value in differential methylation analysis, and $c_{i}$ is logarithmic transform of its number of CpGs.
methylglm requires only a simple named vector. This vector contains p-values of each CpG. Names should be their corresponding CpG IDs.
Here is what the input vector looks like:
data(cpgtoy) head(cpg.pval, 20)
Please note that the p-values presented here in cpg.pval
is for illustration
purpose only. They are used to show how to utilize the functions in methylGSA.
It does not represent p-values from any real data analysis.
The actual p-values in differential methylation analysis may be quite
different from the p-values in cpg.pval
in terms of the magnitude.
Run methylglm:
res1 = methylglm(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, minsize = 200, maxsize = 500, GS.type = "KEGG") head(res1, 15)
Result is a data frame ranked by p-values of gene sets. The meaning of each column is given below.
glm_res = data.frame( "Column" = c("ID", "Description (N/A for user supplied gene set)", "Size", "pvalue", "padj"), "Explanation" = c("Gene set ID", "Gene set description", "Number of genes in gene set", "p-value in logistic regression", "Adjusted p-value") ) knitr::kable(glm_res)
Bioconductor package can be used to pull out the genes corresponding a specific pathway. For instance, one of the pathways in the methylglm output above is "Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction" with KEGG ID 04080. The following code can be used to obtain its genes.
library( genes_04080 = select(, "04080", "SYMBOL", keytype = "PATH") head(genes_04080)
The following code can be used to get the genes in all the pathways in methylglm output.
# include all the IDs as the 2nd argument in select function genes_all_pathway = select(, as.character(res1$ID), "SYMBOL", keytype = "PATH") head(genes_all_pathway)
Robust rank aggregation [2] is a parameter free model that aggregates several ranked gene lists into a single gene list. The aggregation assumes random order of input lists and assign each gene a p-value based on order statistics. We apply this order statistics idea to adjust for number of CpGs.
For gene $i$, let $P_{1}, P_{2}, ... P_{n}$ be the p-values of individual CpGs in differential methylation analysis. Under the null hypothesis, $P_{1}, P_{2}, ... P_{n} ~ \overset{i.i.d}{\sim} Unif[0, 1]$. Let $P_{(1)}, P_{(2)}, ... P_{(n)}$ be the order statistics. Define: $$\rho = \text{min}{\text{Pr}(P_{(1)}<P_{(1)\text{obs}}), \text{Pr}(P_{(2)}<P_{(2)\text{obs}})..., \text{Pr}(P_{(n)}<P_{(n)\text{obs}}) } $$
methylRRA supports two approaches to adjust for number of CpGs, ORA and
GSEAPreranked [3]. In ORA approach, for gene $i$, conversion from
$\rho$ score into p-value is done by Bonferroni correction [2].
We get a p-value for each gene and these p-values are then corrected for
multiple testing use Benjamini & Hochberg procedure
[10]. By default, genes with False Discovery Rate (FDR) below 0.05 are
considered differentially expressed (DE) genes. If there are
no DE genes under FDR 0.05, users are able to use sig.cut
option to specify
a higher FDR cut-off or topDE
option to declare top genes to be
differentially expressed. We then apply ORA based on these DE genes.
In GSEAPreranked approach, for gene $i$, we also convert $\rho$ score into p-value by Bonferroni correction. p-values are converted into z-scores. We then apply Preranked version of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEAPreranked) on the gene list ranked by the z-scores.
