x1 = data.frame(seqnames = rep("chr1", times = 17),
start = c(1,10,17,25,27,32,41,47,60,70,87,94,99,107,113,121,132),
end = c(8,15,20,30,35,40,48,55,68,75,93,100,105,113,120,130,135),
strand = rep("+", 17),
site = c("s3","s1","s2","s2","s1","s2","s1","s1","s2","s1","s2","s2","s1","s2","s1","s1","s2"))
t1 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 3),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 26L, 95L),
end = c(20L, 35L, 105L)),
strand = Rle("+", 3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS", "orderFail", "orderFail"))
x2 = data.frame(seqnames = rep("chr1", times = 3),
start = c(10,17,25),
end = c(15,20,30),
strand = rep("+", 3),
site = c("s1","s2","s2"))
t2 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 1),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L), end = c(30L)),
strand = Rle("+", 1),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 1)),
status = as.character(Rle(c("PASS"), 1))
t3 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 3),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 26L, 95L), end = c(20L, 35L, 105L)),
strand = Rle("+", 3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 3)),
status = as.character(Rle(c("PASS"), 3))
t4 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 1),
ranges = IRanges(c(2L), end = c(15L)),
strand = Rle("+", 1),
sites = as.character(c("s3,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 1)),
status = as.character(Rle(c("PASS"), 1))
t6 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",2),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 61L), end = c(55L, 105L)),
strand = Rle("+", 2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1,s2,s1,s1","s2,s1,s2,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE, TRUE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS", "PASS"))
t7 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",3),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 61L, 71L), end = c(40L, 105L, 113L)),
strand = Rle("+", 3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s2,s1","s1,s2,s2,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS", "orderFail", "PASS"))
t8 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 4),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 18L, 71L, 88L), end = c(55L, 68L, 120L, 135L)),
strand = Rle("+",4),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1,s2,s1,s1", "s2,s2,s1,s2,s1,s1,s2", "s1,s2,s2,s1,s2,s1", "s2,s2,s1,s2,s1,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)),
status = as.character(c("orderFail", "PASS", "orderFail", "PASS"))
t9 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 6),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 26L, 61L, 95L, 108L, 122L), end = c(20L, 35L, 75L, 105L, 120L, 135L)),
strand = Rle("*", 6),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 6)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS", 6))
t10 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 7),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 26L, 33L, 61L, 95L, 108L, 122L), end = c(20L, 35L, 48L, 75L, 105L, 120L, 135L)),
strand = Rle("*", 7),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s2,s1", "s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 7)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS", 7))
t11 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 3),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 26L, 95L), end = c(20L, 35L, 105L)),
strand = Rle("*", 3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 3)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS", 3))
x3 = data.frame(seqnames = rep("chr1", times = 6),
start = c(10,17,25,40,42,55),
end = c(15,20,30,50,56,70),
strand = c("+", "-", "-", "-", "+", "+"),
site = c("s1","s2","s2","s2","s1","s1"))
t12 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 41L), end = c(20L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*", 2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 2)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS", 2))
x4 = data.frame(seqnames = rep("chr1", times = 6),
start = c(10,17,25,40,42,55),
end = c(15,20,30,50,56,70),
strand = c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+"),
site = c("s1","s2","s3","s2","s1","s3"))
t13 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 41L), end = c(20L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*", 2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 2)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS", 2))
t14 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 1),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L), end = c(30L)),
strand = Rle("*", 1),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s3")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(FALSE, 1)),
status = as.character(Rle("excludedSites", 1))
t15 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 18L), end = c(30L, 30L)),
strand = Rle("*", 2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s3", "s2,s3")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE,TRUE)),
status = as.character(c("excludedSites", "PASS"))
x5 = data.frame(seqnames = rep("chr1", times = 10),
start = c(10,17,25,40,42,55,72,75,90,95),
end = c(15,20,30,50,56,70,80,89,100,115),
strand = c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+"),
site = c("s1","s2","s3","s2","s1","s3","s1","s3","s2","s1"))
t16 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 18L), end = c(50L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*", 2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s3,s2", "s2,s3,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("excludedSites", "excludedSites"))
x6 = data.frame(seqnames = rep("chr1", times = 10),
start = c(10,17,25,40,42,55,72,75,90,95),
end = c(15,20,30,50,56,70,80,89,100,112),
strand = c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+"),
site = c("s1","s2","s2","s3","s1","s3","s1","s2","s2","s1"))
t17 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 3),
ranges = IRanges(c(11L, 18L, 73L), end = c(50L, 56L, 112L)),
strand = Rle("*", 3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s3", "s2,s2,s3,s1", "s1,s2,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)),
status = as.character(c("excludedSites", "excludedSites", "PASS"))
x7 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 16),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(10L,17L,25L,27L,32L,41L,47L,60L,70L,87L,94L,99L,107L,113L,121L,132L),
end = c(15L,20L,30L,35L,40L,48L,55L,68L,75L,93L,100L,105L,113L,120L,130L,135L)),
strand = Rle("+",16),
