#' Progression estimation of cytof expression data
#' Infer the progression based on the relationship of cell subsets estimated
#' using ISOMAP or Diffusion map.
#' @param data Expression data matrix.
#' @param cluster A vector of cluster results for the data.
#' @param method Method for estimation of cell progression, isomap or diffusionmap.
#' @param distMethod Method for distance calculation, default is "euclidean", other choices like "manhattan", "cosine", "rankcor".
#' @param out_dim Number of transformed dimensions choosen for output.
#' @param clusterSampleMethod Cluster sampling method including \code{ceil}, \code{all}, \code{min}, \code{fixed}. The default option is
#' \code{ceil}, up to a fixed number (specified by \code{fixedNum}) of cells are sampled without replacement from each cluster and combined for analysis.
#' \code{all}: all cells from each cluster are combined for analysis.
#' \code{min}: The minimum number of cells among all clusters are sampled from cluster and combined for analysis.
#' \code{fixed}: a fixed num (specified by fixedNum) of cells are sampled (with replacement when the total number of cell is less than fixedNum) from each cluster and combined for analysis.
#' @param clusterSampleSize The number of cells to be sampled from each cluster.
#' @param sampleSeed The seed for random down sample of the clusters.
#' @return a list. Includes: sampleData, sampleCluster and progressionData.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d<-system.file('extdata', package='cytofkit2')
#' fcsFile <- list.files(d, pattern='.fcs$', full=TRUE)
#' parameters <- list.files(d, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' markers <- as.character(read.table(parameters, header = TRUE)[, 1])
#' xdata <- cytof_exprsMerge(fcsFile, mergeMethod = 'fixed', fixedNum = 2000)
#' clusters <- cytof_cluster(xdata = xdata, method = "Rphenograph")
#' prog <- cytof_progression(data = xdata, cluster = clusters, clusterSampleSize = 100)
#' d <- as.data.frame(cbind(prog$progressionData, cluster = factor(prog$sampleCluster)))
#' cytof_clusterPlot(data =d, xlab = "diffusionmap_1", ylab="diffusionmap_2",
#' cluster = "cluster", sampleLabel = FALSE)
cytof_progression <- function(data, cluster,
method=c("diffusionmap", "isomap", "NULL"),
distMethod = "euclidean",
out_dim = 2,
clusterSampleMethod = c("ceil", "all", "fixed", "min"),
clusterSampleSize = 500,
sampleSeed = 123){
data <- as.matrix(data)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == "NULL"){
clusterSampleMethod <- match.arg(clusterSampleMethod)
message("No cluster vector provided, take all data for estimation.")
clusterSampleMethod <- "all"
cluster <- rep(1, length.out = nrow(data))
set.seed(sampleSeed) # Set a seed if you want reproducible results
cellClusterList <- split(1:nrow(data), cluster)
ceil = {
mergeFunc <- function(x) {
if (length(x) < clusterSampleSize) {
} else {
sample(x, size = clusterSampleSize, replace = FALSE)
sampleCellID <- do.call(base::c, lapply(cellClusterList, mergeFunc))
all = {
sampleCellID <- do.call(base::c, cellClusterList)
fixed = {
mergeFunc <- function(x) {
sample(x, size = clusterSampleSize, replace = ifelse(length(x) < clusterSampleSize, TRUE, FALSE))
sampleCellID <- do.call(base::c, lapply(cellClusterList, mergeFunc))
min = {
minSize <- min(sapply(cellClusterList, length))
mergeFunc <- function(x) {
sample(x, size = minSize, replace = FALSE)
sampleCellID <- do.call(base::c, lapply(cellClusterList, mergeFunc))
sampleData <- data[sampleCellID, ,drop=FALSE]
nCluster <- cluster[sampleCellID]
progressionData <- cytof_dimReduction(sampleData, method = method,
distMethod = distMethod, out_dim = out_dim)
progressRes <- list(sampleData = sampleData,
sampleCluster = nCluster,
progressionData = progressionData)
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