To apply ORA approach, we use argument method = "ORA"
(default) in methylRRA
res2 = methylRRA(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, method = "ORA", minsize = 200, maxsize = 210) head(res2, 15)
The meaning of each column in the output is given below.
ora_res = data.frame( "Column" = c("ID", "Description (N/A for user supplied gene set)", "Count", "overlap", "Size", "pvalue", "padj"), "Explanation" = c("Gene set ID", "Gene set description", "Number of significant genes in the gene set", "Names of significant genes in the gene set", "Number of genes in gene set", "p-value in ORA", "Adjusted p-value") ) knitr::kable(ora_res)
To apply GSEAPreranked approach, we use argument method = "GSEA"
in methylRRA
res3 = methylRRA(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, method = "GSEA", minsize = 200, maxsize = 210) head(res3, 10)
The meaning of each column in the output is given below.
gsea_res = data.frame( "Column" = c("ID", "Description (N/A for user supplied gene set)", "Size", "enrichmentScore", "NES", "pvalue", "padj"), "Explanation" = c("Gene set ID", "Gene set description", "Number of genes in gene set", "Enrichment score (see [3] for details)", "Normalized enrichment score (see [3] for details)", "p-value in GSEA", "Adjusted p-value") ) knitr::kable(gsea_res)
methylgometh calls gometh
or gsameth
function in missMethyl
package [4] to adjust number of CpGs in gene set
testing. gometh
modifies goseq method [11] by fitting a
probability weighting function and resampling from Wallenius non-central
hypergeometric distribution.
methylgometh requires two inputs, cpg.pval
and sig.cut
. sig.cut
the cut-off point to declare a CpG as differentially methylated. By default,
is 0.001. Similar to methylRRA, if no CpG is significant, users are
able to specify a higher cut-off or use topDE
option to declare
top CpGs to be differentially methylated.
res4 = methylgometh(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, sig.cut = 0.001, minsize = 200, maxsize = 210) head(res4, 15)
methylGSA provides many other options for users to customize the analysis.
is to specify which array type to use. It is either "450K" or
"EPIC". Default is "450K". This argument will be ignored if FullAnnot
is preprocessed mapping between CpG ID and gene name provided by
prepareAnnot function. Default is NULL. Check example below for details. group
is the type of CpG to be considered in methylRRA or methylglm. By
default, group
is "all", which means all CpGs are considered regardless
of their gene group. If group
is "body", only CpGs on gene body will be
considered. If group
is "promoter1" or "promoter2", only CpGs on promoters
will be considered. Based on the annotation in
IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 and
IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19, "body", "promoter1" and
"promoter2" are defined as: GS.list
is user supplied gene sets to be tested. It should be a list with
entry names gene set IDs and elements correpond to genes that gene set
contain. If there is no input list, Gene Ontology is used by default.GS.idtype
is the type of gene ID in user supplied gene sets. If GS.list
is not empty, then the user is expected to provide gene ID type. Supported ID
types are "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID", "REFSEQ". Default is "SYMBOL". GS.type
is the published gene sets/pathways to be tested if GS.list
empty. Supported pathways are "GO" (Gene Ontology), "KEGG", and "Reactome".
Default is "GO".minsize
is an integer. If the number of genes in a gene set is less than
this integer, this gene set is not tested. Default is 100.maxsize
is also an integer. If the number of genes in a gene set is
greater than this integer, this gene set is not tested. Default is 500.method
is to specify gene set test method. It is either
"ORA" or "GSEA" as described in the previous section. Default is "ORA".parallel
is either TRUE
indicating whether
parallel should be used. Default is FALSE
.An example of user supplied gene sets is given below. The gene ID type is gene symbol.
data(GSlisttoy) ## to make the display compact, only a proportion of each gene set is shown head(lapply(GS.list, function(x) x[1:30]), 3)
Below is an example of running methylglm with parallel option
library(BiocParallel) res_p = methylglm(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, minsize = 200, maxsize = 500, GS.type = "KEGG", parallel = TRUE)
methylglm and methylRRA support user supplied CpG ID to gene mapping. The mapping is expected to be a matrix, or a data frame or a list. For a matrix or data frame, 1st column should be CpG ID and 2nd column should be gene name. For a list, entry names should be gene names and elements correpond to CpG IDs. Below an example of user supplied CpG to gene mapping.