site = c("s1","s2","s2","s1","s2","s1","s1","s2",
t18 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(10L, 87L), end = c(30L, 105L)),
strand = Rle("*",2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2", "s2,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE, TRUE)),
status = as.character("PASS","PASS")
t19 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L, 41L), end = c(20L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*",2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS","orderFail"))
t20 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L, 41L), end = c(20L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*",2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("siteOrientation","orderFail"))
t21 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L, 41L), end = c(30L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*",2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS","orderFail"))
t22 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1", 2),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L, 41L), end = c(30L, 56L)),
strand = Rle("*",2),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2", "s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("siteOrientation","orderFail"))
t23 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",4),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L, 26L, 41L, 43L), end = c(30L, 56L, 70L, 70L)),
strand = Rle("*",4),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s3","s3,s2,s1","s2,s1,s3","s1,s3")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("excludedSites","excludedSites","excludedSites","siteOverlap"))
t24 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",3),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,95L), end = c(20L,35L,105L)),
strand = Rle("*",3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1","s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 3)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",3))
t25 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",3),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,95L), end = c(35L,48L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS","orderFail","orderFail"))
t26 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",7),
IRanges(start = c(11L,18L,26L,61L,71L,88L,95L), end = c(30L,35L,40L,93L,100L,105L,113L)),
strand = Rle("*",7),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2","s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2","s1,s2,s2","s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,7)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",7))
t27 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",5),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,28L,95L,108L), end = c(20L,35L,40L,105L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",5),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,5)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",5))
t28 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",6),
IRanges(start = c(28L,33L,42L,100L,108L,114L), end = c(48L,55L,68L,120L,130L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",6),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2","s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,6)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",6))
t29 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",1),
IRanges(start = c(26L), end = c(40L)),
strand = Rle("*",1),
sites = as.character(c("s2,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,1)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",1))
t30 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",4),
IRanges(start = c(18L,26L,88L,95L), end = c(35L,40L,105L,113L)),
strand = Rle("*",4),
sites = as.character(c("s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2","s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,4)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",4))
t31 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",10),
IRanges(start = c(11L,18L,26L,28L,48L,61L,88L,95L,100L,122L), end = c(30L,35L,40L,48L,68L,75L,105L,113L,120L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",10),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2","s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2","s1,s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2","s1,s2,s1","s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,10)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",10))
t32 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",3),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,95L), end = c(35L,48L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,3)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",3))
t33 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",10),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,42L,48L,61L,71L,88L,95L,100L,108L), end = c(40L,55L,68L,75L,93L,100L,113L,120L,130L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",10),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2","s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2","s1,s2,s2","s2,s2,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s1","s1,s2,s1,s1","s2,s1,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,10)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",10))
t34 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",7),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,28L,42L,95L,108L,114L), end = c(35L,48L,55L,68L,120L,130L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",7),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1","s1,s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)),
status = as.character(c("PASS","PASS","PASS","PASS","PASS","orderFail","PASS"))
t35 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",1),
IRanges(start = c(28L), end = c(55L)),
strand = Rle("*",1),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s1,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,1)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",1))
t36 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",10),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,42L,48L,61L,71L,88L,95L,100L,108L), end = c(40L,55L,68L,75L,93L,100L,113L,120L,130L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",10),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2","s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2","s1,s2,s2","s2,s2,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s1","s1,s2,s1,s1","s2,s1,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,10)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",10))
