statNbpseq: Statistical testing with NBPSeq

View source: R/stat.R

statNbpseqR Documentation

Statistical testing with NBPSeq


This function is a wrapper over NBPSeq statistical testing. It accepts a matrix of normalized gene counts or an S4 object specific to each normalization algorithm supported by metaseqR2.


    statNbpseq(object, sampleList, contrastList = NULL,
        statArgs = NULL, libsizeList = NULL)



a matrix or an object specific to each normalization algorithm supported by metaseqR2, containing normalized counts. See also Details.


the list containing condition names and the samples under each condition.


vector of contrasts as defined in the main help page of metaseqr2. See also Details.


a list of NBPSeq statistical algorithm parameters. See the result of getDefaults("statistics", "nbpseq") for an example and how you can modify it. It is not required when the input object is already a list from NBPSeq normalization as the dispersions are already estimated.


an optional named list where names represent samples (MUST be the same as the samples in sampleList) and members are the library sizes (the sequencing depth) for each sample. If not provided, the default is the column sums of the object matrix.


Regarding object, apart from matrix (also for NOISeq), the object can be a SeqExpressionSet (EDASeq), CountDataSet (DESeq), DGEList (edgeR), DESeqDataSet (DESeq2), SeqCountSet (DSS) or ABSDataSet (ABSSeq).

Regarding contrastList it can also be a named structured list of contrasts as returned by the internal function metaseqR2:::makeContrastList.


A named list of p-values, whose names are the names of the contrasts.


There is currently a problem with the NBPSeq package and the workflow that is specific to the NBPSeq package. The problem has to do with function exporting as there are certain functions which are not recognized from the package internally. For this reason and until it is fixed, only the Smyth workflow will be available with the NBPSeq package.


Panagiotis Moulos


dataMatrix <- metaseqR2:::exampleCountData(2000)
sampleList <- list(A=c("A1","A2"),B=c("B1","B2","B3"))
contrast <- "A_vs_B"
normDataMatrix <- normalizeNbpseq(dataMatrix,sampleList)
p <- statNbpseq(normDataMatrix,sampleList,contrast)

pmoulos/metaseqR2 documentation built on May 20, 2024, 5:48 a.m.