data(CpG2Genetoy) head(CpG2Gene)
To use user supplied mapping in methylglm or methylRRA, first preprocess the mapping by prepareAnnot function
FullAnnot = prepareAnnot(CpG2Gene)
Test the gene sets using "ORA" in methylRRA, use FullAnnot
argument to
provide the preprocessed CpG ID to gene mapping
GS.list = GS.list[1:10] res5 = methylRRA(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, FullAnnot = FullAnnot, method = "ORA", GS.list = GS.list, GS.idtype = "SYMBOL", minsize = 100, maxsize = 300) head(res5, 10)
Below is another example testing Reactome pathways using methylglm.
res6 = methylglm(cpg.pval = cpg.pval, array.type = "450K", GS.type = "Reactome", minsize = 100, maxsize = 110) head(res6, 10)
Following bar plot implemented in enrichplot [12], we also provide bar plot to
visualize the gene set analysis results. The input of barplot
function can
be any result returned by methylglm, methylRRA, or methylgometh. Various
options are provided for users to customize the plot.
is to specify the label in x-axis. It is either "Count"
(number of significant genes in gene set) or "Size" (total number of genes
in gene set). "Count" option is not available for methylglm and
methylRRA(GSEA). Default is "Size".num
is to specify the number of genes sets to display on the bar plot.
Default is 5.colorby
is a string. Either "pvalue" or "padj". Default is "padj".title
is a string. The title to display on the bar plot. Default is NULL. Below is an example of using barplot to visualize the result of methylglm.
barplot(res1, num = 8, colorby = "pvalue")
[1] Geeleher, Paul, Lori Hartnett, Laurance J Egan, Aaron Golden, Raja Affendi Raja Ali, and Cathal Seoighe. 2013. Gene-Set Analysis Is Severely Biased When Applied to Genome-Wide Methylation Data. Bioinformatics 29 (15). Oxford University Press: 1851–7.
[2] Kolde, Raivo, Sven Laur, Priit Adler, and Jaak Vilo. 2012. Robust Rank Aggregation for Gene List Integration and Meta-Analysis. Bioinformatics 28 (4). Oxford University Press: 573–80.
[3] Subramanian, Aravind, Pablo Tamayo, Vamsi K Mootha, Sayan Mukherjee, Benjamin L Ebert, Michael A Gillette, Amanda Paulovich, et al. 2005. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis: A Knowledge-Based Approach for Interpreting Genome-Wide Expression Profiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (43). National Acad Sciences: 15545–50.
[4] Phipson, Belinda, Jovana Maksimovic, and Alicia Oshlack. 2015. MissMethyl: An R Package for Analyzing Data from Illumina's Humanmethylation450 Platform. Bioinformatics 32 (2). Oxford University Press: 286–88.
[5] Carlson M (2018). Genome wide annotation for Human. R package version 3.6.0.
[6] Ligtenberg W (2018). reactome.db: A set of annotation maps for reactome. R package version 1.64.0.
[7] Hansen, KD. (2016). IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19: Annotation for Illumina’s 450k Methylation Arrays. R Package, Version 0.6.0 1.
[8] Hansen, KD. (2017). IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19: Annotation for Illumina’s Epic Methylation Arrays. R Package, Version 0.6.0 1.
[9] Mi, Gu, Yanming Di, Sarah Emerson, Jason S Cumbie, and Jeff H Chang. 2012. Length Bias Correction in Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Using Logistic Regression. PloS One 7 (10). Public Library of Science: e46128.
[10] Benjamini, Yoav, and Yosef Hochberg. 1995. Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological). JSTOR, 289–300.
[11] Young, Matthew D, Matthew J Wakefield, Gordon K Smyth, and Alicia Oshlack. 2012. Goseq: Gene Ontology Testing for Rna-Seq Datasets. R Bioconductor.
[12] Yu G (2018). enrichplot: Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result. R package version 1.0.2,
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