t37 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",8),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,28L,42L,48L,95L,108L,114L),
end = c(35L,48L,55L,68L,75L,120L,130L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",8),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1","s1,s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2","s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s2,s1","s2,s1,s1","s1,s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,8)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",8))
t38 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",3),
IRanges(start = c(11L,42L,95L),
end = c(35L,68L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",3),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2,s2,s1","s1,s1,s2","s2,s1,s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,3)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",3))
t39 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",5),
IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,28L,95L,108L),
end = c(20L,35L,40L,105L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",5),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE,5)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",5))
t40 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",6),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,28L,95L,100L,108L), end = c(20L,35L,40L,105L,113L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",6),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 6)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",6))
t41 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",5),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,95L,100L,108L), end = c(20L,40L,105L,113L,120L)),
strand = Rle("*",5),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 5)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",5))
t42 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",9),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,28L,33L,61L,95L,100L,108L,122L), end = c(20L,35L,40L,48L,75L,105L,113L,120L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",9),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s2,s1","s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 9)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",9))
t43 = GRanges(
seqnames = Rle("chr1",8),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(11L,26L,33L,61L,88L,100L,108L,122L), end = c(20L,40L,48L,75L,105L,113L,120L,135L)),
strand = Rle("*",8),
sites = as.character(c("s1,s2","s2,s1,s2","s2,s1","s2,s1","s2,s2,s1","s1,s2","s2,s1","s1,s2")),
isCluster = as.logical(Rle(TRUE, 8)),
status = as.character(Rle("PASS",8))
test_getCluster <- function() {
#general test t1#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 11, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, order = c("s1","s2"), s = "+", verbose = TRUE), t1)
#same previous test t1, but specifying sites "-" - so expecting NULL#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 11, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, order = c("s1","s2"), s = "-", verbose = TRUE), NULL)
#test t2 - get ONE cluster only#
checkEquals(getCluster(x2, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 1,"s2" = 2), greedy = TRUE, overlap = 0, s = "+", order = c("s1","s2","s2"), verbose = TRUE), t2)
#test t3 - get TWO clusters only#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, s = "+", verbose = TRUE), t3)
#test t4 - get one cluster having only sites s1 and s3#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 15, c = c("s1" = 1, "s3" = 1), greedy = TRUE, s = "+", verbose = TRUE), t4)
#test t5 - get NULL#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s3" = 1), greedy = TRUE, order = c("s1", "s3"), s = "+", verbose = TRUE), NULL)
#test t6 - get only two clusters and zero orderFail#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 50, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 3), greedy = TRUE, s = "+", verbose = FALSE), t6)
#test t7 - get two clusters and one orderFail#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 50, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 3), greedy = FALSE, order = c("s1","s2","s2","s1","s2"), s = "+", verbose = TRUE), t7)
#test t8 - get two clusters and two orderFail#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 50, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 2), greedy = TRUE, order = c("s2","s1","s1","s2"), s = "+", verbose = TRUE), t8)
#test t9 - get clusters not overlapping#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 16, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE), t9)
#test t10 - get overlapping clusters#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 16, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, overlap = -3, verbose = TRUE), t10)
#test t11 - get clusters with minimum gap of 6#
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, overlap = 6, verbose = TRUE), t11)
#test t12 - get two clusters regardless of strand information#
checkEquals(getCluster(x3, w = 16, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, overlap = -2, verbose = TRUE), t12)
#test t13 - regardless of strand information#
checkEquals(getCluster(x3, w = 16, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t13)
#test t14 - get clusters of s1 and s3 sites with s2 excluded#
checkEquals(getCluster(x4, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 0, "s3" = 1), greedy = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t14)
#test t15 - get one TRUE cluster and one with excluded sites#
checkEquals(getCluster(x4, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 0, "s2" = 1, "s3" = 1), greedy = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t15)
#test t16 - get two excludedSites#
checkEquals(getCluster(x5, w = 40, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2, "s3" = 0), greedy = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t16)
#test t17 - similar to t16 but Greedy = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x5, w = 40, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2, "s3" = 0), greedy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE), NULL)
#test t18 - get three consecutive excludedSites and One TRUE cluster#
checkEquals(getCluster(x6, w = 40, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2, "s3" = 0), order = c("s1", "s2", "s2"), greedy = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t17)
#test t19 - input GRanges#
checkEquals(getCluster(x7, w = 25, c = c("s1"=1,"s2"=2)), t18)
