#' The connector class to KEGG Enzyme database.
#' This is a concrete connector class. It must never be instantiated directly,
#' but instead be instantiated through the factory \code{BiodbFactory}.
#' Only specific methods are described here. See super classes for the
#' description of inherited methods.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KeggConn}}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance with default settings:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Get connector
#' conn <- mybiodb$getFactory()$createConn('kegg.enzyme')
#' # Get pathway IDs related to enzymes
#' pathway.ids=conn$getPathwayIds(c('', ''), org='mmu')
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @include KeggConn.R
#' @export
KeggEnzymeConn <- R6::R6Class("KeggEnzymeConn",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. Connector classes must not be instantiated
#' directly. Instead, you must use the createConn() method of the factory class.
#' @param ... All parameters are passed to the super class initializer.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(...) {
super$initialize(db.name='enzyme', db.abbrev='ec', ...)
#' @description
#' Gets organism pathways. This method retrieves KEGG pathways of the
#' specified organism in which the enzymes are involved.
#' @param id A character vector of KEGG Compound IDs.
#' @param org The organism in which to search for pathways, as a KEGG organism
#' code (3-4 letters code, like 'hsa', 'mmu', ...). See
#' https //www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html for a complete list of KEGG
#' organism codes.
#' @return A vector of KEGG pathway IDs.
getPathwayIds=function(id, org) {
pathways <- character()
fact <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()
kegg.gen.conn <- fact$getConn('kegg.genes')
# Loop on all enzymes
for (enz.id in id) {
enz <- self$getEntry(enz.id)
if (is.null(enz))
pws <- private$getEnzymePathayIDs(enz=enz, org=org)
# Record found pathways
if ( ! is.null(pws))
pathways <- c(pathways, pws)
getEnzymePathayIDs=function(enz, org) {
pws <- NULL
fact <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()
# Does this enzyme have a list of pathways?
if (enz$hasField('kegg.pathway.id')) {
# Get pathways
pws <- enz$getFieldValue('kegg.pathway.id')
# Convert them to specified organism
kegg.path.conn <- fact$getConn('kegg.pathway')
pws <- kegg.path.conn$convertToOrgPathways(pws, org=org)
# Look for genes
else if ( ! is.null(enz) && enz$hasField('kegg.genes.id')) {
# We skip non organism genes
genes_ids <- enz$getFieldValue('kegg.genes.id')
mmu_genes_ids <- genes_ids[grep(paste0('^', org, ':'), genes_ids)]
kegg.gen.conn <- fact$getConn('kegg.genes')
for (gene in kegg.gen.conn$getEntry(mmu_genes_ids, drop=FALSE)) {
# We check that this gene is related to the organism:
if ( ! is.null(gene) && gene$hasField('kegg.pathway.id')) {
# Get pathways
pws <- gene$getFieldValue('kegg.pathway.id')
# Filter out wrong pathways
kpc <- fact$getConn('kegg.pathway')
x <- kpc$makesRefToEntry(pws, db='kegg.enzyme',
oid=enz.id, recurse=TRUE)
pws <- pws[x]
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