Package installation

```{asciicast asciicast-setup, include = FALSE, cache = FALSE} dir.create(.lib <- tempfile()) .libPaths(c(.lib, .libPaths()))

## Install a package from CRAN or Bioconductor

```{asciicast tldr-cran}
#| asciicast_at = "all",
#| asciicast_knitr_output = "svg",
#| asciicast_cursor = FALSE

pak automatically sets a CRAN repository and the Bioconductor repositories that corresponds to the current R version.

Install a package from GitHub

```{asciicast tldr-gh} pak::pkg_install("tidyverse/tibble")

Use the `user/repo` form.
You can specify a branch or tag: `user/repo@branch` or `user/repo@tag`.

## Install a package from a URL

```{asciicast tldr-url}

The URL may point to an R package file, made with R CMD build, or a .tar.gz or .zip archive of a package tree.

Package updates

Update a package

```{asciicast tldr-update} pak::pkg_install("tibble")

`pak::pkg_install()` automatically updates the package.

## Update all dependencies of a package

```{asciicast tldr-update-all}
pak::pkg_install("tibble", upgrade = TRUE)

upgrade = TRUE updates the package itself and all of its dependencies, if necessary.

Reinstall a package

Add ?reinstall to the package name or package reference in general:

```{asciicast tldr-reinstall} pak::pkg_install("tibble?reinstall")

# Dependency lookup

## Dependencies of a CRAN or Bioconductor package

```{asciicast tldr-deps}

The results are returned in a data frame.

Dependency tree of a CRAN / Bioconductor package

```{asciicast tldr-deps-tree} pak::pkg_deps_tree("tibble")

The results are also silently returned in a data frame.

## Dependency tree of a package on GitHub

```{asciicast tldr-deps-gh}

Use the user/repo form. As usual, you can also select a branch, tag, or sha, with the user/repo@branch, user/repo@tag or user/repo@sha forms.

Dependency tree of the package in the current directory

```{asciicast tldr-deps-local-pre, include = FALSE} dl <- pak::pkg_download("tibble", platforms = "source", tempdir()) untar(dl$fulltarget[1])

```{asciicast tldr-deps-local, dependson = "tldr-deps-local-pre"}

Assuming package is in directory tibble.

Explain a recursive dependency

How does tibble depend on rlang?

```{asciicast tldr-deps-explain} pak::pkg_deps_explain("tibble", "rlang")

Use can also use the `user/repo` form for packages from GitHub,
`url::...` for packages at URLs, etc.

# Package development

```{asciicast tldr-pkg-pre, include = FALSE, cache = FALSE}
dl <- pak::pkg_download("tibble", platforms = "source", tempdir())
try(pak:::pkg_data$remote$kill(), silent = TRUE)

Install dependencies of local package

```{asciicast tldr-pkg-deps} pak::local_install_deps()

## Install local package

```{asciicast tldr-pkg-install}

Install all dependencies of local package

```{asciicast tldr-pkg-dev-deps} pak::local_install_dev_deps()

Installs development and optional dependencies as well.

```{asciicast tldr-pkg-post, include = FALSE, cache = FALSE}
try(pak:::pkg_data$remote$kill(), silent = TRUE)


List current repositories

```{asciicast tldr-repo-list} pak::repo_get()

If you haven't set a CRAN or Bioconductor repository, pak does that

## Add custom repository

```{asciicast tldr-repo-add}
pak::repo_add(rhub = '')

Remove custom repositories

```{asciicast tldr-repo-remove, dependson = -1} options(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"]) pak::repo_get()

If you set the `repos` option to a CRAN repo only, or unset it completely,
then pak keeps only CRAN and (by default) Bioconductor.

## Time travel using RSPM

```{asciicast tldr-repo-rspm}
pak::repo_add(CRAN = "RSPM@2022-06-30")

Sets a repository that is equivalent to CRAN's state closest to the specified date. Name this repository CRAN, otherwise pak will also add a default CRAN repository.

Time travel using MRAN

```{asciicast tldr-repo-mran} pak::repo_add(CRAN = "MRAN@2022-06-30") pak::repo_get()

Sets a repository that is equivalent to CRAN's state at the specified date.
Name this repository `CRAN`, otherwise pak will also add a default CRAN

# Caches

By default pak caches both metadata and downloaded packages.

## Inspect metadata cache

```{asciicast tldr-meta-list}

Update metadata cache

By default pkg_install() and similar functions automatically update the metadata for the currently set repositories if it is older than 24 hours. You can also force an update manually:

```{asciicast tldr-meta-update} pak::meta_update()

## Clean metadata cache

```{asciicast tldr-meta-clean}
pak::meta_clean(force = TRUE)

Inspect package cache

Downloaded packages are also cached.

```{asciicast tldr-cache-list} pak::cache_list()

## View a package cache summary

```{asciicast tldr-cache-summary}

Clean package cache



List packages in a library

{asciicast tldr-lib-list} pak::lib_status(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"))

Pass the directory of the library as the argument.

r-lib/pak documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 12:39 a.m.