#test t20 - get TRUE cluster using site_orientation option - greedy = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x3, w= 20, c= c("s1"=1,"s2"=1), order= c("s1","s2"), site_orientation= c("+","-"), verbose= TRUE), t19)
#test t21 - get FALSE cluster using site_orientation option - greedy = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x3, w= 20, c= c("s1"=1,"s2"=1), order= c("s1","s2"), site_orientation= c("-","+"), verbose= TRUE), t20)
#test t22 - get TRUE cluster using site_orientation option - greedy = TRUE
checkEquals(getCluster(x3, w= 20, c= c("s1"=1,"s2"=1), greedy= TRUE, order= c("s1","s2"), site_orientation= c("+","-"), verbose= TRUE), t21)
#test t23 - get FALSE cluster using site_orientation option - greedy = TRUE
checkEquals(getCluster(x3, w= 20, c= c("s1"=1,"s2"=1), greedy= TRUE, order= c("s1","s2"), site_orientation= c("-","+"), verbose= TRUE), t22)
#test t24 - get FALSE clusters using site_overlap option
checkEquals(getCluster(x4, w = 30, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 0, "s3" = 1), greedy = TRUE, site_overlap=2, verbose = TRUE), t23)
#test t25 - cluster_by = 'startsEnds', greedy = F, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="startsEnds", include_partial_sites=FALSE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t24)
#test t26 - cluster_by = 'startsEnds', greedy = F, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = TRUE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 2), greedy = FALSE, order=c("s1","s2","s2","s1"), cluster_by="startsEnds", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t25)
#test t27 - cluster_by = 'endsStarts', greedy = F, no jumping cluster
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="endsStarts", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t26)
#test t28 - cluster_by = 'middles', greedy = F, no jumping cluster
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 7, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="middles", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t27)
#test t29 - cluster_by = 'starts', greedy = F, no jumping cluster
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="starts", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t28)
#test t30 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = F, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="ends", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t29)
#test t31 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = F, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = TRUE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="ends", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t30)
#test t32 - cluster_by = 'startsEnds', greedy = T, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="startsEnds", include_partial_sites=FALSE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t31)
#test t33 - cluster_by = 'startsEnds', greedy = T, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = TRUE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 2), greedy = TRUE, order=c("s1","s2") , cluster_by="startsEnds", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t32)
#test t34 - cluster_by = 'endsStarts', greedy = T, no jumping cluster
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, order=c("s1","s2") , cluster_by="endsStarts", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t33)
#test t35 - cluster_by = 'middles', greed = T, no jumping cluster and order = "s1,s2"
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, order=c("s1","s2") , cluster_by="middles", include_partial_sites=FALSE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, overlap=0, verbose = TRUE), t34)
#test t36 - cluster_by = 'starts', greedy = T, no jumping cluster
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 3, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="starts", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t35)
#test t37 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = T, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = TRUE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="ends", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t36)
#test t38 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = T, no jumping cluster and with include_partial_sites = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="ends", include_partial_sites=FALSE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t37)
#test t39 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = T, no overlapping clusters allowed and with include_partial_sites = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 20, c = c("s1" = 2, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="ends", include_partial_sites=FALSE, allow_clusters_overlap = FALSE, verbose = TRUE), t38)
#test t40 - cluster_by = 'middles', greedy = F, no overlapping clusters allowed and with include_partial_sites = FALSE
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 7, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="middles", allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), t39)
# test t41 - cluster_by = 'startsEnds', greedy = F, include_partial_sites = TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE and partial_overlap_percentage=0.3
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="startsEnds", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, partial_overlap_percentage=0.3, verbose = TRUE), t40)
# test t42 - cluster_by = 'startsEnds', greedy = T, include_partial_sites = TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE and partial_overlap_percentage=0.3
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="startsEnds", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, partial_overlap_percentage=0.3, verbose = TRUE), t41)
# test t43 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = F, include_partial_sites = TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE and partial_overlap_percentage=0.6
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = FALSE, cluster_by="ends", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, partial_overlap_percentage=0.6, verbose = TRUE), t42)
# test t43 - cluster_by = 'ends', greedy = T, include_partial_sites = TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE and partial_overlap_percentage=0.6
checkEquals(getCluster(x1, w = 10, c = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 1), greedy = TRUE, cluster_by="ends", include_partial_sites=TRUE, allow_clusters_overlap = TRUE, partial_overlap_percentage=0.6, verbose = TRUE), t43)
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