#' @title Enrichment analysis using competitive compositional balances (CBEA)
#' @description \code{cbea} is used compute enrichment scores
#' per sample for pre-defined sets using the CBEA
#' (Competitive Balances for Enrichment Analysis).
#' @details This function support different formats of the OTU table, however
#' for best results please use \code{\linkS4class{TreeSummarizedExperiment}}.
#' \code{phyloseq} is supported, however \code{CBEA} will not explicitly import
#' \code{phyloseq} package and will require users to install them separately.
#' If use \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}, users should specify whether taxa are rows using the
#' \code{taxa_are_rows} option. Additionally, for \code{data.frame}, users can specify
#' metadata columns to be kept via the \code{id_col} argument. \cr
#' The \code{output} argument specifies what type of values will be returned in the final matrix.
#' The options \code{pval} or \code{sig} returns either unadjusted p-values or dummy variables
#' indicating whether a set is significantly enriched in that sample (based on unadjusted
#' p-values thresholded at \code{thresh}).
#' The option \code{raw} returns raw scores computed for each set without any distribution fitting
#' or inference procedure. Users can use this option to examine the distribution of CBEA scores
#' under the null.
#' @param obj The element of class \code{TreeSummarizedExperiment},
#' \code{data.frame}, or \code{matrix}. \code{phyloseq} is not supported
#' due to conflicting dependencies and \code{TreeSummarizedExperiment} is much
#' more compact.
#' @param set \code{BiocSet}. Sets to be tested for
#' enrichment in the \code{BiocSet}
#' format. Taxa names must be in the same format
#' as elements in the set.
#' @param output (String). The form of the output of the model.
#' Has to be either \code{zscore},
#' \code{cdf}, \code{raw}, \code{pval}, or \code{sig}
#' @param distr (String). The choice of distribution for the null. Can be either \code{mnorm}
#' (2 component mixture normal), \code{norm} (Normal distribution), or NULL if \code{parametric}
#' is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param adj (Logical). Whether correlation adjustment procedure is utilized. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param n_perm (Numeric). Add bootstrap resamples to both the permuted and unpermuted data set.
#' This might help with stabilizing the distribution fitting procedure, especially if the sample
#' size is low. Defaults to 1.
#' @param parametric (Logical). Indicate whether a parametric distribution will be fitted to estimate
#' z-scores, CDF values, and p-values. Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param thresh (Numeric). Threshold for significant p-values if \code{sig}
#' is the output. Defaults to 0.05
#' @param init (Named List). Initialization parameters
#' for estimating the null distribution.
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param control (Named List). Additional arguments to be passed to
#' \code{fitdistr} and \code{normmixEM}. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param parallel_backend See documentation \code{\link{cbea}}
#' @param ... Additional arguments not used at the moment.
#' @return \code{R} An \code{n} by \code{m} matrix of enrichment scores at
#' the sample level
#' @name cbea
#' @examples
#' data(hmp_gingival)
#' seq <- hmp_gingival$data
#' set <- hmp_gingival$set
#' # n_perm = 10 to reduce runtime
#' mod <- cbea(obj = seq, set = set, output = "zscore",
#' abund_values = "16SrRNA",
#' distr = "norm", parametric = TRUE,
#' adj = TRUE, thresh = 0.05, n_perm = 10)
#' @rdname cbea
#' @importClassesFrom BiocSet BiocSet
#' @export
setGeneric("cbea", function(obj, set,
distr = NULL,
adj = FALSE,
n_perm = 100,
parametric = TRUE,
thresh = 0.05,
init = NULL,
control = NULL,
parallel_backend = NULL, ...) {
}, signature = "obj")
#' @rdname cbea
#' @param abund_values (Character). Character value for selecting the \code{assay} to be
#' the input to \code{cbea}
#' @importClassesFrom TreeSummarizedExperiment TreeSummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
setMethod("cbea", "TreeSummarizedExperiment", function(obj, set,
distr = NULL,
adj = FALSE,
n_perm = 100,
parametric = TRUE,
thresh = 0.05,
init = NULL,
control = NULL,
parallel_backend = NULL,
...) {
# Validate inputs ####
# generate table
if (!abund_values %in% names(assays(obj))){
stop("abund_values must be part of the assays of the object.
Check names(assays(obj)) for details")
tab <- assay(obj, abund_values)
# TreeSummarizedExperiment data sets are always transposed
tab <- as(tab, "matrix")
tab <- t(tab)
if (length(which(tab == 0)) > 0) {
warning("Taxonomic count table contains zeros,
which would invalidate the log-ratio transform.
Adding a pseudocount of 1e-5...")
tab <- tab + 1e-5
set_list <- as(set, "list")
model <- .cbea(
ab_tab = tab, set_list = set_list, output = output,
distr = distr, adj = adj, n_perm = n_perm, parametric = parametric,
thresh = thresh, init = init,
raw = raw, control = control, ...
call <- list(
sample_ids = rownames(tab),
parametric = parametric,
distr = distr,
n_perm = n_perm,
output = output,
adj = adj
out <- new_CBEAout(model, call = call)
#' @rdname cbea
#' @param taxa_are_rows (Logical). Indicate whether the data frame
#' or matrix has taxa as rows
#' @param id_col (Character Vector). Vector of character to indicate metadata
#' columns to keep (for example, \code{sample_id})
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @export
setMethod("cbea", "data.frame", function(obj, set,
taxa_are_rows = FALSE,
id_col = NULL,
distr = NULL,
adj = FALSE,
n_perm = 100,
parametric = TRUE,
thresh = 0.05,
init = NULL,
control = NULL,
parallel_backend = NULL,
...) {
# Validate inputs ####
if (!is.null(id_col)){
tab <- dplyr::select(obj, -c({{id_col}}))
} else {
tab <- obj
check_numeric <- vapply(tab, FUN = function(x) is(x, "numeric"), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
idx <- which(check_numeric == FALSE)
if (length(idx) >= 1){
stop("There are more than two non-numeric columns after removing
row identifiers. Please explicitly remove these additional non-numeric columns")
tab <- as(tab, "matrix")
# transformations and issues with data.frames
if (taxa_are_rows == TRUE){
tab <- t(tab)
if (length(which(tab == 0)) > 0) {
warning("Taxonomic count table contains zeros,
which would invalidate the log-ratio transform.
Adding a pseudocount of 1e-5...")
tab <- tab + 1e-5
set_list <- as(set, "list")
model <- .cbea(
ab_tab = tab, set_list = set_list,
output = output, distr = distr, adj = adj, n_perm = n_perm,
parametric = parametric,
thresh = thresh, init = init, control = control, ...
#' @rdname cbea
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
setMethod("cbea", "matrix", function(obj, set,
taxa_are_rows = FALSE,
distr = NULL,
adj = FALSE,
n_perm = 100,
parametric = TRUE,
thresh = 0.05,
init = NULL,
control = NULL,
parallel_backend = NULL,
...) {
# Validate inputs ####
if (taxa_are_rows == TRUE) {
tab <- t(tab)
if (length(which(tab == 0)) > 0) {
warning("Taxonomic count table contains zeros,
which would invalidate the log-ratio transform.
Adding a pseudocount of 1e-5...")
tab <- tab + 1e-5
set_list <- as(set, "list")
model <- .cbea(
ab_tab = tab, set_list = set_list,
output = output, distr = distr, adj = adj,
n_perm = n_perm, parametric = parametric,
thresh = thresh, init = init, control = control, ...
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